1959 Planning Village of New Hope ~lanuin~ Commission Yeb. 24 1959 Re~mlar meettn~ of..the New HoDe ~lannlng Commission was held tn the Vllla~.e Mall at ~200 Nevada Ave. at 7:30 ~.". ;Peb. 2,1959. "embers oresent were: Davis, 0h~an, ~rueger'~ Nielsen, Jessen, Sicora, ~d ~utson. Absent were: ~elso, Van A,~Wen and Bauer. "eetin~ was called to order by T, owell Davis, secreta~,, in the absents af Cbat~an Joe ~elso. Discussion r,~as held with ~*r. ,'fro. ~. Baile~- of mwfn Y~we realty Co~ on the ~ro~osed Subdivision of "or~~ C~pion "anor (bein~ a oart o~ the';Jo~th 1/2 of the ~._~. 1/a o~ Sect. V, tovmshlP 11~ ranre 21). ~'otfon was made by ~rueFer, seconded b}' Jessen that we recommend the acceotance of said olat as oresented,with the followtn~ revisions. ]]~ove Lot 3~ ~oc~ t allo~tn~ road to cut throumh that area. Revise I,ots 39, ~O,and ~1 to face on said roadway. ~he jO ft. road easment on south boundry of olat should extend ~:ast and '":est the full length of nlat. Aoorox. one acre South of T, ot ~9 ~lock 1 ~s not cont~olated in Dlatlnm of lots, and ma2 be utilized for Vi!late use at a later date if the Ftlla~e so elccts, "orlon Carri ~tseussion was held on ~rooosed plat of reel nlohm. .made by S~cora~ seconded by ~)avis th~.,t we recommend the acceptance of said ~lat as -oresented. "orion Carried° ~.Isc,~ssion ~-:as held on ~relt,~inar~ ~roDosal for ~rooosed Overhead ~trcet Lf~htiu? as ~resented b)~ lIorthern .~tates ~ower Co. "orion made b~ Jicora, seconded b$: "rue~er to table ar4y action on said ~ronosal until our next mectinF. "orion Carried. '"orion was m~de and seconded th:,~t the meetin, be adjourned° '~o tion Carried, recording Secretar2 ]~owell ~avf s T~e~'~lar meetin~' of-the New Z~o?oe ~la;unlzs.?- Cobra's!ss!on was held in the ~fti!a?e TTa!l at x200 }Tevada Ave, No, a"~c '~50 ~,'~ .?ebruary 16~ 1959, ~embers present were~ Weiso~ Ohman~ ~av!s~ Sicora~ ~rue~er.~ Nielsen ~nd ~nutson~ Absent were: Jess~, Vau AuWen ~nd ~initz~ ~'estin~ was called to order by C~~n ~elso. The minute~ of th~ last meet~n~ were read, ~nd acceoted as r~ed~ Biscussion was held on Street T,i~htln~ ~s orooosed by Horth~ e~ St~te~ ~ower Co~ on m~ d~ted J~n. ~ ?eco~u~end~tion m~de b~- 0~m~ seconded b~ Davls~ tBat street li~'htIn~ be taWen tn two sta~es~ ~'~st stage~ to be started soen es posible~ te be the ll~htln~ of m~!n strcets of Village as indicated by red dots on m~p~ Second sta~e~ to be deferred until a oubllc he~rtn~ cen be held on the li~htln~ of streets in the develooed area~ of the Vill~e as ~ndtcated by ~reen dots on map. '~otion C~rrl ed. "r Joe ~else ~Tes ~nstucted to contact "r "roll.ce ~er~ of the ~ederal ~[ousin~ Admin~strmtlen to h~ve their "r I'~rl "ann. C~ef T~nd ~l~un~n~ Consultant~ attend a Joint meet~n~ of the V~ll~e Couucll ~d ~l~nin~ Cemmisslon en ~ny '~ond~y even!n~ on or ~fter ~'~rch 16 19~9 ~t *:00 ~.". ['~xect d~te to be set es soon ~ow what date will be accsot~blc to ~r ~rl "orion m~de' by ~rueger~ second~d b~ ~utson that ~e recommend the V'lll~e Clerw send the "pls. St~r ~ req~est thet the n~s of New Hop~ be added tn the cl~sified section ~der [~176 to read Robblnsd~le~ Crystel~ New Hope. Also to ~dd the n~me of New Ne~e to their re~l estate ~ep oublish~d ~n th~ S~day edition of the clasifled sectiom~ ~'o~ion Cart! ~iscussion w~s held on Ce~mittsss for the ~la~in~ Co~ission for th~ year 1969~ No decision was m~de~ ~nd f~rther discussion w~s held over ~mtil our mext re~lar meetinz on ~arch ~ 19~9. ~ot!on was me~d~ ~d s~conded that the meetln~ be ~dJou~ed~ "etton Cmrri ed~ T:eco rd f.n ~. Secretary Zowei ! Davis ~'~!annin.~ Co~m~issioi~ ~arch 2~ 19Y9 Regular ~eet~n~ ef the New Ho~e ~lan~n~ Com~ission was held ut the Village Uall~ ~00 Nevada Ave~ ~Io~ at 7:Z0 ~"~ '~arch ~ 19~9 ~ · 'e~bers oresent were; Dav~s, ~elso~ Jessen~ ~utson, Ufelsen, ~tlnitz and 0hm~u. Absent were; :~icora~ ~rueger, aud Van Au?~en. '~eetln~ was called to order by chai~an Joe Felso~ The readin~ of the vreviouse meeting was disoensed with at th~s time~ ~'equest fro~ C~t~es 6ervice 3~1 Co~ for '~S~ec~al ~se ~e~it~ for service station on the ~z~EmE N.'~'~ co~er of UinnetWa Ave. and "ed~cfne La~e Rd. was recieved. Discussion was held 0n sa~e~ · 'otion made b~' Jessen seconded b~~ Nielsen that we recommend the request for '~SDecial ~se ~e~it" be ~r~ted. '~otion carried~ "r j~er I,~phere a~eared with oroposed plat in the ~.~:. 1/4 of s.l~. 1/~ sec.19 To%%~ship 1~8 range 21 to be '~o~ as Twin Te~ Linda. Discussion was held on above plat~ "otion ~.~de by uav~s, seconded b~.~ ~el~ en that we rco~end the avproval of oro~osed Twin Terra !~inda 01at subject to the aD0roval of our Village ~l~ ner ~r HasbrooW. "otion carried. ~roposed plat from "iller Schmidt Co. ~n oart of the N 1/2 of~ Sec. 6 Tovmshi~ l!~ ~'an~e 21 was rec~eved. D~scuss~on was held on above olaf. "orion made by ~initz, seconded by Jessen that we approve of the general olaf dest~ but req~est more info~ation on the followin~ subjects before we c~ 7ive f~l! a~oroval of olaf. l~ N~in~ of streets.,~.° Desi~ation of lot sizes. 3. Intended use of oversize lot o~ S.E. coH~sr of the 'Test a0 of olat. ~. Clairificat~on and intent of 30 ft. road ea~ent in S.i'~. co.er of plat headed toword laWe. "orion carried~ Coo~ og final ~lat of "orl--C~on Net~hts was recleved aud ~ d~scussed. "ot~on ~ade by Jessen seconded b~ ~'~nitz that above ~lat be referred bacW to "or~Cazolon for namin~ of the street~ and for clair~fication of front footawe of lots o~9~d l0 bloc?~ ~ to confo.~ to orooosed vlat~n~-~ord~nance "etlon carried. ~rooosed subdivision of "or~-Ca~on "anor was rec~eved for further study and recommendations. "orion made~'~b~ ~avis~ seconded by ~nutson that'~we recommend the ~lat~n~ of Blocws 3, ~, and that oortion of ~locw 5 com~risin7 of lots 2 thru l~. "orion carried. I~etter recicved fro~ John n. ~ander Co. dated ?eh.--17, 1959 ~request~u7 the rezonin~ of the twenty acres of the Flot~-e fa~. TBe half of th.e twenty acres co~erin~ "i~et?-a Ave. and Z6 th Ave. No. for commercial purposes and the west half of said twenty for · 'ultiole DwellinTs. D~scussion was held on rezonin~, request. "orion was made b~' 0hm~ and seconde~ b~ Neilsen that we recommend the Village Co~cil rezone said twenty acres for commercial use as requested. '~otion carried. · 'ot~on made by Jessen and seconded b~ 0h~ to table until our n~t ~eetin~, ~he oroposed s~etch submitted b~' Harlen ~eterson for yacht land l~in~ east of $~pter and north of ~5 th directly east of L.I,. ~eterson lot ~otton carried~ The followin~ committee's were set up w~th~n the ~lannin~ Co~lssion. ~ATINe - Davis, Wn~e~er and 0hm~ as chui~an. '.~0MINm - Minitz~ ~eilsen and Jessem as chai~. ORDINANCE- ~n~tson, Van Auwen and Sicora as chai~. ~0~ EAN~E - to be mad~ u~ of the chai~ fro~ all other committee's and the ~lan- nin~ Co~ission cha~an Joe Felso. "eetin~ was adjo~ed. Recordtn~ Secretary Lowell Davis ~e~ular meeti~a~ of the New Hope ~le~n%!kl? Co~u~issio~ was held aS the ~itia~ Ha!!~ ~00 ~evada Ave~ No~ at 7~S0 ~% ~%roh i9~ 19~9 ~ "embers vresent w~re: ~elso~ Dav!s~ ~ssan~ Sicora~ ~ue~er aud ~utson~ Ab'sent w~ru: 0h~.n~ Hinitz and Heliscn~ Als0 v~rc~ent w~s ~r Hasbrooc~ our Vills~e olamuer~ ~%etin~ was c~lled to order by Chai~ Welso. The ~fnutes of the ~srch ~ 19~9 ~eetinz ~ were read and acceoted ~s rsad~ Discussion was held on proposed sWetch sub~! tted by Harlen Weterson on vac~t land l~'~n~ ~mst of S~pter .Ave~ and north of th Ave~ directly east of the L.L~ Peter~on lot, '~otion made by Sicora and seconded by Davis that we reject proposed sYetch as ore~ sented~ as one lot doe~ not meet the reQut~ents of the Village on mtntm~ front footage on a Dublic street. ~':e ~lso request thst ~f r~submitted by ~r ~eterson~-thut he confo~ to the new Village ~latttn~ Ordinance ~9~1~ ~otion carried. ~lat of 0s~an's 9th Additlon~ which l~es predomln~tly~ln the V~lla~e of Crystal except for the qu~nity of four lots which lie tn the Village of New HoDe~ was recieved and discussion was held on s~e~ -otton was made b~- Davis ~d seconded by ~utson~ that - we approve this plat subject to the reco~endmtlons of "r Hasbroocw and the platt~n~ sub-co~ttee of the Dl~nin~ c arri ed, "r 0s~an then made the offer of %1,000.00 for the New HoDs ~rk ~ud if New Hope wo~d release to C~jstal aud C~stal wouid ~~ lots ,. ~. ~- ana li blocW 1 0s~s 9th ~'=~;~otion made y ~nutson seconded b2 Sicora that the pla~fn~ co~isston reco~ends that the Co~c~l ta~e the legal action to transfer this property to Crystal In case ~ "r Hasbrooc~ and the ~lattin~ s~b~committee reject 0st~'s 9th Addltion~ ~'otion carried~ '~rs Cl~ens at ~?ll ~ss La~e Dd~ appeared before the plannin~ co~ission and made the request that she be notified When Mr 0~ Jones submits his plat for that property 1}~inz east of ~d.adJacent to the Cl~s prope~y tn the N 1/2.of Sec. 6., To,ship ll~ Range 21~ ~'otion made by Jessen and seconded by ~utson that we rec- ommend the Council ~end the Zonin~ Ord. to a~it ~'ultiDle ~ellin~s on ~estdentiul property with a "Special use pe~it" and that. all persons within ~00 ft. of Droperty be notified of hearin~ on pe~it before b'ein~ ~ranted. ~'otion carried.. ~otlon made. b2 Jessen ~d seconded by Sicora~ ~ that the-"above re~o~endation be Used In h~in~ the i0 acres ~f the ~t~e fam requested to be rezoned for. ~tfole Dw611inzs. carried.. Discussion was held on the startin~ time for ~la~in~ Commission meetings and it was decided that we ~uld chanme sta~in~ time to ~:00 -orion mas made ~d seconded that we adJou~. "ot~on carried. Recordinm Secretary · owell Davis Village of New H~.e Olanning~ C ommi s sion ~-'arch 26~ 1959 Me~lar meeting of the ~ew Hooe ~lannin.m Commission wazJ held in the Village Hall~ ~ 2~00 Nevada Ave° Ho, ~ ~:00 P,", '~arch 26o 1959o ~embers ni~:.~nt were$ ~elso~ Davis~ 0hmano VrueFer and ~uutsono '~bcrs absen~ wor~; Jcsssn~ Sicorao Hinitz and H¢ilseno Also present was ~r Hasbrouw our Villame Olannero · ~eetin~ was called to order by "r ~elso, Chair~ano The ~inutes of the ~'arch 19, 1959 meetin~ were read and accented as read° ~iscussion was held with "r Hasbrou~ on Industrial Zonin~ in the Villa.~e of Mew Hone° The Soo Line v~lll be contacted in .order im~ to met their~ views on the deve!o-~o~ent of Industrial nroperty alon~ their tractname in the Villame of New Hope° Contact has been made v~ith '~..~o A. in re~ards to a meetin~ with so~eone from their Chica~c~ office of Land ~lann!n~ '?e have been informed that the~ will hav~ a reoresentative at our A~r~l 9~ 1959 re~elar n~etinm of the ~launln~ Co~isslon~ "~e would l~we to e~t~nd an fnvitatio~ to o~ll r~,~b~ers of the Village Council that would wish to ~eet with ~s and the ?.}~,A~, to ~et their v~ws on Land ~l~iu~ for our Villaze~ to olease do so at o:00 ~.~'. on A~ril 9 th~ There bein~ no further business to come before th~s mcetin~ ~.otion wa~ ~ade and seconded that we adjourn° .~otion carried° Decordin~ Secretar2 T~owell Davis following mer~bers ~re present; Keiso~ Davis~ Sicora~ Krueger~ jessen~ Neilson¢ Hinitz, Xnutson¢ and our new member ~¢ Menardo The following ~¢ absent Ohr¢~e n The meeting was called to order by our chairman Kelso ~introduced Mro Douglas Jo Menar~ 8000 South. View Road Ke ~=?4~?to the rest of the ~embers~who attended his first meeting with us as a regular ~ember of the New Hope ~lanning co.miss!on replacing M~o Van A~keno Correction to April 9~ 19~9 ~eeting ~inutes the part of Del Heights words Platt # be corrected to read Block # per ~o Davis° Sicora reported on the meeting he attended with. Melee and Hosbroek, village planner regarding strip zoning hearing,a complete written report dated April 16~ 19~9 was submitted to planning com~nission along with a Motion by Sicora to explore the possibilities for rezoning oF commercial property and to notify all property owners by mail and those affected by the new rezoning ordinance be notified to appear at the regular planning commission meeting, THURSDAY, APRIL ~0~ 1959 at 8~00 PoMe for public hearing and notice to appear in the village official paper° Second by Davis Motion Carried° Representatives from the Minneapolis Gas Company Mr Charles ~o Cowan~ Mro Patterson andattorney for the Gas Company appeared regarding erecting of a ~00 foot tower and a transmitter building shout 8~x8~ size to be of ~teel constructzono Motion by Jessen: Grant authority and necessary ~rocedures to allow the Minnespoli~ Gas Co~p~.ny to proceed witch radio to.er and transmitter atatlon building per their platt° Second by Davis Motion carried~ The BrenoWiok P~att was discussed ~nd Kelso explained a phone call f~om the village engineer ss follows concerning this platt° Grade~ of Streets Acceptable ~nd the Gride pattern about all that can be done to this platt° No report fro~ the village $~z~i planner because not enough ti~e to examine platt and submit a report° Letter dated April 15~ 1959 fro~ M©ses~ ?riedell and Share, Attorney representing the Tedesco fsmily concerning objections and requesting de~ay in approving of the Brene~*ick Platt'until they !~-d a chance to examine s~meo Motion by Jessen: to refer to Platting Committee for study and review with the village planner and to have recommendations ready for the public meeting Monday, April 20¢ 19~9 at 8:00 PoMe Second by Krueger, Motion Carried° ~otion by KrUeger~ to notify persons affected in writting of the abutting ~operty of the time and place of the hearing on the BrenoWick Platt° Second by Hinitz Motion Carried° i of 2 pages The t~tter f~ H~st Co~uittee Mat~o~al Planni~'ig ~ ~n~ ....... ~ ~ ~?~ registration was r~ado ~ Motion by Jes~e~ Requesting VILLAGE C0~fNCIL to approve $30o00 oxpenditure for the planning com~ission to attend the forth coming planning conference to be held at the Lexington Hotel dates of ~ · ~ 10 to May 14o Second by Sicora Motion Carriedo Motion by Jessen: To ckange Section 5 F~ paragraph 2 a of Platting Ordinance from 15 days to 21 days on the time for review by the Planning Commission be proposed to the Village Council° Second by Sicora Notion carried The letter of resignation by Mac Lowell Fo Davis was read and also the letter from our chair~an Mr Keso accepting Mr~ Davis resignation because of his moving out of our village int° another and conmenting on the fine Job he has performed for our co~missiono We all hope he will continue his efforts in his new village home° The planning coamission accepted this resignation with regret being that Mro Davis was such a active member and t the fine job he performed as the planning commissic~J~s recording secretary° ~o Davis resignation effective May l~ 1959 from tls co~missiono Discussion regarding a NEW NAME F0R OUR VILLAGE was brought up and all commission members instructed to rep~t back on ideas april S0th meeting° T~e meeting was ADJOURNED at 10~45 PoMo until Monday April 20, 1959 at 8~00 PoMo Recording Secretary DONALD Co KNUTSON 2 of 2 pages age of N~ Hop~ PLANNING CC~ISSION Needing ef the NEW HOPE. PL~NITING COmmISSION was ~Id ~ the V~ ~ 4~ N~ A~e ~h at 10:~5 P.M~ ~s~y~ AprLt 9~ 1~59 a~ a m~ting he~ ~h ~$~~e ~ the F~ H~sing A~str~ti~n~ bui~ers~ the absence of our chairman Mro Kelso the acting chairman was Mro O~man~ Members present ~ere Ohman~ Davls, Sicora~ lrueger~ Nielsen~ Hinitz and Ermtaon present Mr. Sherman Nasbroek~ Village P~mer ar~ ~. Robert We Rosene of Bonestreo and Asseciates~ Inc. Members absent~ Kelso and Jea~em~ Nomi~ation by Sicora tha~ DONALD Co ENUTSON take ever duties aa secretary, se~omt motion carried° The acting ch~ N~o 0bean infoz~ed ne~ secretary to star% with recording of this meeting~ Plat of DEL HEIGHTS plan p~par~d &pri~ 7, 19~9 £Li~_, #17~§ by ~as~sll Engineering Oompany conce~ing Plat ~1, all, Pla~ #2~ lots 1 thzm 11~ Plat ~3~ lot~ I thr~ 6 and Plat ~4 lots 1 thru ~ onlyo be considered ~y the pla~nin~ eommissiono Motion by $icora and second by Nimitz that the plan as ~por~ved by the Federal Housing Administration and aa submitted ~ ~ccepted ~th exceptio~ t~t provistom be made,by %he eontractors~ for sewer ¢onnecti~n~ off r~aahole !ocr%ed ~a~ 4$th Avenue and to make provision ~ f~r eas~ent of sewer th~ Plat #1 in area of Iota 2~3~4 an~ dean through lots 15,16 and 17 whichever lots l~® up for l~t lines for ~ewer easement~idth refer to Or~uce r~q~rem~:~mo A discussion of Plat ~st :gin~et~.~ P~rk ~c~~tion ~ted ApE1 8 ~ !~9 was ~b~it¢~d mud di~eu~$~ ~~ ~ ~e ~t~n ~c~e~atio~ ~t~d ~:p~l 8~ 1959 ~ ~. Robe~ W. Ros~ ~ ~ ~n~t~ ~ud plats ~e for ~a~ ~e ~ the other p~tt ~~d ~ ~r all p~tting of t~s $icora made recomendation to have .the Ordanee eommittee~ chairman Xelso and ar~ other interested persona meet ~ith Mr Haabrock~ village planner during noon hour~ . ef STRIP ZONING ommmereial amd to have April 16th meeting to pass on no~ifioatio~ to parties concerned to a%tend April 30 meeting as public hearing on resoning of effected property° Ne further business at hand the meeting was adjourned at 11:4% P. Mo until Thur~ta~ April 16t~hm 1~ 8 Pom~ Recording ~ecretary D~nald Co Kmatse~ Planning ooma~aaton maetings held the FIRST THL~DAY .e?~rthe ~tr~la~ eo~l moe~ingo ~ of the Village A~Journed r~lar ae~ting of the planning commission ) ~ of New Hopes Minnesota was held at the Village Hall~ ~4200 N~vada Ave° north on April 20~ i9~9 at 8~00 PoMo Meeting was called to order by our chairman kelso° Members present: kelso~ Ohman. Sicora, Krueger~ Jessen, Knutson Hinitz and Menardo Members absent: Davis, Nielson The Bren*Wick Platt was held over so objections could be heard and time given to parties affected by this platt to examine itc The following people were present and wanting to be heard regarding the Bren~wlck platt°, Mro Elmer Sathre, Mr° Albert So Tedesco appearing with attorney Mr° Gerald Ho Friedell~ Mro George Nason representing Diocese of Sro Paul, Re Gethemane'Cemetaryo Mr Wic~ and Mr° Ac Palme~ representing Bren~Wick Hills, Inco as the platters and mx~l~xmx~$ explaining there platt to the commission add the people present° Mr~ Arnold Palmer Presented the Hopewood Hills Platt for comparison study to the comm~ission regarding this platting working in with the Bren~Wick platt° The letter dated April 18, 1959 from Mr° Sherman So Has~ouck, village planner was rsad to the co:umission and persons pre~,~t in which he is greatly concerned by the speed and lack of careful r~view of new sub~ divisions ~ and that the new subdivisions are not confor~ing'to the regualations~either as to procedure, required data, or design standards° The Bren~Wick platt is typical° Here we have gridiron platt very suited to the favorable~ rolling topography of the village° This is abundant ~ evidence that grid platting increases traffic hazzards and reduces property ~mim~ values(and ulimately, the tax base~)o The enclosed platt includes some suggested changes that would correct some of the worse defects in the platt° These defects include: 1~ Lack of c°llector~thru street° 39th is ~m~preferrable to ~Oth, 2~An intoernable thru street intersection at ~Oth and Decatur° 3~ An unnecessary street west of Block 5 h~ Rigid gridiron platting between Boone and Xylon~ end of report submitted by Mr~ Hasbrouck on Bren~Wick Platt° Mr° Gerald Hmo Fiedell Attorney for Mr° Ac Tedesco objecting to Strait Grid on South of Platt abutting the TedesCo property~ Motion by Jessen: The twenty (20) acres constituting block 1~2 and 3 of the proposed Bren~wick Hills addition for approval subject to Mro~Hasbrouck, village planners, recommendations° second by Krueger further ~Chalrman Kelso asked all persons present if the had any ~w~mr objections before asking for a vote by the commission onthis platt~No further objections were presented by the persons outside of the commission that were present~ Motion was voted on and carried (9:00 PoMo) i Of 2 pages April 21~ t9~9 AV©J-OUR~-ED ~ETiNG OONT~D,j ~o Fred Oo Si~s appeared before the co~m~.ission regarding annexation of E ~ of lot ~4~ Auditors Subdivision #324 and to present to the commission a copy of a letter dated April 209 19~9 addressedto the Village Council° The letter was ~EAD and a motion by jessen: To reco~m~en~ the annexation of E~ of Lot 3~ auditors subdivision Nu~uber ~24 'be considered by the village council as presented by Mro Si~s Second by Knutson Motion Carried Meeting was adjourned until ThurSday April 30, 19~9 8:00 PoMo NOTES~.#i #2 Deputy clerk informed secretary the engineer of the Diocese wants to see ~ Bren~Wick platt before approval° Refer minutes of March 19~ 1959 concernin~ M~o Sims property made by Mro OsT~ano (planning co~mission me~ting} 2 of 2 pages · NE%T HOPE PLANNING O0:'4MI~SION The regular meeting of the New Hppe Planning Comm~i~sion was continued after the public hearing that started at 8;00 PoMo April 30, 1959o Members present were: Kelso, Ohman~ Krueger, Jessen, Neilson, Henitz~ Knutson, and Menard Members absent were: Sicora Chairman Kelso called'the regular planning commission meeting to ordero Mro anderson of our village visited Our meeting and showed interest in how our planning commission operates° M~o Ohman thanked Mro Hasbrouck on his fine presentation to the people who were present for the hearingo The April 18, 1959 commission minutes part concerning noticem to be mailed of the April 30, 1959 public hearing on rezoning to persons affected° The secretary stated to the planning commission that he could not get thenotices into the mail intime, because of the time consuming task and the changing of property owners. The thing he did was to distribute notices aromnd the Village leaving copies of April 23~ 1959 notice thatappeared in the North Hennepln Post too as manny people as possible =th~ seC~tary'was requested to check with the village attorney on legal opinion of thi~ action° CORRECTION~to the minutes dated April 18, 1959 concerning motion by Jessen should read ~Request the village Council to g~nt authority and necessary procedures to allow th~ The Minneapoli~ Ga~ Company to proceed with the radio tower and transmitter station building per corrections by Kelso and Jeasen; Correction to April 18~ 1959 ~inut~s wording of ~vo H~brouck letter mentioned the words very suited should read very uneuitedo Co=rections to Minmtes of April 21= 1959 concerning the Jessen motion should read: To recommend th~ detachment of E~ of Lot 3h auditors subdivision number 32~ be considered by the village council as presented by Mro Sims° second by Knutson Motion carried (per Jcssen and Kelso correction) Planning comuission asked to delay action on new name for the Village of New Hope till next regular meeting° The following members to attend some parts of the Planning co~mission meeting May 10=1~ at lemington Hotel, Kelso, Krueger~ Menard, Ohman, Neilson, ~icora, Knutson and and the following members of Village Council that would be interested to fill out our ten members, Honsey, Collie~, and Trucker° Motion by Jessen meeting be adjourned ~,~1.~~~ second by Kruegero The meeting was .adjourned at 10:~5 P.M. until the eall of the chair° Recording secretary DONALD Co KNUTSON The preli~narY hearing of the rezoning Am advertised April 23, 1959 in the North Hennipen Post was held on April 30, 1959 at 8:00 P.M. in the Village Hall, ~200 Nevada Avenue North' New Hope~ Minnesotao ~"~e planning commission chairman, MPc KelSo called the hearing to orders The secretary read aloud the published notice as appeared in the april 23, 1959 edition of the North Hennepin Post advertising the hearing° ~o Hasbrouck, Village Sz~ Planner talked on reasons against strip zoning of commercial:property and gave seven (7) reasons for this and distributed written copies to all persons present~ Mrs. Corrick, village attorney, was asked for a few words concerning the hearings 1~ ~ro Bartlett: ~Represented-property owners of lot 5~8 howland heights, Medicine Lake Road one block east Highway 18o Opposes any rezoning in their area° 2= M~. HOrk, M~o Bar~ett and Mr° Besner: Block 7 their reasons for objecting to the rezoning is what thcs planned for future development in a Joint venture~and based theirObJections Jointly that the land they own was bought upon advise of village officers and paid a commercial price° Mrs BettyPouliot~obJects to increasing the commercial zone to 330 feet it would bring the zone up to her lot and she would lose the buffer area between residential and commercial area which now exists under the existing ordanceo ~Benson-Evans 8outhside of Bass Lake ~oad and eastside of county road 18 R~quests for eoa~tssion to hold this particular area for commercial uhtill ~2~ax spring of 1960o They discussed plans for future forecast of their area (prosposed Bas~' Lake addition) 5~o Kurpiesz=Representing Jewetts place and alI others along Bass Lake Road from Sumter to Geo. Petersono Nort~ and south side of Bass Lake ROad starting on east cf sumter to Peterson~ land west, Virginia Avenueo THEY REQUEST NO CHANGE° 6~s Richert~Representing Mr~ Clemens Ao~ BOther, northsied Bass Lake Road from Sumtner'to Winnetka~=ObJecting to rezoning ~suggest leave this up to the developers for their own ideas~ Mrs. Clemens~north and south side Bass Lake Road and West of Winnetka. Ave. wants lant to be left to developers for their own ideas° 8-M~o Hewey L, Pe~erson; ~0 acres east of ~mx highway 18 southside of county read 101~NOW HAS GRADING PERMIT. requests leaving 10 acres northwes~ as commercial of the 40 acres (noWo ~now. ~of n.Wo ~, section ~ he is agreeable to discontinue of commercial zoning that lies east of those 10 acres. one of two pages HEARING OP REZONING CONT"Do $~Letter from Robbinsdale Packing Company,Inco dated April'29, 1959 objecting to rezoning of any_portions of lo2e one th~u ~en, block and Iota one thru ten block § Howland Heights. The hearing was concluded at 9:~5 P.M. THE REGULAR MEETING WAS CALLED TO FOLLOW THE HEARING. Recording Secretary DONALD C. ENUTSON PAGE TWO OF TWO PAGE8 PLANNING coMMIsSION NEW HOPE. MINNE90TA The adjourned meeting was called by our chairman Kelso at 7:45PoM~ May 6, 1959o Members present were; Kelzo. Ohman, Krueger, Jessen, Neilson and Knutson Members absent wre; $icora, Hinit~ and Memard The commission took up the proposed platt of West Winnetka Park° The Village Engineers report of may ~, 1959 and the Village Planners report of MAy 1, 1959 were read ~ aloud in the presence of Mro Murray of Associated Contractors, Inco Motion by Ohman: Recommend approval by the Village Council to the proposed platt of West Winnetka Park excluding entire southwest quarter (40 acres) subject to possible street d~signationo second by Knutson Motion carriedo The platt by Fo & Ro Realty, XnCo De Vries addtion: Motion by Jessen to recommend this platt be referred to Plattin Committee with report at next regular meeting of the planning com~issiono Mro Krueger of Platting Committee took platt for examination° Motion by Krueger~ to recommend approval by Village Council to approve the proposed platt as is of the Fo& Ro Realty~ inCo the Gwynneoo Additono $~cond by Neilson Motion carriedo~ Motion by Ohman that the meeting be adjourned second by Jessen Motion carried° Meeting adjourned at 8:~5 PoMo until the first Thursdmy after the regular council meeting° Recording Secretary DONALD Co KNUTSON Regu2_~? meeting of the ~ ~ommisaion of ~he Village of Ney Nope~ was held at the village hall~ 2200 ,Nemm~la Avenue Ne~,h on Nay lb, 19%~8:1~ PoMo (Reason for la~e star~ door loeked no ~ en pla~ eemmisaloa has key~ so all membera ha~ to wait fo~ the N~ Hol~ Patr~m~n to ,~l~ek the ~ ~ Vil~ Co~il~ ' ~ ~1 ~ H.~ aoo~r~ ~f~ ~e c~sion r~ing ~ c~der t~ ~ng ~ the Vi~ ~ ~is~s~ ~th a f~ of the foxing Recording DONALD Co KNUTS0~ VILLAGE OF }rfl~ HOPE PLg~NG CO~ISSI©N NOTICE OF pREL~NMINARy PUBLIC HEARING OF REZONING COMMERCIAL PROPERTY AND AMENDII~'G ZONING ORDINANCE Village o,f New Hope, Minn. N'otiee is hereby given that the Plannin~ Jgbmm. ission of the Village of New t-][~p~ Thursday, April 30, 1959 at 8:00 ~.M. ir ~~ ~ 28, l~g9 at t~ Vil~ H~ h2~ ~ A~o ~, ~g ~r ~,~ w~,~ ~, ~0o ~ ~ ..... North to explore the possibilities for re. zoning of certain COmmercial property and to amend the New Hope Zoning Ordinance ~~ p~~ K~ ~ J~ ~t~ ~~ ~d M~ t .... 'lude paragraphs I, 3 6, 7, 8 and 9 ~f section 5 except for prop~rtle~ mow being used in commercial purposes and except for properties located within 330 feet of the ~a ~.e~ 8i~o~ ~d ~e~ following intersecti .... l~Winnetka age. and Bass Lake Road 2~County ~oad ~o, 18 and Bass Lake Road ~u~s ~m ~ ~ meeg~ ~ ~ ac~ as ~e 3--Rockford Road(42nd ave, No.) and Winnetka 4--Rockford Road (42nd ave. No.) and County Road No. 18 ihan shopping center site at North-[ ~i~ ~ ~~ ~eo~d ~0 ~h~ ~e 00~ ~ ~p~ of ~h 6--36th Ave. ~o. and Connty Ro,ad No. 18. ?~Medieine Lake Road and Winnetka ~bJect to ~ i~~ ap~. ~o~ ~ Jess~-~H~ion O~ <o~h~ ~. ~o~,~ ~e~ ,~ o. - ~orthwes~ corner) ~Medicine Lake Road and County Road No. 18 reference in this matter will be heard a~ ~o~ ~ ~~c~ that the liEa~ ~uncil ~ t~ b~l~nt .o~a~ c, x~u~so~ Secretary, ~anning Co~m. ~t~ction of at~ched g~a ~ ~t~n flw feet of ~pe~y ~.*' (mb~h~a ~, The X0,rthH ..... pin Post. ~o~ ~ N~~ti~ C~ ,t~il 23, 1959). The commission discussed the past ~n~ hearing of April 30 on the rezoning of the Village aa advertised in North Hennipen Post April 2~ and the p ~!anning. eo~ission makes the follouing reaommendations to the Village Council8 ....... PARAORAPH ~%ion by Jess, hi Recommend to village council to accept rezoning as advertised' pertaining to Paragraph one Bass I~ke Road em~ept those portions of 36 Audi~t~-s~~vi~ion 226 of lots 3600,3800 and 7000 now zoned commercial would remain ~ ..... and excep~ those por'~ions of northuest ~ of southwest ~i ~ of sou%hvest {~ section 6 lying south of Bass Lake Road. second by Ohmar~Motion carried ?ARAGRAP~ T;HREE*~* Motion by ess.mt Reco~nd to village council to accept rezoning aa a~A~ ~,~' ~"~Pe~nir4~ to paragraph thee e~cept .~rthwest seeonfl by ~o~ Motion carried. PARAGRAPI[ SIX~ Hotion by lienardt Recommend to village council ~o accept re~oning as advertised ~ning to paragraph six except the following evel~thing east of hrinnetka that~ ia l~tly zoned commercial to 'remain commercial. ~econd by Nielsen Motion PARA~[APH ~E~** Motion by Ohman recommend to village council to accept rezoning as advertt~pert~xtning.'to paragraph aeVOno see0. n~'by Hinit$****mo~ion ~.caxwied. PARAORAPH EIOHT*** Motion by Hinttsl reo~ae~d to ~..village council to accept re~oning aa adverti~ed".~pertaining to paragraph eight except lea,'ving the ten (10) acres known aa block 8e~ (?)r~OWland ~eights. ~nd northeast corner as .~ow zoned° second by Ohman, PARAORAP~ I~TNE~ Motion by ltienardt recommend to ?illage council to accept rezoning as adver~isedgertaintng to paragraph -tn, ea~ept:::~s~ .ha!f 'of block six of 'ltowland lt~ights remains oOmme~ial, second by Hi. ts ~gio~.'"earriedo ' ~is completes .%he planning commissions full recomme~.. _ed. report on rezoning to the village council" " ' ' ltee~ ,~Cl~lonrnedt Next meeting Thursda~ June 11, 1959 8~00 Donald Ce ~nutaon Village of New Hope Planning Commission June 23, 1959 The village of New Hope planning commission meeting was called to order at 8 p.m. Thursday, June I1~ 1959 at the village hell, ~200 Nevada Ave° NCo by our chairman Kelso. .. Members present: Kelso, Krueger, Jessen, Knutson, Hinitz Members Absent : 0hman, Sic.fa, Neilsen and Menardo The Minutes of the May 29 meeting was read and the following corrections to be made. Correction by Jessen to Paragraph one should read: Motion by Jessen: recommend to village council to accept rezoning as advertised pertaining to paragraph one, Bass Lake Road except those portions of lot 36 auditors subdivision 226 Parcels 3600, 3800 and 7000 now zoned commercial would remain commercial and except those portions of northwest ~ of southwest ~ of section 6 lying south of Bass Lake Road° Second by 0hman motion carried second correction by Krueger~ correction ~otion carried Correction by Jessen to paragraph three should read: Motion by Jessen; recommend to village council to accept rezoning as advertised pertaining to paragraph 1~hree. second by Ohman-motion carried second correction by Hinitz-ocor~ection ~otion carried° Correction by JesSen-to paragraph six should read; Motion. by Menard: recommend to village council to accept rezoning as advertised pertaining to paragraph six except everything east of Winnetka that is presently zoned commercial to remain commercial° second hy Neilsen, Motion c~rriedo Correction second by Knutson, corrected motion carried. Hinitz made motion to accept minutes as corr~dted second by Jessenomotion carried. Motion'by Krueger to recommend to council tochange the name from NEW HOPE to Silver Hills if after a study of'the cost, this action is found feasible. second by Hinitz~ In favor, Kelso, Krueger, Jessen, Hinitz 0pposed~-~ Knutson Motion by Hinitz: recommend to village council to draft a leash ordinance to be placed on the ballot at the next Generml Election second by Krueger motion carried. Motion by Jessen: recommend to village council to draw up necessary ordinance to set up a park board~ second by Hinitz~-Motion carried° M Motion by Hinitz to adJoun the meeting second by Knutson-~Motion Carried° Donald Co Knutson Secretary MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1959 8P.M. at VILLAGE HALL Vil!mge of New Hope Planning Co~is~ion The Village of New Hope Pla~oing Co~ssi©n mooting %~as called to order at 8 PoM Thursday June 25, 1959 at the v'~~ ,, . o _~.,~ Hall, 4200 Nevadm Ave'~ Nco by our chairman Keleoo Members and M~nardo Kelso, Sicor~. K~u~g~r~ J~sson~ Ni~Isen~ Knutson, Hinitm Members abeent: Ohman The minutes of june 1!, 1959 m~eting ~as read and accopted as read° M. Vo Curtis Hanson r~pr~s~nting M,~tropolit~n Royalty rega~ding Meadow Lake Heights first addition pm~limln~y plato ~ega~din$' p~Opo~ed plat ~nd topography of ps?t of · oction 6~ To 118~ R 2%o The .plan~,. w~e ~o ~'o Han~on fo~ th~ rsm~on of lack of info~uation ~nd to ~dh~r~ to tho vill~g~ p!~tting o~dlnanoes oF which ho w~s givsn a o0py~ ~ ~otion by Kru~ger~Revi~.d plmns to be pr~sentod direct to Mr~ 8hsr~n Hambrouck i~o~o his r~co~endations second by Ni~l~en~Motion ca~ried~ Question wam rai~ed during th~ p**ann~ng co~mlssion ~ting r~garding the Platt of the Oo Paul ~$ones prope~y and th~ ~t~set wm,~E now in p~og~ess a copy of Pl~tt ~ould be appr~cimt.d by the ~'~l~~ commission for ~eference purposeso Disacus~ion of 85~ f~ont~ge tabled to next a~etingo Motion by Hinitz~Reco~end to villagc cc~ncil to ado,pt an ordinance p~ohiblting the moV.msnt of buildi~gs into the Vill~ge of New Hope ~econd by Knutmon .... ~otion carri.do No further bumin~s~ before, b~ ~'~im~' ~ adjourn the ~®eting -~s~cond by Heinitz~otion ca~i~d Donald C~ Knutson NEXT ME!~ING**** T~tU~D~!Y ~OLY 16, 1959 8 P~.Mo A regolar meeting of the Plaur~ing Commis~ion of the Vi!i~g~ of New Hope held at the Village Hail~ ~200 Nevada Av~ae North on July 16, 1959o Members present w~re~ Ohmgu~ Jenson,' Kru~ger, Stcora, Menard~ M~mbers abs~nt~ Ke!~o~ l~utSon~ HLuitz, Nielsen. Mr. Jess~n acted as t~por~y chairman ~ the absence of the regular cheirman, Mr~ Kelso~ The first order of busLuess was the hearing on the proposed Meadow Lake Heights addition° Commeuts from the Village Planner ~d t~ VLil~ge Engineer regard~ug this proposed plat were read and discussed. ~o H~uson of Metropolit~ Realty end Mr. Mo%~r.~ contractor who pl~us to do the bu~id!~g in this ar®a were al~o pr~sento In discussing the revision sugge~ted by ~ Hasbrouck~ who. favored contour platting to som~ ext~nt~ it developed that a proble~ ~wisted regarding the adjacent proper~y immediately to 'the West~ o'~ed by Mr. M~a~ The problem of what to do with this property ~a discussed at great !e~th. Mr. Nels Jessen ~nd ~.~o Y~lia ~re present at this hearing and gav~ their comment~ on this problem. Motion was made by Men~rd~ seconded by K~.eger, to rock, end to the Council that the plat of the Meadow Lake Heights let Addition b~? )m~)~?a~ to provide 50 foot str~et right-of-ways for D~catur and Ensign Av~ ~s~ ~_th Carol! left at 60 feet, ~d to leave a 23 foot strip as an outlot along the West side of the proposed addition for eventual use with the 248 foot ~de adjacent piece of land to the West~ This wou~.~L~ permit a 50 foot street right-of-way in the adjacent piece of land as well as minimum size lots on both Bides of the street~ It w~s further reco~aend(L~d that the Village Attorney have tb~.s agreement on the 23 foot strip of l~ud ~n the West side of the propoued Mead~ ~_~ke Heights 1st addition prope~J~ly dra~n up in a letter. Motion carried~ Mr. Evans and ~. Benson appeared ~ith th~ir preliminary plat of Bass Lake Road Additi~ They want to replat most of this area to take advantage of natural features in conto*'~r platting. Thoy would _like the assistance of our Village Planner, ~o Hasb~ouck, on this, as well as some ~uformation on the location of sanitary sewer main~, if possible° Since this area will be served by the Northwest Truck they were referred to Orr-Schelen for the proposed location of the ~fnso These people were also referred to the Village ~ugineer, Mr. Rosene, for further a~simtance. ~o Mich~letz appeared before the commission to discuss his proposed plat of his four acres located at the Southeast cor.uer of 60th Avenue North and County Road !8. He w~nts to plat 10 lots in this area and wants to put in a road South frc~ 60th Avenue, one block East of County Road 18.. Motion was made by Krueger, seconded by Menard to h~ve m public meeting at the next Planning Commission meeting, July 30, for the purpose of discussing plans for use of adl the land in this area L~±'t~r dated J~ 1.5, i959 from th~ i~L% regs:~'~.ng the West Winnetka Park Plat ~ Pead~ This ~tter ~ag h~ld ovor ~til tb~ ne~t me,ting to enable a of the most r~cent plat. of thi~ addition, L~tter dated july 15, 1959 ~ the FHA r~garding the }{ork Campion ~nor Addition referred to th~ Co~zucil ~Lncs the first portion off this plat has re!ready be~n accepted by th~ Vi.]lage~ Rhe.re b~ no i~rther business to corn{: before the F±~i~ C~ssion~ a-~otion wa~ m~de by Sicora, seconded by Me~rd~ to adJour~ Mol Ohman Acti~g Secret~ry re,mr m~ti~g of the Ylaur~f ~m~ieslon of the Vilta&~ of held ~t the ~3~ge Hall ~a August 13~ 1959~ ~r~ Ab~nt~ Niel~en~ ~Mez.~d and Ohmano ~uty 16th aud. 30th ~.~i, read. ~.d approw~d~ L~tter of re~t$~tien fro~ D~n FOm~t~on wa~ ~d a~d placed on file ~th D~p~ty Olerk~ i~iotion ~mm ma~e by Siccra~ meconded ~ ~pt the r~:aismtion, of Don E~ut~on., Di~.~aion ~ held ou ~u~tting ~s of p~ople to Council to fill ~iecumsien ~ held on ~o~.m~ending to the Co,cell to ~d or--ce the n~r of ~~ f~ 9 to 7~ Discu~mien l~d o~r to ti'lc ~r~ ~ordon J~son appeared with ~.~'a~gz of ~at for the ~sion of ~nd~d 59th Av~e No~h i'~.to hi~ p:~ty ~d ~aeL~ a c~-~c at th,~ ~d thereof on kl.~ ~ the t~ adJo~ p~ces of ~~y ~fected, Cot~cil to accept pl~t as pre.~eutcd,~ Motion carried, ~tion warn ~de by Jess~u~ s~c~nded by S!cor~.~ that we roc~d to the ~o~ueil th~ they ~c~ept Gordon Jol'mson~'a request to ~.ve all other requirement of the PlmttinE C?din~tce upon his preee~ut~tion of l~tter r~quemting the .~ame~ ..~ .... ~o~edo p~y~ 2~ L~% to Ne]~ Jess~n for hi~ by E~u®g~r to ~ecmmaud t~ the Council to amend the Zo~i_r~ Ordinance~ .~. asnece~ary, t~ axclude reaidentlal and c~r~ial mae on all property now la~=t'i1y zoned hawing Ludu~t~lalo Motion ca.~'lect, Discussioa was h~Id ~u renu..~st~g that the Plaur~ ~mmmisaton received a cop~ of all n~w or ~m~mded ordimance ~'-~$~d ~y th~ Ooumeilas ~oon as poasible~ after ap~s~Ee. A memo, frc~ Mro .W~sbr~;u~k ~ated July ~, 1959 to all members of the Ple~n~g Cammission, ~a~ read. The ~asenee of the m~mo ~as the dedicatio~ of l~ud or e~h for development of .cur Vt~.~ge P~ks. A lengthy and highly eonstructive disemssion ~ hel~ on thi~ issue, ~ ~ ~ ~p~e~ o~ th~ ~ p~t~ s~ ~nt~ ~ the ~ Ho~ V~e ~k ~ either ~% of the ~d ~ thei~ p~t or ~% of the V~ue of ~e r~ ~d ~ plat ~d the t~ o~ ~ont~buti~ ~ ~ aud e~ ~t ~l ~ dete~d ~ the V~e C~c~ ~o~on Acting Secretary Meeting was called to order by Oh~ Kelso. ~.{~he~.s pPement: Kelso, Jessen~ Sicora~ K~esep, Hi~.tz ~d ~lielsen. ~D. utes of pre~ous meet~ }~ere ~ead ~d approved. ~ extr~ meetin~ ~s requemted hy h'P. Hasb~uck. Da~e was set for 8:00 p.m~ on October 8~ ~scussion was held on the ~quest fop rezo~n~ of the North ~he F~st ~50 5/I~ of No~h-~st ~ South of Rockfo~ Road~ Section To~s~p 118 ~e 21 by F & R Re~ty C°. ~. Pa~ Schw~tz~ adJeoent P~rty o~er,voiced his o~Jections to the re est m~e by Sicora, seconded by I~+.~ +~ _~-__ .~ · ~otion was ....... · ~ ==~er =his ~quest to ~.~. H~brouCk for his rec~en~tion. ~{otion caP, ed. Plat of ~e ~-{~n~s pro, seal Sub~sion of Lot 8, ~zel ~ Ad~tion was received ~d ~scussed. Motion ~ ~tz, seconded by ~eger~ ~o have ~puty Clerk set up ~blic He~L~ ~te for 8:~ p~m. October 1~, ~9. ~otion c~mied. }~. Pa~ Schw~tz of Sch~-~z Const~ction Comfy p~sented a re~sed plat of Ho~ood Hills Ad~ion. After due ~scussion, a motion ~de by Jessem~ meconded by H~tz~ to rec~end the re'~i~d plat for Cocci! approv~, subject to rec~endation ~d app~v~ of ~. Hasbrouck; ~d ~ceipt of a letter of app~val f~ ~. Fride~, a~to~ey f~r Tedesco ~o h~ s~e pro~rty. ~'~. M~ow presented a sketch of his ~d' other property 12~ng of B~s ~e Road between Y~on ~d Boone Avenue. ~scussion w~ held ~d P!~ Co~ssion s~gested to ~' Mo~ to eon'tact ~ pro~y o~ers ~volved to see if i~ is possible -~- ~:?~t~ a easement to Boone Avenue. ~scussion was held on the n~her 0f members on the Pl~n~ Co~ssio~ ~d a decision was agreed on to leave the n~ber of m~bers the s~ne. ~-~. B~ ~sh~ aP~ed to ~souss the ~ssib~ity of tr~sferring or exch~gi~ cert~.n ViLlage prol~e~7 ~n the detention basin H~!~ Peterson, ~scussion w~ held on ha~.g a sti~ation of ho~se size of not less th~ ~ s~e i'eet in ~ea to be b~lt on the pro~y tr~sferred, as a con~tion ~ the t~;~sfer ~reement if it is worked out. N~ation was ~de hy Sicora, seco~{ed by Nielsen to ap~int ~eger secret~ of the Pi~ Co~ssion. N~ation c~ed. ~ere he~g no P~ther bus,ess to c~e before the Pl~ng C~ission, motion was ~de by Jessen~ seconded by Sicora, to adjo~ Motion car~ed. Chis Jessen, Act~ Secret~ New Hope Pi~i~iilg Commission A'~o~ust 27~ 1959 The meeting was called to order at 8:30 otciock p.m. Members present: Hinitz, Nielson, Jessen, Krueger, Sicora. Members absent: Menard, Ohman, Kelso. };~utes of the August 13th meeting were read. No corrections and no ommissions. ~.linutes stood as remd. 14ro Hausenga the District Engineer for Standard Oil Company requested a special use permit and presented ~ plat to erect a service station on the North west corner of Bass Lake Road and Winnetka Avenue. Motion was made by Hinitz to recommend to Council to accept the plat as present and to issue a special use permit, seconded by Sicora. l~one apposed Motion carried. A copy of a letter to Glen Kuch was read and placed on file. Motion ma~e by Hinitz to have a standard form letter made for purpose of mailing notice of date of Planning Commission meetings. Motion carried. Letters of August !1, 1959 mi~i August 19, 1959 from Royal McBee Corp. were read. Motion by Sicora seconded' by Nielsen to have Deputy Clerk m~] information as requested. Motion ce~rried. Motion by Sicorm, seconded by H-'~uitz to adjourn. Mot.i.o~i carried. Ivan Krueger meting secretary Next 1.~eeting September 10, 1959 at 8:00 ot¢loclc pm. New Hol~ Pl~ng Sopt~ber !0, 1959 The meeting was called to order at 8:30 otcloek p.m. by Acting Chairmmn Members present: Menard, Krueger, Sicora, Jessen, Hinitz, and Nielson. Members absent ~ Kelso, ~.~Luutes of the August 27th meet~g were read. No corrections and no ommissions~ MLnutes stood as read. ~r~ Carlson appeared before the pL~ming comm~ ~sion to discuss his problem of a one acre lot facing ~gth Street North, so in some way, split the lot and to have street access to Quebec ~.venue North. .'~. Wick of VoM. Wick and Sons appea~.~ed before the Commission to have ~formm~l discussion on rezoning of h!~ property from industrial to residential° 1~. Hasbrouck was present at the meeting and ehowed some practical and very informative slides on the conceptes of Village planning. Motion by Sicora, seconded by Menard to adjourn. Motion carried~ Ivan Krueger Acting Secretary NEXT MEETING SE~-~ER 2~ 1959 AT 8:00 ~,'CLOCK PeMo ' ' ' ~ ~r ~' ~'--r, ~,' :~y lying Horth PA,~ Modrow ~raseni'4~d ~ ~[~'~c~ of his ~n~,~ obns~ p o~ .... of Bass L~k~ Road b~x,~n %'~o:~ ~nd Bo~ne Avenu~ L~scussion w~s held ~ld Piar~ai~. Co~mJ. ssion ~,.~,,,'~,, ~ ~o Mr. Mo~"~~.,..,. ,~ to contact ~jLi property o~ers ~-¢olved to se~J if it is possible to obtain a road e~sement to Boone Aveeno. Discussion was h~!d on the n~be!' of m~mbers on the Piaraling Compression and a decision wa~ agreed on to leave the n~m~ ef mem~er~ the ~mme. Mr~ Bart Marshall appeared to discuss the possibility of tr~isferring or exchs~.ging cert~.n Village proper'by in tlne. detention b~sin area H~!~,~ Peterson~ Discussion. was hell on having a stipulation of house transfePred¢ as a condition in the t.:;'ai~sfeP egFee:;aen% if it is ?.:c;Pl;a:! -,'~..,.'~.~o O~ ,~ HOPE PI.,~NG CO~2¥iISSI MeetLug was called t~ by Chairman Kelso. Members present: Kelso, Jessen~ Sicora~ K~eger, Hinitz and Nielssno Members Absent: Ohl~an and Mena~d~ I~Lnutes of previous meeting were read and approved. An extra meeting was requested by Mr. Hasbroucko Date was set for 8:CO p.m. on October 8, 1959. Discussion was held on the request for rezoning of the North 500,~, of the East 750 5/i00~ of North~st ~ South of Rockford Road, Section 18 Township 118 Range 21 by F & R Realty Ce. M~. Paul Sch~.~rtz, adjacent property owner,voiced his objections to the request. Motion was' made by Sicora, seconded by Hinitz, to refer this request to Mr. H~sbrouck for his recommendation. Motion carried. Plat of Duane ~{oen~s proposed Subdivision of Lot 8, Hazel Hill Addition was received and discussed. Motion by Hinitz, seconded by Krueger, to have Deputy Clerk set up Public Hearing' Date for 8:OO p°mo October 15~ 59° Motion c~ried. Mr. Paul Schwartz of Schwartz Construction Company presonted a revised plat of Hopewood Hills Addition. After. due discussion, a motion was made by Jesse~, seconded by N3tnitz, to recommend the revised plat for Council approval, subject to reco~~i~~roval of M~o Hasbrouck; and receipt of ~t~r of a~al ~rom ~.~Fr~de~, attorney f~r Mr. off Base Lake Road between Yukon and Boone Avenue. ..J:.:cussion was held and Planning Oomm!ssion suggested to ~,~r. Modrow to con,tact all property owners involved to see if it is possible to obtain a re~d easement to Boone Avenue. Discussion was held on the n~ber Of members on the Plannir~ Commission and a decision was agreed on to leave the numbeu of members the same. Mr. Bart Marshall appeared to discuss the possibility of transferring or exchanging certain Village property in the detention basin area with Mro Harlan Peterson, Discussion was he~d on having a stipulation of house size of not less than llOO square fe~t in area to be built on the property transferred, as a condition in the t~'~ansfer agreement if it is worked out. Nomination was made by Sicora, seconded~to appoint Krueger ~ There being no further bt,~iness to ccm~F~--~a~he&~~-~Pl~u~ing Commission, motion was made by Jessen, seconded ~y Sicora, to adjourn° Motion carried. Chris Jessen, Acting Secretary Notice of Public Hearing was read by ~-m, an Kelso, also attached to piat ~ Affidavit of Publication from No~h Henaepim Post~ dated Ist day of October, 1959. . Mrs° Hazel Tusethts interest in the p/at was ~he street 60th Avenue North which ia 1.12 ft. ~der on her property than on the Hazel Hi/l Addition~ Other than t~his she voiced no objection. Ch~.z~.'~ Kelso pointed out to ~ Tuseth there would be no noticeable difference ~ the v~dth of the street when comuectedo O°W, Anderson was present: His interest in the property was access to Virginia Avenue which was provided on the plat. Matt Dtllenbu~g ~s present with no objection. Discussion ~s held on !~zel Hill Addition submitted by Duane T. Moen. Chairman Kelso pointed out to 2.~. Moon that the plat did not meet the V~]]age requirements which were street and grade levels, topogra~ly, zoning identlfieati~n and names of abutting property o~ners. Motion by ~rueger to ~ccept the plat ~ubJect to compl~ing ~:th the Vi~ge Platting Ord,,anco ~ud approval of the Village Engineer and approved by M,~'. Hasbrouck, ~m~Lug Consu~ta~to Motion wa~ seconded by Menard. Motion carried. Being no i~rther objection or c~ents the Public He~4~ was adjourned at 8:00 p~m. October 3.~.,~°~, ~t th~ Vi~ge Ha~.~ /:2~ Ne~ Avsnue No~h by Ch~n Kelso. The ~,~nut~s of Sept~ 2&~ 195~ weror re~d ~ud the ~rr~ctions ~,i~c~ as foll~s: (I) (Pa~h three ~ne sLx)Tedosco v, to ~ ~ pro~rty fm tho plat. (2} (Parag~ph sever~ ~t s~ntence) }~tion ~.~uutes ~nd corr~ctimis More accepted as read, ~%e rezoning application of F i R Eealty~ ~710-~.42~nd ~W~nue North to ~e frei resid~t~ to c~rci~l the S~lthwest Co~ler of ~ne ~d R,~kford Ro~d. North 5~ ~. of the East ,~n, ~ 5/1~ ft. of the Nor~st qua%er S~ of R~d Section i8 to~mship ~ Pm~e 21. dated 87~27/59 ~ms ~scu~sed at !e~h/ Motion by Jessen to r~c~-~md %o the Co~ucil to ~ppro~ the F & R Retry ~cent~ r~zon~d i'rc~ c~e~i~l to ~sid~nti~ to cor~o~ w~'th the !o~ ~ ~d use progrs~u to ~ii~umte o~[:~zo~ug in the V:~ge. Ssconded ~ t~M~. Motion c~ried~ Discussion was held on an ~,iterrmte council member m~ the plarming commissiom to ~p~seiit the P!am~g C~$ci~ mt Comcc~. Meet~s, it ~ms. ~o~ vot~ to b~ve the sec~ of thc P!am~mg C~ssion to ~ ~e ~te~te m~ber. Discussion on the proposed pta~ of Hopewood H!l!s~ of Sec~on 18 To~b~p 318, P~nge 2.!~ He~e~l ComiC. ~Ider ~ Sch~z Con~cti~ C~F~, ~ueering by ~:e~ ~eer~ C~r~. ~. H~mbrouck re~rt d~ted Octo?:.or 7~ 1959 ~s read and"+.p3~ced Otto Bonestroo ~id Associates Irm. report .'.~s,s ~emd ~d pl¢ced on fi!z~, ~otion by Sicora to roccmmenxl to 'tbs Council to accept tho propo~d p~t of Hopped Hi]~ ~bJeet~~AJated October ]~, 1959 f~ Otto re~rt fr~ Shex~u ,~ozouck the' Vi~ac-., Pl~ner~ ~e¢~to~x 7, 1959. seconded by ~r. ~btion ~ied. Copies of tha ~d ~Jse ~.p we~ ~il %o each Me~r of the ~_m~g on October9, 19~9 ~t tho Vi~g~ H~, [200 No~ A~e Nor~ ~ ~~ Ke~oo Members present: Kelso, Erueger, 0hman~ Neilseno Members absento. Jessen, Hinitz, Menard ~.~d aicorao ~u~es of October 15~ 19~9 were read and the corrections are as (P~ragrmph Seven now reads) ~M~tion by Sicora to ~eccmmend to the Council to aceept the proposed plat of Hop~ood Hills subject te compliance ~ith recommended commemtm in the letter dated October I~, 1959 from Otto Bonestroo ~d Znc. and also the le%ter of October 7, 19~9 from Sherman P~ebrouck the V~age Pla~mero Seconded by Erueger° M~tion carried°" Motion by Ohmmm to accept the m!~ute~ as read and corrected, seconded by Kruegero Motion carried° Fred Simms presented a plat of Oatmmnes 9th Addition to the Commission for open discussion. The ~~g Commission's ~comm~:o.~adation to ~o Si .~.~ ~as to have him incorprmte his remaining peoperty to fit with Oetman~s 9%h Addition. Hewitt Peterso~ presented & proposed PTat of the N°W. ~ of the N.W. ~ ~md the N. ¼ of the SoWo ~ of the ~.Wo ~ of Section 6 T,~,P. 118 R, 21, A lengtb~ discussion ',~ held and the c~m~ission decid¢~ before taking any further action on the Plat to ?rove a meetS~g with the Hifii:;.m,y Department to x'ind out their plar~ on Cm~Yoy Rc~d 18° A discussion was held on the cl~ngins of the name of the Village° The discussion on F & R Re~lty~s ~ppl!cation for commercial zon~ug was held over until the next meeting. Being no further buainese to come bef~ the ~lanning Commission there was a motion by K~"~eger, seconded ~ry Neileen to adjourn. Motion carried. ~ ~[ope Planning Ccm~is~on Secreta~ Ivan P~. Erueger The meetingafor Nove~_ Bet w~11 be c~ the S2th and the 19th. 12, 1959 The Village of New Itepe ~ Ccm~issiom meetimg was tailed to order by chair- man Joe Kelso at 8~00 otcleck p.m. Membe~ present: Kelso, Jenson, Krueger, Hinitz, Sieora, Nielsen. ':~.[embera Aboemt~ Ohmam, ~bnard. Mimutes of the October 29, 1959 meetimg was read amd accepted ma read. Di~cuasioa wa~ held on the applicatic~ for ~ez ~c~!~ by F & R Realty Co. ~Mtion by Sicora: Rec~ended to Village Council, if and when $~e Council considers the application of F & R Realty Co. for rezoning from residential to cmmnereiai the South w~st Corner of Boone Avenue and Rockford Road, that it be referred back to the Planning Commission. Further discussion on future existing conditions may be warranted. Seconded by Erueger. Motion carried. Proposed Plat of Woody Terrace, the ~est ~ of North',,,'~ 1. of Northeast ~ lying North of Rockford Road Sect_on 18 To~ship 118 Range 2~ was p~esented by Norm Rooney. Motion by Hinitz to accept Sherman Hasbrouck~$ revised plat of Woody Terrace as presented by Norm PLooney and to .have the Deputy Clerk set the date of the Public Hearing for November 19, 1959. Seconded by Sicora. Motion carried, The Plann~ Cammission rejected -the proposed Plat presented by Walter Ahem subject to meeting specifications of the Platting Ordinance~ An Oral Report w~ m~de by Joe Kelso on the meeting ~.~th the County Engineer. Discussion was held on the t~ vacant seats in the Plann~ Commission. It was suggested to the members present tl~at they submit the name of anyone who might be interested in serving on the C~:~.~ssion. Being no further business to come before the Planning C~:-::ssion, motion by Erueger seconded by Hinitz to Adjourn. Motion carried. VILLAGE OF NE!,~ HO~-~ ~~G The 'V~:-~ge of New Hope Plauning C~:~m~e$o~ meeting w~m e~ to order b7 chair- man ~oe Kelso at $:(~ o~clock p.Mo pr~ent: Kelso, J~sen~ ~ue~er~ Hinitz~ Sico~a~ i.ielten. Absent°' Ohmic, ~utes of the October 29, ~959 meeti~g wa. r~ad a.~d accepted as read. Discussion was held on the applicatio~ for ~ez~ by F & R Realty }btion by Sicora: Recommended to V~_~:la~e Council. if and when the Council considers the application of F & R Realty 0Oo for rezoning from residential to commercial the South west Corner of BOOn~L~ Avanue and Rockford Road. that it be referred back to the Plan~ Commission. Further discussion on future ~xisting conditions may be warranted. Seconded by P~rueger. Motion carried. Proposed Plat of Woody Terrace, the West ~ of Northwest i. of Northeast ~ lyin~ North of Rockford Road Section 18 Toss. hip 118 Range 2~ was p~esented by Norm Rooney. Motion by Hinitz to accept Sherman Hasbrouckts revised plat of Woody Terrace as presented by Norm Rooney and to have the Deputy Clerk set the date of the Public Hearing for November 19, 1959. Seconded by Sicor~o ~.~tion carried. The ~.anning Commission rejected th~ proposed Ylat presented by Walter Ahlm subject to meetin~ specification~ of the Platting Ordinance. An Oral Report ~s made ~ Joe Kelso on the meeting ~,~ith the County Engineer. Discussion was held on the tow vacant seats in the Planning Commission. It was suggested to the members present that they sub~tt the name of anyone who might be interested in se~.Lng on the Co,~zission. Being no further bu~_nosm to c~ne before the Planning Commission. motion by Krueger seconded by Hinltz to Adjourn. MoP, ion carricdo PLANNING OOMMISSION MINUTES -1- December 10, 1959 Ne~ Hope Planning C_~,w.~ssion meeting was called to order by Chairman Joe Kelso. Members presents Kelso, Obman, M~uard, Sicced, ILtnitz, Krueger, Nielsen. Members absent.. Jeseen' The minutes of the meeting of NoVember 12' 1959. ware read and approved as read. Motbn by Sicora to defer the regular business of the meeting to hear the proposal of International Properties Inc. The Joint Planning Commission and Council meeting. Village of New Hope, December !0, 1959° Mr. Gordon Paske, Vice President efxd General Nane~er of International Properties Into located at 1487 Northwestern Bank Building, opened the proposal with description of the corporation, introduction of officers, and Planning Consultants. Presentationi'°f project was m~® by Howard D~hlgren,Sro Piamner for Thorshov and Cerny Inc.-C~rl Lo Gardner an~l Associates. Presentation of slides which ~ve a good concept of Metropolitan growth examples of other industrial park type developments$ external factors; internal factors~ mud examples of Stanfordes Electronics Industrial Center. Statements of deve!opnent program of the Science Industry Center was given by HoWard Dahlgreno A general discassion and question ~period was held ~btch closed the proposal. A dis~,~sion was held by the Motion by'SiCora to recommend to the Council to accept and encourage International Properties Inc~ SCi~:~ee Industrial Center. ~.~ .described by their representatives. It was discussed by ~::d appears ~o be Ln the best interests of the Village and does not conflic~ with any long range plan of this commission. Seconded by Nielsen. Motion carried Being a fact that the Planning' Cammission did not have a quarto for the public hearing on the Sandra Terrace proposed plat p~esented by Norm Rooney on December 3, 1959. The ~anmis$ion rati~le~ the heartng~ Motion by Meilsen to recommend to the Council to. ~ceept the plat, Seconded by SiCora. Motion carried. The proposed plat of ~Ionderland 1st Addition w'~s presented by Ernest Willie. Motion by Sicora to hold this Plat over until December 17, 1959 for discussion a~ the public hearin~$s~eonded by Hinit~. Motion carried° Being no further business to ecme before the planning Oommission$ '~otion by Menard seconded by Sicora to adjourn. Motion carried, Tvan R. Krueger F/anni~g Commission December 17, 1959 Members Present: Krueger~ Jessen~ Neilsen, Sicora, and Menard. Members Absentc Ohmic, HLuitz~ and Kelso. Motion by Sicora to dispense with business carried over from December 10, 1959 meeting to discuss Industrial Properties Inc. application of rezoning from residential to industrial of the property lying between Bass Lake Road and the Soo Li~e Tracks and County Road 18 on the West to Boc.~e Avenue on the East. Mo.~ion seconded by Jessen. Motion carried. Motion by Krueger to recommend to the Village Council to accept the application for rezoning of Industrial Properties Inc. Seconded by Sicora. Motion carried. Motion by Krueger to set the Public He,ring for January ?,1~ at 8:00 O~clock p.m. Mo~ion seconded by Sicora. Motion carried. Motion by Sicora to table the discussion on Public Hearing of Wonderland 1st Addition until Ernest Willie appears before~e Commission. Seconded by Krueger. Motion carried. Motion by Sicora to notify ErnestWillie to be at the January T meeting. Seconded byMenardo Motion carried. Motion by Sicora to postpone presentation of Long Range Planning Program by Sherman Ha~brouck until January 7, 1959, in the hope of a 100% attendance. Seconded by Krueger. Motion carried. Being no further business, motion by Sicora, seconded by Krueger to adjourn. Next regul~rmeeting January 17, 19~9 Secretary, Ivan R. Krueger Meeting December 22, 1959 Members present: Kelso, Ohman, ~ien~d, Nielsen, e~ud Kruegero Members absent: Hinitz, Jessen~ and Sicora. Meeting was called to order by ch.airms~u Joe Kelso at 9~!5 p.m. to discuss the Plat of Wonderland First Addition~ A letter from Otto Bonestroo & Associates Inc. was read ~d placed ~n file. A letter from the Village Engineer of 0rystal, %~. Lo Sherburne was read and placed on file. The Village Engineer Robert W. Rosene gave an oral review of the pros and cons of the plat. Motion by Ohman to recommend to the Core, ell to approve the plat with a forty foot street and a five foot uti_l.~:ty easc~..en~ on both sides of Louisiana Avenue and a set back of 35 ft from this easement and 38th Avenue Would extend with a 60 ft. right-aw~y to extersect with Loz~isiana Avenue. Also the minimma value house to be built an this property would be equivalent to the sale price of a $13,500 home built in the year 1959 and a miniature of 1,000 square :Feet living area. seconded by Nielsen. Motion carried. Joe Kelso Kelso voted against the motion of Ohm~n, The vote being ~-1 Being no furt~her bu~Lness, motion by Men,rd zeconded by NielSen to adjourn. Motion carried.