1958 Planning ~cheo~ a~ 7~30 P.M., J~ 28~ ~ekford ~*~e~ion ~e ~ Itq~r ~ore be ~lt ~th ~S~ ~i~ this p~m ~ forced to a dieisioa by et~h~ a ~e ef the P~o or ~ o~~ ~iei~ a~b~ of ~ of~ eft p~ettoa. ~ ~ felt ~at que~ion diaol~icn has to be re~lved b~ore 0~ ~Jeei$ 8~h aa liar ~ore e~ ~elude. isl~ds of ~ ~pe in C~ ~d rise v~. ~ problm is one should bo ~v~ top ~o~ty d~t.~ t~S year. V~Iage of Nee ~ope P~g ~esion ~~ e~ Feb. l~, ~9~8 V~l~e ~eil mee~i~ we~e r~d. L~er d~ Feb. ~, 1~ ~ ~ ~ F~R r~ reg~diag ~he pro~s~ D~t8ion ~o ~o delay ae~ioa on ~o ~df~ion plo2 u~il ~ ~e~i~ Peri%ions ~% dated~ from Fa~er Fenolouo ~or of ~. ~el'm ~er~, %0 ~a ~ ~pe, adJaee~ ~ ~u~h p~pe~2 t~ C~al ~m N~ ~pe ~o Decision ~e ~ rsoommen~ %o Village ¢o~i! %ha% Permiooion be g~v~ for ~r~sfer of ~hls prepay. ~n Hevade Ave. ~dggee~ed ~flat we advise Father Feielau to compare ~ew Hope amd C~al sewer assesmae~s before prope~y is assemse~ Suggestion made ~o find o~ when their fiF~t ~ing Ce~emton meeting in ~eh wil! be held a~ ~gges~ ~o %hem tho% %hi. be a Jotfft mee~i~ between Mr. ~oremeen was eon~ae%ed a~ he advi~ ~trs~ mee~g was ~ !3, He ~ ~h a~ ~~ of ~heir Pla~ng ~8s~on and app~v~ r~etve~ ~o ~e ~$ a Jo~a~ meeting. ~ ~11 se~ us a eopy la~e~ t~o~ion on ~e V~e of ~ ~pe ~h ~~on ~ha~ ~hie ~ou~ up ~o d~e and 20 eoptee be ~v~ th~ ~ior ~e ~ ~b~ion made by Kelso, e~ed ~F ~avios to name M'~. ~ aS Seeret~ of Nee~ ~pe ~~ ~soton~ ~'~a e~e~.. Suggea~ion made $0 ~en~ae~ 9~! members By phone er bF ~s'~,, er ~,~%h, prior %o each me~t~ A~SO ~u~eo~e~ ~ha~ ~ m2mber of mee~ ~eh eon be ~Oo~ by ~abl~ehed. ¥illa~e *f New ~pe Plamuin~ Co,_~ssion March 44 ]958 Regular meetim~ of the New Hope Planning Commission was held at the 7z30 PM, March Members present ~erez Honsey, Kelso~ 0hman~ B~uer, Krueger, ~:'-:'is~ Jeseen; Absent: R~senpeter, Parent~ Wil~imuson. Mrs. Helen V,;elch, 7320 36th Ave. No. appeared before the Planning Commission to voice her objection to having the sewer t~unk fol]o~ the p~operty ~_ins between her property (ae~ the M~rinko proper~y) and the Turgeon property on the assumption that Oregon Ave. wou~d be built over the sewer. In discussion that follov,'ed it was pointed out that State law required the sewer trunk to follow prope~y line ~en there x~_~s no street to Minutes of Plannings, Commmission meeting of Feb. !8~ 1958 read. Mr. Kelso sugseste~ minutes be amended to ohanse the recommendation to th,: Vil~a~.e Council %ha% permission be given for transfer of this property to read that we recommend that New Hope advise Father Fenelon we are s~ath~ic ~o~rds his reque~ and that the Village of Ory~ta! ~,il! be contacted reg~di~ the neces~e.~ arranger, s. Nomination by 0hman~ seconded by Krueger~ for Kelso as Chairman of ~he New Hope Commission..Motion carried. Discussion of proposed purchase by the School Board of forty ~cres Of ~and frown the Schu~lerz ~djmcent to present schoo~ Discussion of problem of ~nicipa~ liquor vs.~'Se:cjer with Letter dated Feb. 27 fro~ Village of C~!den Val~e.y ~o N~v Hope Plannimg Commission s~ti~ up Joi~ meet~n~ of ~%h Plan~ing Co~s~ion~ for L~cb ~3~ ~958~ ~30 P.M., a% 8030 Olso~ Highly. Sec~e~a~ %o 0o~%~('% Golden Va!!eF ~dvisin~ v~o ~.1 attend, also ~ivtn~ da~e i~o~e, tion of V~.l~age of Ne~ Hope. ~et%.er dated Feb. 26 from ~I~. Home Builders Assn. i~viting m~mbers of Planning Commission to panel discussion and dinner meetin~ at Calhoun Beach Hotel on Tue. Mar.ll. ~our ~embers plan to ~ttend. Discussion o£ proposed ~ynnco f~ddi%ie, n. It ~as recommended ~hat the Village Engineer lay out and supervise the se~,er laterals in the addition. F. & R° should do own contracting. Recommendation made for F. ~. R. to pay for Engineering costs. Agreement that sto~*m water shou/d not drain into 0rys~al, instead be drained south to Basset%s Oreek~ probably a~ong R.R. tracks. Suggest F. &o ~.. pos~ ~l,000 cash bond, in accordance v.4th Village recommendations, balance %0 be a performance bond, %hen hold $1,000 for a matrrter~nee bond. Recommendation made that ordinance on community wa%er, if any, be removed ~o F.H.A. requiremer~s eau be met. Motion b~ Jessen, seconded by Davis, to accept plo% of G,,?srm~o ~'~dition, subject change on moving Oregon Ave. on south side o£ plot, s~ightly east to' line up vr~th the Marinko Twgeon property line south of the Add~tion v.!%h the center ~ine of Oregon Ave,' lined up v~th this property line. Sugg. es~ screen planting or some sort of hedge be built beSween-F~r§t ~ots and Railroad. Discussion on need for building code on ~m~%iple dwe]~,in~$. Recording Secretary, ~hool a% ?*-30 P~}&~ !%mi'ch 38~ 3958~ l~embers pre~ent were~ Keiso~ Ohman~ Erueg~r~ Jessen Davis. Ab~en~ Ho~sey, B~uer~ ~inu%es of Planning Co~ision meeting of ~r. 4~ read. N~nutes corrected to change th~ next %0 the las% p~ru. graph from "Recommendation by Ke_~so to the Village Council" to "Heco~end~tion to the Village Counci3". ~.~rs. Helen ~elch, 7320 36th A~eo No.~ appeared before the Planning Co~ission again to restate her objection ~o the se~er m~in t.~ank following the Narinko-Twgeon property Petiticn~ si~ed ky 15 in%crested ~ersons with covering !~:-':.':::r da%ed Nar. 7, 3958~ L~ D~ad received From Deou~y Vi31a~e C~erk, Dfscuss!en vms he~d ~h ~. ~le~ ~ Pa3mer ~eN. ssn~ a~d ~. Don~d C. Lydon conceding %he necessity for this being built as soon a~ ~ssib3m. ~:{oiion by Oh~n~ seconded ~ ~vis, that this petition be reco~ized ~nd he3d for fu~her co~sider~,tion in v~.ew of other extensions uendiu~. )~tion Petition, ~igned by 329 person~, ~-i%h covering 3ettsr d~ted ~r. 3 ~ ~958, si~ned by A. D. ~Lean~ 'for e~ension of th~ Ncrthe~.~t Trunk of th~ S~ni%~ry 3ow~r Ho~h of the ~ckford Road~ received fro~ the Deputy VJ. 33.age Clerk. L~otion by bavis~ sec~;.nded by K~eger~ thn% because of tho i~edi~te ne~.d for S~.ni%~:~ry Se~'er in P'eterson~ ~se% Hetf~hts snd Be~in additions~ it is recomnended th~t the !~Iorth,~st ~uznk b~ e~ended No~h beyond the i~oc~ord P~ad st the ear~iest possible d~.te subject to ~n~ncinz. ~tiom c~rried. Sketch received from De~u%y Vt]3~e C3ork showin~c proposed division of th~ Ray Hen~e~eh~e prooerty located on the no~thwe~'~ corner of Pennsy~vani~ .~ve. and the B~ss Lake Rcad~ Discussion fo~3ov.~ed. Lec~s~on that no notion b,~ taken unti~ a definite ~roposa~ is submitted ms to the n~ture of thc use of this prope~y since this property is zoned com~nercial. Letter dated ~r. 17, !958~ from the Vil~ag~ of Golden Valley confirming Thursday, Mar° 20 ~s date of joint meetin~ between the p3~.nning com?./s!ons of New Hope and Golden Va]toy for the r~ur'oose of ddsc~ss]n~.~ the proposed merger of %he two vfllazes. Suggestie~ m~de that 3 n~v.~ m¢~bers be n~med to the p~.nning co.ralston :~_s soon as possib2e. Discussion he3d on the ~osslb2e deve]opment of the 14 acre Vil~age Hall ~d park area 9nd the Wo~sibi~i%y of obtaining ~ old barn -*or use as a ravage hall~ Discussion bold on sett~$ up con~ittees v.~ithin the Planning Commission covering such areas as HesAden%ia~ ~Blots, Industrial St%es~ Oommercial Areas~ Parks and M~nicipa~ Areas. A discuss~o-~ '.,':~s held om action ~hich could be taken to e~oura~e and maintain i~tere~ on the p~ off porspective developers o~ Nmv Hopo. ~t ~.~ concluded that on each m~.ot presented to the ~]:~nf~F ~o~ission for review the pro~:pective developer ~:'ou]d be ~sked for a reason~.b~e d~te by which he could ~'eceive his anm?er ~thou2 jeopardizinF his plans. Once th~s date ~.$ estab]~.~hed it would be the P~a~H~g Con~.~isions recom~end~tion that the Counci~ e:~pedite action in every possib2e ~nner to provide an ansv~er eithe~ positive or negative ~tt the ea~'].ic~t possible date m~d ce~ain2~ before the objective date. It is fu~'the~ ~oc~':~,~-:;~]::d a~d ~de a pa~ here off that any individual or co~:'.ny subr~ttin? a ~;iot b~ md~sed by mail of ~.ch a~d any step take~ as ~ve]3 as the ti~ a~d~.te of the mext action to be considered. Record:ing Secretary~ ~]anm. n~ Commission v,~s held at th~ Ne~ Ho~*- ~chool R~alar ~e~tin,g. of %h~ New Hope ~' ~ ~ a~ ?~30 P~?~,, April ~ 3.958~ Members present ~¥ere: Honsey~ Ke~o~ Ohms. n, Jess~n, Davis~ Krue~ero Absent: Bauer, Elsenpe%er, Parent, Ui]li~mson. ~inutee of P!a~ninu Con~z~ssion meetinM of March ~8 read. ~'!dnutes corrected to change the proposed use of an o~d b~rn from "village hall" to read vm.~age recreation c~ter". ~so, the recommends, rich of the Plann~n~ Commission on the Petition from 15 persons for extension cf the Southwest Tro~ be ch~ged to reo, d~ "i~%ion by Oh~n~ s~onded by ~avis~ %h~,% %}tis petition be'recof?nized and he~d for fu~hsr consid~'ration upon presenCes%ion of ~'rea%er evidence of need", Discussion held on finding 3 new members to Planning Comms~ion. Fo/lowing persons were suggested and v~il] be cont~.cted for interes~ and availabi?ity: Palmer Nielsen, John Sicora~ Benepe, Henry Van Auken, Bernie Carlson. Further discussion on the Hen~emuehle property on Bass Lake Road and Pennsylvania. ~reement that owner should see his ov, m lawyer concerning sa~e of per, ion of property° Suggestion made to invite industrial planners from local utilities and railroads to P/arming Commission meetings. Mr. Kelso requested Ohman and Davis to check with nei~hborin~ villages %o see v~at committees are set up wi%bin p~ann~n~ commissions. Discussion held on recent joint meeting vri%h ~olden Va/~ey Planning Commission. It has been agreed that further negotions would not appear to be in order un/ess one council con%acts the Other council'in writing to reopen negotiations, Letter dated ~rch 21 from ~ls Home Builders Assn. thanking members for attending the joint meeting, at the Csdhoun Beach Hotel on. ~ch !!. A copy of their statement on the matter of housing developmerr~ population exDansion, and community problems ~as attached. Discussion held on various ~ays and means of attraction home builders and industries to New P~pe. Discussion he~d on Howlands Heights. ~reement that the plot should be taken off the Village Naps, Discussion held on bringdng the official Vil?~ge ,map up %o date. SugFestion made that the council have the Village engineer mmke necess~r~ chan~es. Discussion held on New Hope - Crysta~ b~undary. Suggestion made to start contacting ovmers of property concerned nnd aisc Vill~g~ of Crystal regarding' islands of New Hope in Crystal along the Bass Lake Road. Recording Secretary, ~lel Ohman Village of Nov~~ ~ep.~ Apri~ t5~ 2955 lie~iar meeting of the Nev~' Hope ~lanmn~ Cm~'~ission ~s he~d ~lt the ~e~. Hope Schoo~ at ~i~embers present wer~ Ke~so~ Honsey, Ohman~ Jessen~ Kru~ger~ SIcora~ Van Auken, Davis~ ~a.e]~eno ~b~en%~ Bauer. ?,'finu%es of t:].ann!ng Oo~ission meeting of April ] read and a[,~roved. Discussion v~s he~d on the Ne~? Hope - Crysta~ boundary, i~sj~or Honsey suggested a possible star%icg ~oi:~t'-tradi~ %he is].~.nds of Ne~ Hoes in Crystal a~ong the ~l~ss L~ke Aoad for 6he area of Crystal a~o~g iQhode Island ~. of the ~2~ss Lake Ro~do A committee to meet t~th the Crysta~ P~anninF Com~ds~ion was set up consistin~ of ~yor llonsoy~ lit. Van Aukon~ and >,fr. Jessen. .. Hon~,~y, a~conded by Ohman~ to have the secre%~.ry con2ac% Nor%horn St~%es gofer Co. for Discussion was ne_~d on Oossibi]iiy of inviting officials of u~,z:i%L%~s such as ~..~. ~ugaii.~ of %he Dept. of Commerce, L~. Bergeron of the Soo Line, and iff'. Davenport of the MoN~ a S~ to P].annin? Com;~ission meetings° Letter dated questionnaire be ~nswered the Discussion vms he,id on %he o3nns For the proposed liquor s%or~. ~o'~,ion by Van Auken, seconded by Krueger to aD,rove the o3~:ms ~'ith the exception tha~ %oiiet facilities be added to the bD~semen%. ~:Iotion carrnea. Discussion vms held on now home under construction by Peters.On on Sumpter Ave. bet~een 5~th e~d 55tho Discussion also held on tho dr~i~ '~-'" dn ~' ~ ~ ......~x.~e ou~Se~ 2ire. between 5~th & 55th. Discussion vms held on %he ~]s. C~s Alliance. Motion made by D, '~ ~ ~.tvlo, s~conded by Sicorr%that more complete remar/~s of vi]iage officials be shou.n in mdnutes of Village oub~ic hearings ,"nd counci~ meetings. ~so to have comp].aints and reco~-~cndations subr~tt~d to the vi]!a~e council in vwitinF ~nd ~iny action recorded in the minutes. ~iot~on carried. Suggestion ~uade that -::r hour of each p]am~ing .,,i ' : ce~:;_ss!on meeting be spent on reo. din~ discussing v~!~ge building codes. L~tion by Van .quken~ seconded by Davis, %o invite ~hs but]iii? :!.ns~ector to P]~mning Go~i~sion meeting to go over bui~.¢ldn~~ co8es, etc. l~otfon carried, ~$ugges%ion mode %0 offer ~ntever assista.~ce nece.~sa~ to the building inspector. Recordin? Secretary Me] Ohman ?i~ril ~9~ !958 Regular meeting of the' New Hope P!anni~ Cor~:dssfon r,~.s hel~d at the New !Iope School t 7~30 P,~,~,~ April 29~ 1958, Noshers pres,,mt were~Ke~mo~ Jessen~ Krueger~ Sicora~ V~n Auken~ Davis~ & Nielsen? Absent: Honsey~ 0haan & B~uer. Chairman of PJ.~nninF Co~dssio~:~ ~, Joe Ke~_so~ appointed Lov.~i). Do~vis ~s acting Secretary in the absents of ~ffel Ohmam 2~r. SoC.Smiley & ~. ~ts~wo%o of S.C,Smi!ey & Associates Arc~hit$cts appeared before Planning Co~ission ~ith the request that re retain thez~ for any future p!~nning~ of a Villsge Hall that m~y be cm~emp!ated.~ They also n~de the request that we retain the fire of Gardner & Associates for City P~?~nning. ~¥e ~'ere ~horm slides of so~e of the work they have designed. Discussion v~s he~d~ ~nd it was agreed that a meeting would be set up for [~y 1B~ ]9~8 (a re~lar Planning Co~,ission meeting) v~th S.,C.Sm~ley ~ Associates, Gardner ~ 4ssociateS the Village Counci.~ and P!an~ing Cor~ssion for further discussion on there request. Mr. John Bauer arrived from Public Hearing at New Hope School to t~e his se:R o~: P1 ann~i ng Conrad ssion. l~inutes of Planning ¢ommdssion meeting of April !5, !958 ~ere read and approved. Nr. Hanus appointed before Planning Cm=~ssion ~?ith plot m~rvey and blue prints for a ~ .... g~ ~.~ouncz2 turned t~s house for which ~ building pem~t has been requested~ ?n~ Vi~l~', .~ ~, ' request over to P~mning Com~ssion for their rcco~endation. Discussion v~s held v~th ~. H~u~, and a motion by Van Auken~ seconded by Y~ssen~ %h~ w~ r~com:ond to the Village ~uncil that the buildi~ permit be issued for construction of residence ~ter appr~va] of plans by building inspector 6~ p~o-~ to co~].y io Village Code. ~btion carried. ,Mr. Davenport of ~.N,&S. ~nd. ~o Dean of the Soo Line o:rrived but did not stay..They ~greed to be ~t our ~.y 27th Pluming Co~.isslon Heeti~. · Hotion made by Van Auke~:, seconded by Sierra, th~.t in the event that Glen Kuck (Building Inspector) Should be l~id up ama umb]e to carry out his duties an assistant building Inspector should be appointed to v~ch over and ~ke proper inspection of building going on in Viltage. ~tion c~rried. Letter read from 0asr~e!l Sngro, dated April !H, !958, referring to full ~dth s~reets on ~ouisiana i~Ve., Oregon Ave.~ .~Tnode Island Ave.~ a~:d Sum~er Ave. ~s they abuts on Bass L~e Road. Discussion he~d on same. ~tion by Krueger, s,¢~nded by Bauer that this problem be turned over to the ca?m~ttee m~de up of ~..~ayor Honsey, ~. Van £a~ken and Mr. Jessen. }~tion carried. There being no further business to come before this Commission, meeting ~as adJou~aed %0 the call of the chair. Acting Secretary, Lowell D~vis 1958 Re~alar meeting of %he Ne%? Hope Plsmnfng Co~ssion %~,s held at %he New i!ope School at ~30 ~',~¢ }:~y t3, ]958. 2~embers presen~ were~ Ee~so~ Jessen~ Sicora¢ Dav~s & Honseyo Absent: ?~uegor, Van Auken, Nie~sen~ Ohman & Bauer, ~nmi,~n~n of Planning Co:m~i,,~sion~ ~r~ Joe Kelso, appointed Lowell Davis as acting'i secretar%~ i~ the absents of ~el 0hmo. n, ~ Mr, S.Co Shelley of S,0. S[~ley and Associ~,~.tes Architects & ~, Dahlgren of C~I Gardner ~nd AssocJ. ates~ City Planners~ appeared before this meeting ~.:~ per arr~nE~nts of the Apri]~ 29, ]C58 ~eet~,ng~ L'e wore shorm slides of typica3 City , ~.omning, ~d a discussion vms held in the possibility of retaining S,C. Smi!ey & Associates & Carl G~dner & A~sociates as architects for the future Villgge HaR1 as City Planers for the Village of Nm~; Hope. It vms %he decession of %his ?lmnning Comm~/ssion %0 have the t'~:o above named firn~s sub~:~it in v..~itJ~.g to us their fee for re%a!nf..ng them for this v;ork.. 'I~.$ ~].1 then be turned over to %he Ncr,· Hope Vi33. o.ge Counci!_ %7ith our recor,~zuendat~on. Letter v,~.s read, al?ted Lhy 8, ].958, from Soco~B, ibbil Oil Co. inc.~ requesting a specisd use permit to erect a service station ',.u.t 7;.:20 5dth Ave. No. in the Vi]~age of Neu~ Hope. ~. Jensen~ P~_mp & Ba:~kervi.~3~e of ,,Socony were ~rescnt and _~.~'.v~ usa ~ound l:~y out, location of the building ~nd g~nera! description of ail accessories. on this permit. ~tion made by ~s, seconded ~ Sicora, thr~t tbi~ ~nat%c:r over to the Vill~"ge Counci~ with our r,:cemendation tha.t permit be given. ~2ot~c-n carried. Letter v~s read, dated ~y 8~ ]958~ from ~::d.n Lxeo. vatdng Co. Inc.~ requesting pe~ssion to deed the ~b~her!y !0 fee% of lot 6 ~ock 3 of t.~v~re~ce L. Petc. rson Addition %0 ~. J~es Oong~lin v~o nou orms lo% ~ ~oek 3 of s~me addi%ion~ so th~ he would have enough soon %o bui3d ~ gar~.ge. A].so, rcquesied permission %o bui~J house on ~he r~ning 65 fee% of lo% 6 Block .3. Discussdon held on s~e, i~tionby Sicora, scconded by Jeosen that request to build on 65 ft. lot be denied~ but n building permit could b~ issued on the condition that a Joint driveu~& (~greed upon by both parties invo~ved~ bc used by both properties. ~tion c~rricd. Hequest made by H.L. ?eterscn to put a i~odvmrktng Shop in the building at 7601 Bass Lake }~ad~ formerly occupied by Win Excavating Co. Inc., v~s received. Discussion held on ssme. ~tion ~ade by Da~is, seconded by Sieo~a, fha% ,ne recommend to Village Council ~that a temporary use permit, for a period of one year be issued for this property if %here are no'objections from surrounding properties. Said port, it to be renevmble only by Council ac%ion at the end of one yes~. 2fmtion c~ried. Discussion hold on appoint~nF a ne,,? Civil Defence Director to~ replace Gordon Hustead ¥?no is no longer active in this oos~ ?~tion nade l~ Davis, seconded 'my Jessen that the Village Counci.1. contact C!~rence Ko]tee to see if he would be ~;~i!].ing to take over th~ ~o~t of Civil Defence Director for Village of New Hope. ,'.~otion Ore-tied. Request ..~.~de by Sa%i!i%e ,Driving Tee for permission to erect tr:o signs in the Vi!!age of N6~Hope. One on the corner of ~.ss Lake Rd & Co. i~d. 1G, and ~he other on the corner of k'~ekford ~. & Co, Rd, ]8. Villas.iTc Council %o deny %he ~rec~ion of these? si~s bec~.usc of direct conf!~c~ zon~n~ code. ~.io%ion c~rried~ u%es of ~pri~ 29~ 1958 }'~nn!ng Co~fssion licensing r~'~re read and ~t'inu%es of ].~blic ilei~rimgs of Lprj.] 29~ ]~58 v~ere read. >~nut~s of P~b]ic He~f_ng of Lpri! 30~ ~58 ~ere read. Discussion held on zoning code in rognrd to do~n ~-~ding of ImdustrieJ! properties possible residentJ.~?.l proper~ies~ Discussion held on ordngtnce to h~ve %he bui!dfn~ of trail, er courts %~i%hin tho ]i~ts of l~e~? Ilope~ Discussion ~.~s ~z~do tk:~ ~'~e ho2d th~.s over.ti! r~re members ~e present~ 'Dnere being no fur%her bushiness lo come before this Oo~:~ission~ ~::o~ing %~'o.s ~d~ou~ed. ~%ing Secre%ary~ Lor~el] Ds. vis ~ ¥illaF, e of l<e?, [{one l,?nv, Pr, 19£~n Plan~ing Com~i s~ion ,~eaular me~tin~ or the ~ ...... ~[o~ Plan~n~ Co~.i~sion ~'n~ b~l~ ~t th~ N~v, H°De School at 7:f~0 P~, May ~3V, 195~ Abscmt: ~{onsey, Bau~, ~icora, ~iolsen. Also present ~',~.~s 2he Vills~e Attorney, ;~r. Corrick. the m~nut~s ns cor~ecte'~. L~ot2on more ~ressim~ orobl~s faciu~ su~ur~)an areas. m,~ r~.'~ bcforo thc, ~la~min~ Oor~'issio-~ to disnus~ a kr, [~or~ tiDeway a,_ . a ..... ' D~int work shod anti .~-~*~*'"a.~,~ .... ,",~-,~ for nsint to ~r. loc:'~te4 o~ lot P, ;~lo(,k ,~ ,, the 5i~ clair fasty in ~ a Outer., ; to be ~o~,at~ o~ bhe RockFow.9 Roafl n~xt to atation~ ~he d'r',iv~ in is ~Uo~os~ to be rea4v. . for summer business. }f~otion by Van ~u,,en, seconded Oy jea~:~en~ that it ~)o rocom~end-e~ to the Villna~ Council th. at oerr~issio~a b~ gra~e~, to build the -~?,ive in an~ that it should adhere ~;o tho ~resant buii~im~ co~]es. Also, t~t it ah. nul~ b~ r~euirod recommended that f'svorable consifleratioq be ~ive, n to th~ D~ooose~] usn ' ay-lite block exterior ir view of the fact that this is a national with a standard tyoo of constructlor, l¥]otion carrio~. R~r. Hooney sook~ for s~vnral minutes on some of the orobl~m faai~ ~evelooers in the subur~~. i~ir. ~ooney submitted a r¥,ouest to buii~ a medici home on the 5outh l~]ast corner of Ore,on and 40th ave. in the Gwynnco a~.~itiou before th~ final olot of the ad,it[on is acceote~. ~.~]otion by Jesscn, secon'~.e~ by 9~'~wis, to ~eeo~e~d to . .-~ * ~d for this model here orior to the council that a builgin~ oermit bc record~n~ of the final Discussion ne!~ on street li~ht~.~, ..... . ~. Lohm~r of L.S.P. ~'as co~t~,et~ for inForm~tion. Costs w~re ores~ate~ a~'~ m~tho'~ of ~btair]io~ ]iahts '."a~ [~otion by Vana"~'~e~,~,~ ~,, seconde~ 'b~ )avJ.,~, to r'oeo?~on~ to the eou~e~] that action be taken *~ have street ii{brimS !nstn!l~a i~ iionkeord Park ~s soon as .... f aach ~re~ ~s.V the co'3t of ~ossible. it ~ .... recomm~m~ed that the ~eom!o o this Letter 4ate~ Eay ?1 from ~,C. :;mil~'y & AsSoaiat~s to the Plannin~ with enc!ose~. ~ro~oaa! of thair eo~'~suibina services was read sn4 fliseus .... r ~ house trailers im. the Vil!ase of i)iscuasio~c ~as hold on trail~r ca ..... ~s an ~ew [loDe. t~io~oion Dy )~:~vis~secor)defl 'by Ohman~ to recomr~ond. to th~ Village Vi!la~e of Ne~ Ho~, .June 17, 1.o5~ ~ Plannin~ Commission Regular meetin~ of the New HoDs Plannin~ Oom~ ssion r..as held at the ¥ June 17 1958~ hew Hone School at ~:30 P .... , , Members present were: Kelso, Honsey, 0hman~ Van Auken, D~v~s~ Nielsen, Jessen, B~uer~ Absent: Sicora, Krueger, also present wins the ¥111age Buildin~ Inspector, Mtn KUCho Reading of the minutes of the Plan~in~ Commission meetin~ of MaW 9V, 1958 was disoensed with. At the suggestion of Mr. Kelso the first ~0 minutes of the meetin.~ was devote4 to readin~ a nortion of the Butldin~ Cod~. Discussion held on the establishment of several sub-committees within the Planning Commission. Motion made by Van Aukeu, seconded by Davis to establish the following committees. 1o Zoning and Plotting 2o Ordinances Motion carried. 3. Liason and Publicity 4. Long HanKe Followin~ members were nsme~ to these committees: Zoning & Plotting -- Van Auken, Jes~.=en an~ Davis Ordinances -- Nielsen, Bauer an~ Krue~er Liason & Publiclt7 -- Honsey, 0~man and Sico~ Lon~ Range -- Kelso, nn~ bhe chairm~n of esch of the other 3 co~lttees. I~ Is ~eco~enge~ th,t the ~ill~ge ~uncil direct ~tems to a sneeific committee of the Plannin~ Commission. Brief 4iscussion w~s held on the New HoDe-~stal bounda~ nroble~. Discussion held on ~he ~uestion of ini~iatin~ planning on municipal water within the Village. There bein~ no ~rther business to come before the Plannin~ o~ission, noon a motion by Van' Auken, seconded by Jessen, the meeting was ad]outed. Hecorting Secr~eta~, Mel Ohman ~illa~e of Bew Hope June 24, 195~ Plannm~ .?ommission A' SDeoi~l meeting of the hew Hope Plannin~ 0ommission was held a~ ~he ~ew Hope' SChool ~'a~ 8:30 P.M., J~e 24, 1958. Members'present: Kelso,.0~an' ~vis. Jessen, Sico~a, Nielsen, ~uer, K~eger. Members absent. Honsey an4 Man Auks. '~is meeting was called ~o consider ~he aDnlioa~ion of ~h'e Minneapolis Gas ~mpany for a oe~i~ to locate a s~andb~ ~rooan~ s~.~on on ~e Sou~h 440 ~ee~ off ~he Unite4 Pet~le~ DroDer~ bet,.sen ~'~innetka Ave. an4 the ~.~.N.~S. t~acks. After a discussion concerning this aoolics~tion a motion ~'as msdc by Si~ora, seconted by Jessen to ~ecommend to the ¥illa~e Council that permission be grante~ to the Minneaoolis Gas COo to crect the owonane stabion ~t this loc~tiono Motion carrielo ~here being no fuPther business -- motion -.as mate by 9avis, seconded by Jessen to st.lourno Recording Sec~ebary, Mel Ohman Village of llew ttope Planning Commis sion July 1, 1958 Regular meeting of the hew Hooe Planning ~ommission was held at the ~ew Hope ~chool at 7~30 P.l~t., July 1, 1958, Members oresent.- Honae.v, Van Auken, Ohman, Jeseen, Nielsen, Davis, Sicorao Absent: Kelso, ~auer, Rea~lng.qf the minutes of the. Plannln.~. Oom!a. isslon .meeting of June 17, w. as. dlspense~ with to save time sxnce each memoer recezves a" cony of the mlnu~es. Mr. ~lmer Lamohex-e aooeared before the Plan~in.~, ~om-.ission to r~.auest a special use De,mit to allow the building of multiple 4~-ellings on his p~oper~2 in ~ePra Lindao Mro Lamnhere did not want to have this aeea zoned commercial. M~tion by Van A~en, seconded b~ ~vis ~o ~eoo~n~-~o ~he Village ~cil ~ha~ De~ission be genn~e4 fo~ ~he cons~c~i~ of multiple 4wellins on ou~ lo~ 1, Te~ Llnda ~4 Addition, Hennepin sub.iec~ ~o confo~ing ~o ~he Village ~lding ~4e and also apn~val b2 ~he Willage B~lding Insvec~or, Mo~i~ c,~vie4. Mr~ Murra~ of Associated ~n~c~ors, Inc. apDeare4 before ~he Planning ~ission ~o discuss plans for developing land in ~he sou~hwes~ co,er of ~he village. His plans centered a~4 ~he ~ues~ion of cvea~ing a community wa~er s2s~em. His comp~ is willin~ ~ nu~ in a wa~e~ s2s~em which couli be incorporated in~o a m~icinal sTs~em a~ some ~ure Me,ion b~ Van Auken, seconde~ by Jessen, ~o reco~n4 ~o ~he Village ~cll ~ha~ no nla~ of 150 lo~s or less be De~i~e4 ~o hove co~i~y wa~er systems ~less financial hardship were nrove4 ce ~ ad]acen~ commode2 wa~er system were available. ~o~ion carried. A discussion was hel4 on ~he qaes~ion of ha~ng all village s~ree~s ~he same witch. I~ was poln~et ou~ ~ha~ ~e con~oure4 s~ree~s mi~h~ no~ carry ~he s~e ~fflc load ms some feeder s~oe~s. The s~ree~ width should be in proportion ~o i~s use~ in oth~r Mr~ Ne~ Hooney~ of F~H Real~y (Gw~nco) anneare4 before ~he Planning ~ission ~o discuss ~he Dyes and cons of s~vee~ maintenance bonds or cash bonds ~o be Dos~e4 b~ developers. Mead'on by Van A~en, 'seconded by Davis~ ~o recommend ~o the Village ~eil ~ha~ ~he presen~ req~remen~ for a cash bond be dispensed v,i~h and n sa~isfac~o~ ben4 be ~eouire~ in lieu ~hereof wi~h provisions for a maintenance ben4 when ~he improvements are completed before improvemen~ bond is release4~ Me,ion carriedo Discussion was held on ~he question of concrete curb an4 gu~er vs~ ~he neTM asphal~ic'cemen~ ~ype of curb w~ch is sunDose4 ~o be oui~e .s~rong ani ye~ much cheaper. Discussion was held on ~he final plus for G~nco Addition. The original plans which include4 all 40 acres ~eve chanae4 so ~ha~ the Dla~ now includes only lo~s on Ore,on Avco and 40~h Ave. which will be serve4 by ~he soon-~o-be-avnilnble sani~a~ sewer. Me,ion by Vnn A~en, secondet by Jessen~ to recom~eud to the Village ~ouncil thst the olat of Gw,vnnco Addition be accepted° Motion c~rrie~. Discussion was held on the nroblem of Father Fenelon's Dr~perty adjacent to Sro Raphaels Church pronertYo Motion' by Jes~eu, seconded by Davis, to recommend to the Village Council that Father Fenelon's property be released to the Village of CryStal" Discussion was held on the problem ~of creating the necesssr~ access roads in the village. Motion by JesSen, seconded by hielsen, to recommend to the Village C~uncil that the Village ~ngineer be recuested to lay out a grid oattern of access roads for the entire vill~qe. Motion cerried. Discussion was held ou the ~uestion:°~ removin~ the olaf of Blocks 1,2,3,4 and 6 of Howland's Heights Addition ~ro~ the county maps. agreed that this should be done° Discussion was held on rezoning the land behind the Bew Hooe School to industrial proDerty~ Motion by sicora, seconded by Ohman, to recommend to the Village ~ouncil that the remainder of the prooerty alon~ the South side of Hockford Road between '¢.~innetka and the H~Ro tracks, be rezoned to industrial orooertyo Motion carried. Letter~ not date~, ~m Mro Don Pearson to the New Hope Villoge Oouncil, requesting permission to establish a trailer court on Oounty Hd~ 1~ ~lust South of the Bass Lake road, was read° Motion by ~avis, seconded by Ohmam~ to recommend to the ¥ill,ge OoUncil that permission for establishing this trailer court be deuledo Motion c~rriedo There being no furthez' ~usiness :to come before the Planning Oommission, motion was made by Sicora~ seconded bY Davis to ad~1ourn. He'Co rdin ~ Secretary, Mel Ohman Village of New Hope Planning Oemmi s sion July 15, 1958 Re.~ular ~eeting of the ~tew Hope Planning Commission was held at the New Hone'School at V:30 P.k~o, July 15, 1958o Members present: Honsey, Van Auken, Ohman, Jessen, KrUeger, Davis, Sicora, Nielsen. abse.~t: Kelso, Bauer, Mr. Trucker, the Village ~lerk, was also Reading of the minutes of July 1 was dispensed with° Minutes were amended to give a more complete description of the property b~tween Winnetka and the'RoHo tracks recommended for rezoning to industrial property° by adding "~ the $/W quarter of the ~/W auarter of Section 17 Township 118 after RoE. tracks. ' Mro Albert So Tedesco of Hutchinson, Minno and Mr° Resop, realtor, appeared before the Planning Commission to discuss their proposed AM radio station, to be known as :~¥NL~M, in the Village of New Hope° '£his station would be a 1,000 watt station with three 780 ft~ towers. The location is the l~vlnnd Just west pC ¥~iunetka ,nd North of 56th Ave~ The station would orob~'.~bl~ occuo~ ~ ac~es of the 80 ~cre piece of proper~y being considered. M~tion by Van Auken~ seconded by Sicora, to recom~..end to the Village Council that nerm~.ssion be granted to Mr. Albert S° Tedesco of Hutchinson, Minno to erect an AM Radio station on the Mike Zegar property. Said towers and buildinMs to occup.~ ap.proximately M3 acres of lowland lying at least ~00 ft. east of the Raggerman west orooert..v line aud. at least AO0 fro North of 38th Ave. ~Oo and at least ~00 ft. ~;~est of Winnetka, in the south half Of the S/E quarter of Section 1~o Discussion was held on the question of community or municipal water in the Village° Discussion. was held on curbing and blacktop streets. Motion by Davis, seconded by Jessen, ~o recommend to the Village ~ouncil that the street reeulrement in the Platting Schedule be changed from the present bituminous mat to an oil stabilized gravel meeting the Village Hngineer~s specifications. Also recommend that the Village Engineer draw up specifications on alternate t.voes of curbing for consid~',ration by the Planning Commission and the Council. Motion carried° It was recommended that Mr° Caswell, ~he Village ingineer be reouested to attend ~.the Plan~ing Commission meetinq of Jul?z Discussion was held on the status of land ownershin ewpecially the most recen~t changes within the Village° There being no further business to come before the Planning Oommission, motion was made by Van Auken~ seconded by Davis to ad,lourno Recording Secretary, Mol Ohman Village of ~ew Hope July 29~ 1958 Planning Commission Regular meeti~z of the ~ew Hope ,Planning Commission was held at the ~ew Hope school a~ ~:~0 P.Mo, July ~, 1958. Members oresen~ were~ Kelso, 0~, Davis~ S!cora~ ~ielsen, V~ A~en, K~eger~ .Ai~ ~resen~ was ~he Village A~omey, Mr. ~rrick~ A~sen~: Honsey, Jessen, ~uer. Motion by Van Auken~ second~.d by Davis, to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Planning Coramission meeting of Jnl.v 15. Motion carrieS. Discussion was held on Mro Harlan Peterson~s reouest for a special use permit to operate a woOdworking shop at V601 Bass Lake Road. t$on !~Y Sicora~ seconde~.by Davis,_to re oozlmen.d_ to t!~e Village ~ a ~mpera~ use pe~x~ ~o operate a ~oe~w~n~ shop. ~or ~ pe~a one yea~ from J~e 1~ I958~ ~e issued te the 'A'wmn ~eava~xng '~ ~e be located a~ 7601 Bass Lake Road~ Me~ion carried, Mr~ J~ Ho Bar~let~ 9a98 Medicine.L~e Rad~ appeared before ~he Pla~ing ~issior~ ~o ~souss ~s re~ues~ in ~he fo~ ~f a le~e~ ~o ~e Village- da~ed July 22, for ~he cons~ruc~ien of additional refrigerating facilities ~ ~s mea~ ~a.cking nlan~ leca~e4 in ~he So W. co,er ef ~he Viilage~ Motion by Van Auken, seconded by Sicora; to recommend to the Village Council te approve the request of Mro Bartlett, doing business as the Robbinsdale Packing COo, for the construction of an addition to his present plant located on Lot 10, Block 8 of Howland's Heights Addition to the Village of New HoPe; subject to a~proval by the Village Bldgo Inspector and provided that all construction meet the Village Building Code° Mo~ion carri~.do Motion by Van Auken~ seconded by Sicora,-to recommend to the Village Council te anorove the apolication Of Mr. Albert S. Tedesco of HUtChinson, ~inno~ for the const.~,~ction, of a radio station and t~owe~s; as sut{mitte4 to the 0ouncil on July :-~i, 1958~ Motion carried° Discussion was held on the verbal request of Mr° Ha~lan Peterson te obtain a permit to build on a 1~5 by 100 foot lot located in the Lo L. Peterson Addition° Recommendation made to have Mr° Peterson anoe~r before the Planning Oommision with a proper plat showing the location of buildings and the proposed acess to this loto Mr° Oaswell, the Village Engineer, gave the planning commission a talk~ on the various types o~ curbing now in use by other municipalities° He covered t~e advant, ages~ disadvantages, coStS~ e~Co, of each type° Motion by Van Auken, seconded by Bielsen, to recomme,nd that the council change~he requirement of a concrete curb and ~.utter~ The contractor may have tl~e optlo~ of installing concrete curb and gutter as now reouire.~ in our present zode or denosit with the village an amount of mone.w 'i~ form of a cash bond or its equivalent in the form of a platters' perfo~ance bond. equal bo one dollar per front f°o~ of the land platted and p~ting in asphalt type rolled curb. The money or ~eposit shall be held in escrow un~il such time as ~he Village O~uncil decides to install permanent concrete curb and gu~er. *~he money held in escrow shall then be a~olied to cost of curb and gu~ter and the. balance of the, cos~ shall be. assessed agaimst the benifeted property. There being no further business t~ come before the, Planning Con~.ission, metion was ma~e and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Recording Secretar.W, Mel V'tllaFe of' Ne~ Ho~ · August 19, 1958 Planning Commission ,~, l~egular meeting of the. Nm~' ilope Planning Commission was held at the New Hope 3chool at ?~30 i~.?~.., AuG. 19, 1958. l~embers present'were~ Honsey~ Kelso and Davis. Absent~ Ohman, Van Auken, Jcssen, Xrue~er, Sicore~ Nielson and Dauer. 'A~he rejection of the application, of ltr. Kemp, for a permit to build a L~ltip]ex in Nev.~ Hope draws attention tO a deficiemcy in o~ zoning ordi~ce. Sec~iom 1~, p~a~ Ij precludes Construction dwelling ~ a lot co,rising less th~ ~2,0~ sq~re l~t o~ ~e n~ber of f~lies in a ~i-f~ly ~tt$ it ~es no pro~sions for s~ting aside ~ ~u~ off ~ce for off street p~k~g, play ~eas or d~i~g yards. ~e need for requiring a ~living u~t" to consi~ of 4 ~o~ or ~re is que~oned. (See Sect. l?B ~d~g Code). The recommendation of the planning Commissic~ ,,~e the% ~hese Set-fiche be written to more clearly portray their ~.~ in~e~o There being no further Business ~o come before the Planning Commission the meeting was adjourned. Acting 3ecretary~ Lowell Davis ~mm~ago of Ne~ Hope Plannln~ Comm~ ssion S~ptember 29 125.-~ 19.e~lar meeting of the Nmv Hope Planning Commission was held at the t-.~., September 2, t958. Hope Schoo~ at 7~30 ~ '~ Members present were~ Honsey, Kelso, Davis, Van Auken~ S~cora, Nielson, ~wueger~ Jessen and Ohma~o Absent: Bauer. Letter dated August 20~ 3958, from Albert So f.: Patricia 7;. Tedesco to the Village CounciRm regarding the proposed construction of a radio broadcasting station on 2B acres in the Village was read and discussed. L~ilding pemnit fee o~ commercial building wus referred to ~he Zoning Ordinance Committee & ~iason Committee, said Committees to repor~ Back ~o the Planning Commission at the next reguRar meeting. Discussion w~s held on building Code° Discussion was held on tbmtcipal ~ia%er System. 20 minutes time was provided for continuation of reading over the building Code. 'There being no further business to come before the Planr~ingCommission, motion v~s made and seconded to adjourn the neetin~. Ac%in~ Secretary, Lowell Davis Vili~E~ of N~w 1958 a% ?~0 P.M,,~, Sop%ember t~ 1958~, Present r~ere~ H~nzey, K~Rso~ Ohman~ Davis~ Kra~er, Steora and Bauer ~in~%es of %he PS_arming ~on. mtssion meeting of Septembe~ 2~ !958 ~ere read and approved. M~%ion by Sicora, seconded ~-y K~eger, %o have ~t"~ Honsey contac% 1~ Shtnder and his associate ~e invite ~hem %0 appear before the nex~ mee%!n~ of the ?!annin~ Oo~mission for %he purpose of discussing ~%iple Dv.,~el~ing~ Motion car~ied~ Mo%i.e~ by Sicora, seconded by Davis %0 reco.~mend ~hat ~ ~pecia] meeting be ca,.led in order to meet with ~. H~eMock to dise~ss mu~ioi~al or coca,unity wate~ ~stems when he is in %o~ ~otion DiscussioB was he~d on ~he $~C~ Smi!ey ~ A~sociate~ proposal to f~rnish pie~ing consul~an~ services to the VillR~e o~ New Hope~ held on the question of need for a part time ¥i]lage Engineer. M~%~on by Sic~a seconded by L~vis, %0 i~form Smile~ and Asso.:::~'~%es that %he ~illage of New Hope is not ready for %hi~ ty~e of service at this ~ime~ iL~ording secretary is ~o write %0 Sm~.!ey and inform them. M~%io~ carried. T~ere being no ~u~her buslnes~ to ~me before the Planning 0en~sissien, upon a m~%ion by Davi~, seconded bM Sicora~ %he meetingwas adjourned. Re~ or~ing Secretary, Met 0~ '~ ~ · ~e~e~:~~ '~o %ha~ of ~ ..... e~.,.al~ ~e , =ubd~.c~ to t~a ~;:D~roval of th~ Vi!l~e There ~eing no ~ni..:%he:z' business to ~ome Village of New Hop® Planning Commission October 144 1958 Regular meeting'of th® New Hope Plan~ing Commission wms held at the New Hope School at ~30 Pe~,~ October 14~ 1958. Members Pres~nt~ Honeey~ Kelso. 0hm~n~ la"aeger~ $ic0ras Van A~ken. Jesses and IkaViSo Abse~t~ Bauer~ Nielse~Nro ~e~ Kl~ch, the Village Building Inspector, vms present aisc. lli~utes of the Flashing Commission meet!.~:a of 'September 30~1958s were read and approved, Discus?ion vas held on a proposed shoppi~ e~nter o~tht NoW. corner of Medi~ ~e Lake Road& ~inneika $~e~e to be built ~ ~dgway~ Associ~ie~. The shoppi~ center ~ld be ~il~ ca a~u~ 40 acrest !ess wha'~ever ~ffer zones or areas are r~uir~. Da~s~ seconded ~ Jess~, to reco~nd ~o t~ Village Couaci~ ~hat~ lacking a for~ requa~ for rezonA~g, avpreval ~ give~ to rezone the 40 acre N. W. corner of Medicine L~e P~ad a ~inn~ka av~e ~m residential to co~ercial provided the necess~y buffer zones ~e provided for. ~tion carried. Mr. '~tley~ repreoentimg ~olde~ P~!e Realty~ appeared before the P!~ni~ Co~e~iiu to disuse a p~'~sed pl~/~ of approxi~t~y 30 acre~ fl~sacrAbed a~: The West 22 rods of the ~st 3~ ~ds off the S~- of the ~' of Sec. l~s To~u~ship 118~ ~nge 2!~ except that part t~en By R.L~S. ~426s Men. spin Couu~y~ ~nncsot~ },~tion by Sicors. s seconded by Jeesen ~o rec~end theft the p~at be accepted as presei~d except that provision for a street to ~he ~h of ~o~k 2 be ~de by ~eduoi~g th~ width of ~,ots 2 thr~ !0~ i~olu~ive~ to ~5 lea~ the ~h 'of l.oi i app~o~!~ate~y 95~5 ~. ,~hich~'~ill aliov~ a 20 ~ e~e~ent for ~ ~ road righ~ of ~y. ~is wouid a~so require ~ si~lar 20 fi easement from the ~nnco Mr. llo~tgomerl% represent~.~ · the Peavey Buildina Service~ appeared before the ~.a~i~ Ce~ssio~ to discus~ their pro~sed plat fo approxi~tety ~0 acres described directly to t~e ~; aemo~ Winnetka Avers described as: The ~- of the ~-' of the ~- of S~. 7~ To.ship 118~ H~e 21. ~tiom by t~u~er~ ~eceaded by Va~ Aukem~ to approve the plat~ te~rar/ly kno~ ~,s Peav~ 1~ & 2nd Addition. e~cept fo~ c~n~!t~g the toeation 4~th ~e~e to ~ve it fo~iow the qua~er e~,c%to~ ~i~e in the pro~m~d and Addition~ ~ ~o take emi ~ode Isla~d Avenue ~d pu'~ ia ~b~ Arenas further ~st~ i~ the proposed Discussion ~s held o~ the prop.~ed r~zoni~ of the Ne~ Hope ,School pmope~y to i~du,~trial It ~s re~pectfully ~uggested t}m'~ the Villa~e Co~nc~l ~ct on the Plma~lir~Oommis~i~ns reco~endations of July lg i !Sib~ 195a~ reco~endina thct the school prope~y be re~oned from oo~er~ia! to imdustri~ property. Discussion ~as held on %he question of ~nicipal or con.amity ~m~ter. Mr. Hickock ~s a p~Posal abo~ ready s. nd ~hould 5~ a~o to ~u'~ hi.~ tentative pro~s~ ir~ about a week~ ~er f~om other cities a viX!~¢es wilt. be obtained f~ ¢omparis~. area Just $ of the ~o Lime ~aeka ~ ;~e:'t off Winnetka held or~ {.,he possibility of ebtai~i~a idea~ frown the M~iropolitan Planz~ Sic°fa and eeconde~ by ~e~e~ ~he mee'~.~ ~u~ adjourne~o Recording Secretary ~el Oh~an Village of New Hope Planning Commission -1- October 28, 1958 Regular meeting of the New Hope Planning Commission was held at the New Hope School, · 0 7.3 o'clock p.m., October 28, 1958. Members present: Kelso, Van Auken, Ohman, Sicora, Davis, Nielsen, Jessen, and Honsey. Absent: K~eger, Bauer. Motion waa~made by Van Auken, seconded by Sicora, to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Plaaning Commission meeting of Octoberl4, 1958. Motion carried. Discussion was held on the proposed shopping center on the South edge of the Village on Winnetka Avenue near Terra Linda. Motion was made by Van Auken, seconded by Davis to recommend to the Village Council to recon4ider the recommendation made by the Planning Commission on October lb, 1958 ~ein approval was recommended for rezoning of the entire 40 acres located on the N. W. Corner of the intersection of Medicine Lake Road and Winnetka; and also that this rezoning be approved for the construction of a shopping center and multiple dwellings. Motion carried. Discussion was held on the establishiment of shopping center and multiple dwelling categories for the~Zoning Code. It was decided to postpone discussion on this to a later date. Discussion on fire regulations as they apply to multiple dwellings. Referred to the proper subcommittee for further study and recommendations. Discussion on revision of fees and charges for various building permits for industrial and commercial buildings. Referred to the subcommittee on ordinances for further study and recommendations. Discussion was held on propsed Water franchise. Motion by Sicora, seconded by Van Auken, that since no representative or official of the Water Co. was present, a meeting with the Water Co. representatives be eet up, either at the next regular meeting or at a special meeting as soonas possible. Motion carried. In the meantime, each member will have a copy of the proposed ordinance to study for discussion at the next meeting. There being no fur~er business to come before the Planning Commission, upon a motion by 8icora, seconded by Van Auken, the meeting was adjourned. Village of New Hope Planning Commission -1- November 18, 1958 Special joint ~earing of New HoPe Village Council and Planning Commission held at the New Village offices below the New Hope Liquor Store. Members present ~rom Village Council: Honsey, Trucker Members present from P~anning Commission: 0hman, Kelso, Van Auken, Davis, Jessen Nielsen, Krueger. Also present waa Village Attorney, William Corrick. Discussion was held with Mr. Olson on Revenue Bond issue for Village Water, in preparation of public hearing set for November 25, 1958. Special joint meeting was adjourned. Recording Secretary Mel Ohman The ~ond p~.~ to h~ locat~ as foil~r~· a~ ~t ~v~ of ~ %~mt ~ ~ the ~,~o~- Dec. c~ber 2~ Re~d~r meetdng of the New Hope Platooning Co~is~ion was held tu the Village Hall at ~?00 Newada A~nue North at 7:30 P.M. December 2, 1958. Members present ~re: Kelso, Davis, Van Auken, Krueger, Jessen and Sicora. Absent were: Honseys Bauer and Nielsen. Motion ~%s made by Van Auken~ seconded by Jessen that we dispence with the reading of the November 18~ 1958 Pl~uning Co~ssion minutes. Motion carried. ~.~ro R. Ho Smith ~nd ~-~o O. W. Cmldwell appeared on behalf of the Pure Oil Oompany ~ith plmns and specifications for the proposed Service Station on the Southeast: corner of the Bass L~ke Road and Winnetka ~;~enue for the purposes of requesting a special use perm~it for this property. Dizc~msion was held on a special use pemmit for this corner. Motion was made by V~u A~ken, seconded by I~aeger that we recommend to the .Village Oa~ueil that a s~ci~ ~us~ ~t be iss~d for ~e Sauthe~t co,er of the ~ke ~ad ~d ~etka Avenue. Mo~on c~ed. ~tter ~eeived f~m~.ere~9~nson~'~ Inc~ ~ted ~c~er 1, 1958, ~est~ the ~zo~ f~m residential to c~e~ci~ ~e fo~g pro~y; ~ of the To~nmp ~, ~ 21, ~cept ~ follo~; the Sou~ 233 of ths S~ of s~ction_.,~r ~ ~ ~e~f; the No~h 5~ ~t. of the South 733 ft. of the ~t ~33 ft.; the ~st of the N~h 1~3.15 ~. ~d the No~h l~ ft of the E~t !L2q~25 ft. ~e~of ~ept ~. ~se~on ~s held on ~. Notion was made by Sicorg~ seconded by Van A~ken that we recommend the Village Oouncil remone the above described property to cmmmercial as requested. ~tion carried.~ Motion was made by Van Auken, seconded by Jessen that the Village Council take under conSideration the P!a~_ng Commission recommendations on concrete curb and ~tter as set forth in the m~uutes of our July 29, 1958 meeting. Motion carried. Morton made by Jessen, meconded by Sicora tb~t we recommend the Vi!lg~e 0ouncil set up a sma of $120.00 for Planning Oommiselon budget for the purpose of pa~ing the seeret~ry at the rate of $10o00 per month. Members in favor: Jessen, Sicora, Eelso, Van Auken, Krueger. Abstaining; Davis. Motion carried. There being no further busLuess to come before the Planning C~,~tssion, meeting was a Jouraed. ~ilia~e of ~ev~ Hc ,~ ~l~lunin~ Comm!ssic~ ~'~ooember 16~ 198~ T~e~l~r ~eet~n~ of the Ne~ Hooe ~lannin~ Co~mission was held fn the Village Hall at ~00 ~cvmdm Ave~ Ho. ~t ~:~0 ~.~% ~cc~bsr "~bers oresent were: Felso. Dmvis, V~ t1111, en, Nonsey~ Jessen ~uegcr Grid Sicora. Absent were: ~uer Gud Nielsen. · 'eetin~ v~as called to order b~ Ch~i~n Felso, "orion made b~: Van Auwen, seconded b~ 3essen thut we dis~ence v~Ith the read~n~ of the Dec. 2, 1.~o~ ~launin,~ Commission minutes. · 'et!on carried, Letter..was recieved and read from City PlanninF Commission dated ~ec. ~., 198~, oertaining to the Silver Anniversary ~lanninF. Conference of the 2~erican aociet~, of Planninm Cff~clals to be held in the TwJn C~ttes "a2 l0 to l~, 1959. '"orion made b2 Van Au~en, seconded b~, FrueFer th,,,t we recom- mend the village Couucil acce~t the ~ro~osed Subd~v~sion of · 'orW-C~.~ion Heimhts (bein~ ~.,rt of the i[orth 1/2 of the ?¥;' 1/a of Section 8, Townshi~ ll~, ~Gnme ?l) v~ith final acceptance subject to the a'~rov~nF of f~nal olans ~ert~iu~nm to ~nitary Sewer ~ud Stem ,~A~ dr~,~n~.~e. "o t~. on carr! edo "orion .~.ade b~, Jessen, seconded b~. Sicor~ that wc recommend the VillcFe Couucil ~ssue b~ld~n~ oer~its for two (2) modal ho~es on what will be lots 1-2 or 3 ~loc¥ I of Subd~visYon oC ."or~- Ca~T)ion Mei-hts, b~, '~,~eets ~ud bounds" ,]nt~.l f~n~l ~l~t is ac- c~ted. '"o. tion C~rri ed. '"etlon made b~:' ~avis~ seconded by V~n AuW, en th,~,t we rec°m- meud the Villame Council su~ort the ~lanntn~ Commtcs~en ~n m:.,,Win.~ a "statement of intended use'~ a ~,,,.rt of ~:-~n2 a~l~.cat~on Cor~ chan~e in zoning. · "orion carried. · 'otton was m~de and secouded th,~.t the mcetin~ be adjourned° "oriOn carried. Recordin~ Secretary, ~owell ~v! s