1990-1991 NH Fire Minutes . ," ".'" "'~''''''''..}_''i'__''''' "~"'~" ..' ~"...,' ..........,...,'""'........".t.......~J.,..:.~:;.".;.,.. " ~~ GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING January 3, 1990 The meeting was called to order 1940 at hours by Assistant Chief Nelson. The Pledge of Allegiance recited. Roll was taken by Fire Department Secretary Marge Runnakko with 16 regular members and 4 probationary members present. It was moved by Brad Johnson and seconded by Frank Datko that the minutes of the last meeting which were posted be accepted. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Letter from Adam D. Piskura, State Director of Fire Training re: Nominations for Firefighter and Fire Department Community Service Awards to be postmarked by March 16, 1990. 2. Schedule from Bernard Herman re: New Hope Fire Station. 3. Memo from Chief Smith to All Committee Chairmen re: Fourth Quarter Reports for 1989. 4. Repair order for bracket on Halligan Tool on Engine 9. It was also reported that the overhead door problem was caused by cold rails due to heater problems. 5. Memo from Chief Smith to all members re: January 8th Explorer planning meeting at 2000 hours at the Fire Station. 6. Memo to all members from Chief Smith re: Vehicle Committee formation. 7. Letter from Thomas Motherway Director of State Department of Public Safety regarding abandonment of the state's Hazardous Materials Response Team effective 8:30 am on January 3, 1990. 8. Certification Expiration Dates updates as of 12/12/89 for EMT and First Responder. TRAINING OFFICER 1. FF II classes are in progress now. 2. A Vehicle Extrication drill will be held on Saturday January 6, 1990. 3. The Training Officer job description is being worked on by the present officers. 4. Day drills with Plymouth will be checked on by Brad Johnson. Officer's Meeting January 3, 1990 Page 2 TRAINING OFFICER (continued) 5. Assistant Chief Nelson is checking with Crystal for possible joint drills. 6. Greg Carlson suggested that if 2 or 3 firefighters wanted to organize some drills on their own it would be a solution for the lack of day drills. Assistant Chief Nelson said this would be OK and that they only need inform him or the Chief of what they were intending to drill on. 7. Anyone with ideas for future drills, please call Assistant Chief Nelson. RESCUE: 1. 103 hours of public service was put in on the recent hockey tournament. 2. There is another hockey tournament scheduled for February 1-4 - Golden Valley will be asked to cover the election night. 3. Another hockey tournament is scheduled for March 10-11. It is a Mite Tournament __ look for sign-up sheets. 5. Mark Bennett requested the door at the arena be repaired (Al to look into this matter. 6. It was requested that a letter be drafted which outlines what assistance and perks (i.e. hot beverages, etc.) fire personnel expect while covering tournaments as there is no consistency. EVALUATIONS: NO REPORT SCBA'S: 1. Dan Roby is now in charge of this committee. Ron Bjorklund, Henry Benton and Steve Fahy are also on it. 2. There is a list on the board showing who must be tested on SCBA's. Please check to see if your name appears on it. 3. Write up any problems you experience with the Scots so they can be checked out. There are spare tanks available. 4. Brad Johnson reported that he thought more larger masks might need to be ordered as only small ones seemed to be available. There might be some on one of the trucks. Officer's Meeting January 3, 1990 Page 3 SCBA'S (CONTINUED) 5. Datko reported on the compressor problems (locked up) and Assistant Chief Nelson said that he would arrange to have Bauer check it on Thursday. 6. More Scotts are on order. 7. Mark Bennett requested that the extra masks be kept with the spare bottles and that the spare Scotts be put in the old cases to prevent damage. Ron Bjorklund will check on whether any new protective cases are on order. 8. Replacement O-Rings are being ordered from Elvin. RECRUITMENT: 1. Concern was expressed on how new members are going to be recruited. 2. Greg Carlson expressed his concern about the current negativeness of many of the department members and the need to improve attitudes. 3. Assistant Chief Nelson and Captain Homstad are planning to attend some civic meetings to see if they can recruit members from those groups. 4. Three members of the department are currently on Medical LOA's and two have requested personal leaves immediately - this raised a question regarding the number of leaves allowed within the department at anyone period of time. HOSE: NO REPORT LIBRARY: NO REPORT OPERATIONS: NO REPORT TRUCK: 1. A request for those members interested in forming a Truck Committee has been posted at the station. Please see the Chief if you are interested. PLANNING: 1. The Chief has received a proposed schedule for construction of the Fire station from the Architect Bernard Herman. Officer's Meeting January 3, 1990 Page 4 WAGES: 1. Mark Bennett reported that wage increases and adjustments would not be addressed until Council made their decision - rumor is that there will be a 4 - 4 1/2% increase. Mark said that there were many ways that the increase could be distributed including increases to drill pay up to the level of what F /F pay is, for attainment of training levels (FF II distinction, etc.), increase to Assistant Chief's pay, fitness program, etc.) Please see the members of the Wage Committee with any of your suggestions. He also mentioned that there could be a change in how often wages were paid if the membership desired according to finance personnel he spoke with. 2. Ed Anderson suggested that the members might want to look into how social security and tax withholding is handled on their payments. HAZMAT: 1. Robinson Rubber has agreed to furnish the Fire Department with parts for the barrel kit to be used in training. This is as a thank you for the recent call in November. A letter of thanks will be sent upon receipt of these parts. 2. Drill will be held on the 3rd Monday, January 15th. PUBLIC EDUCATION: 1. Public Education recently performed has been in conjunction with the Hockey Tournaments -- thanks to all members who have been involved. 2. No recent birthday party requests have been received. EXPLORERS: 1. Chief Smith has posted notice of a January 8th meeting at 2000 hours. FIRE MARSHAL'S REPORT: 1. McDonald's is due to open in about two weeks. 2. Both Burger King Restaurants in the City have closed. 3. Supervalu in Midland has closed and one has opened in the old Tyra's location at 4471 Winnetka. Officer's Meeting January 3, 1990 Page 5 FIRE MARSHAL'S REPORT (CONTINUED): 4. Sunshine Factory did have their annual Christmas sprinkler break, however, the station was not notified. They are installing a better system soon. 5. Plans and permit application for Holy Nativity have been filed. ENGINEER'S REPORT: 1. There is a work detail scheduled for January 7, at 0930 hours - check the board. UNIFORMS: 1. Ed Anderson, Uniform Committee Chairman, has circulated a request list that you should sign if you need red name tags, baseball hats and jackets. The first jacket is paid for by the department, any additional must be bought by the firefighter. 2. Patches have been ordered in one size only (no special ones for the hats), will arrive shortly (500 qty). 3. New waist coats are coming out that don't have pockets, however, Ed was able to find a source to provide coats with pockets as before at a small price difference. COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE: 1. Greg Carlson, Committee Chairman, reported that one radio was damaged beyond repair by being dropped in water at the recent house fire. This accident was not covered under contract. Cost of a new radio is $800. 2. Charles McCulloch reported that there is supposed to be a kit which will waterproof radios at about the cost of $14 per radio (this an after market from King Radio per one of their reps. 3. Ed Anderson reported that other county radio served cities are getting the opportunity to try new types of radios and wondered why New Hope wasn't among them. He also inquired as to who from our city is on the Hennepin County Radio Advisory Board. 4. Jim Hassing inquired about the possibility of New Hope writing its own specs for radios. This can be done, however, to purchase such radios would probably be cost prohibitive. 5. Greg Carlson inquired as to whether a water-proof bag could be used over the radios. Officer's Meeting January 3, 1990 Page 6 COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE (CONTINUED): 6. Lt. Bennett inquired about the status of a radio being installed in the back of 6. Al to ask Chief about this. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Assistant Chief Nelson will check into the status of the janitorial service to be under city contract soon. 2. Greg Carlson offered to do some cleaning until the new service starts. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Ed Anderson inquired about City Council's action concerning any reactivation of the Strategic Planning Committee. He believed it was mentioned during the 1st Monday of December, 1989. He also inquired how this might impact the task force committee he proposed at the last meeting when the election process was voted on. 2. Anyone interested in running for office - THERE ARE SIGN-UP FORMS A V AILABLE - SEE MARGE OR THE CHIEF. 3. Jim Hassing requested that anyone interested in being on the Operation's Committee (which decides how the trucks roll out, etc) join. 4. Charlie McCulloch inquired about the $1,500 check which was supposed to be coming from the Lion's Club and requested that someone look into the matter. 5. A motion was made by Steve Homstad and seconded by Ed Anderson that Jim Hassing be approved for a two-year term on the Wage Committee. All voting were in favor of this appointment. Wage Committee Members now are Steve Merwin, Mark Bennett and Jim Hassing. Meeting was adjourned at 2100 hours. Respectfully submitted, Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary GEN:El(AI., :r~:E:RS""rlIP 1'~1'J.l\,'G Fe.Xtlary -4; 1990 The meeting vJaS callecl to order at 1930 hours by Chi ef SrDith and the Pledge of 2Ulegiance was recited. Holl \,,,1(3B 1--aKen by Fi re Department Sec-.ceta::..ry Marge R1.Jllnakko vlith 16 regular :mem.bers and 4 probationary members present. It vJaS moved ITy Charles J'YlcCulloch and seconded ITy Hon Bje)rklund tl:1at the :minutes of t-he last meeti ng "vbich vJere posted be accepteeL CORR.E.S.J?OND"Ri'~';E: 1 . :Resignation from I>-::ma Larsen effecti ve .January 3; 1990. 2. Letter of thall.kB from the Plymouth Fi -('e Depa,..-v-br.ent re mutual aid receive.d at the Saga.more fi re DJl1. 3. Request from Captain steve Romstad re: use of the Fire station faciliti es for CPH tra i Ding for the Ladies AQxili.::Lry. 4. Notice t-hat Charles McC::ulloch and Dan Roby vIill be at-tending a 1st R.esp::mder refresher course. 5. Notice that Greg Carlson is schecluled to take a 1st Resp:Jnder Course. Fe~~ary 12; 13; 14 1990. 6. Letter from City Manager Daniel J. Donahue re: city Council request for neirv Task Force to study change in the fire service. Those signing up for t-his task force from the fire depa.rtment are Tim FOlL1Tl i er; Brad Joh.1l..8on; ]\1:ark Bennett; steve Romstad; Ed Anderson and Jim. RaBsing. Tnose appoi ntecl to represent the fire service on this Council TaB}\:. Force are: Assistant Chi ef Mark Bennett and captain steve Ro:rHstad. 7. Copy of mission statement and organization of the Plymouth Fire Department. 8. Notice of the C-.cysta~ Frolics parade t-O be held,Ju~y 29; 1990 at 1: 00 PM:. 9. Letter re: Public Safety Days to be held on May 18 & 19; 1990. 10. Hemo from Metropolitan Region Emergency Providers re: Critical incident stress Debriefing Service 1tlbich opperates \,llithin t-he seven-county metropolitan area cost to requesting agencies. This service can be UBed. personnel ",mo experience unusua~l y strong emotional eR.ergency servic..e. 11. Letter from 1-..0 Capta in Romsta.d re: Razmat General "Hal\bership Heeting Febru~~ 4, 1990 Page 2 ~Th~ (continued) 12. Letter from Homstad re: 1st Responder refreshers available. 13. Schedule and sign-up for February 1 - 4 hockey tournament. 14. Ivle..1110 regarding future of the Explorer program from Chief Smith to all meID.bers. 15. Quarterly reports from: y.caining Officer, Public Education, EngBleer, Communicationj SCBA's, Rescue Lieutenant I Hazmat and Uniform. Hose j Gear to be received at this date. 16. Joe .Amos application for medical leave from Janu~ry 2 f 1990 until J'Il..arch 12, 1990. 17. Personal leave request from Doug Anderson due to "vork assignment from Janua:i..-y 8, 1990 until March 31, 1990. 'IRAThTIlG 01"1".1.<':& 1. ,li,.ssistant c..hief Nelson rep:>rted t.'1at IT II 'irva8 being finished up. The make-up class irJill be held the last "VleC1nesday in February. The test irJill be pushed back one vleek. 2. Looking for a day time class "i.'I7ith no success. P.:ESCOE: 1. Hockey t01Lrnament was just completed. 85 hours of time viaS Spe..71t by the firefighters. 2. Am.,"lrus leak viaS repaired. 3. Golden Valley is covering the final hours of the hockey tou...."11arl1e..'1t being held during tonight's meeting. SCBA: 1- C-Rings irlere ordered for Scott repairs. 2. One Scott is requiring repair at this time. 3. Rescue I nOVl has a supply of larger masks. 4. 3 more masks are in service for the 2 A's. 5. sui teases have been put on Rescue I. General Ne:.(nbership I\l[eeting February 4 f 1990 Page 3 6. 3 nevJ 4. 5' s a."'1d spare bottles are scheduled to go into Engine 9. '7 New inst...--uction sheets are made up for checking SCBA's. J . 8. List vJill be passed out regarding those vIDO need to be checked off on donning and fit. 9. Tnere ,",vas a question from the flcor regarding the use of the cascade systam on for filling 4.5's. Captain Homstad rep:::>rted "b."'1at there has been a problem with t..'r:le filter on t..he compressor. Ra..~e I ,",vorks better for filling t..he 4.5's because of the time element. It takes about 20 minutes per bottle. 10. 2Ul bottles were lettered vIi th larger numbers and caTl be cross-checked to serial numbers if t..hey don't stay in place. 11. Ne-.;J :masks vJill all have fcg shields. At this point Charles McCulloch moved t..hat all regular business be dispensed '"''\lith until after the election teak place. Tms was seconded by steve Mer1eJin . wl1i Ie vmting for a count on the Assistant Chief's Election the following liJaS discussed ~ p,.pproval of ne;;v candidate 1 Jonathan Tate vIDO ,",vas intervievJed in the prer",-,,-oding Officerfs Meeting limch did not have a quorum present for business. The officers present vJere steve Homstad, Ron Bjorklund and Chief sTIli th. The Go.....neral Membership vJaS asked if they would alloyJ recommendation of t..he nevJ candidate based upon t..'r:le opiI1.ion of t'r:lose tbree officers ,",mo intervie\ved Mr. Tate. JLrn Hassing moved that t..he recci1Lmendation of JYi..r. Tate be accepted by the C-eneral Membersllip f tt.J.s irJaS seconded by steve MenJin. YlOtion passed on voice vote of the membership. Results of the election are as follows~ 2Ulen Nelson (inCl1lI1b<=>.....nt) 9 Ylark Bennett 11 At this point Brad Jor.il1...c::on moved t..hat 2UlaTl Nelson's na."'TIe be put on the rellot for Captain and steve Mer1eJin seconded it. Results of the rellot for Captain is as follarls ~ steve Hornstad (Ll1cmnbent ) 16 Charles r-lcCUlloch 10 2Ulen Nelson 7 GSi"1eral Me...>rberSJ:lip Meeting Februfury 4, 1990 Page 4 Results of the ballot for Lieute.TlaTlt i;iere as follo;,ys: Dwight JohI1son 14 yes 6 no Franl<. Datl<.o 10 yes 10 no One Fire LieutenaTlt position remai:rls ope.Tl. CDief Smit.h vJill make an app:Ji Tltrnent 11m; ch 'i,-vill be ratified ITY 'G'1e Me.l11bership Comittee to t.his p:Jsition. Results of t.he ballot for Rescue LieutenaTlt viere as folloi;iS: l'JIike Bo--D11ett 20 Bradley JOD_n.son 1 Ed Anderson moved that the ballots be destroyed by t.he department secretary. This viaS seconded by JViark Bennett. The ne'"w officers are to l:e S\.'I7orn in at the February 14th drill. Th.e business meeting viaS reconve..."'1ed at 2025 hours. p~~~.~ - No Report HOSE - No Report LIBRARY - No Report OPER~ONS - No Report TROCK~ 1. Fire Safety has filed baIlJITUPtc-y. Tne baTJk has offered to let the Nav Hope Fire Depa....""t::ment have title to the truck and has agreed to allv;!',] the fire depart.rne.nt to plrchase outright the balance of t.he non- delivered i mllS which v.Jere (6) complete 4.5 Scotts and (10) spare bottles . T.l1e balance of fllnds vii t.11held after purchase of t.hese i te.ms ,,>Jill be paid to the bank for release of the title. PIl\.l4:@;!G~ 1- The architect Bernard Herrr.an, Shari Fre..."'1ch (Park & Recreation Director) , Police Chief Colin Kastanos and CDief Smith met to discuss cons'Lruction schedule for the na-J fire station. 2. The Police Dep<Lrt:ment will have a gun range facility in the basement of the ne\tv- fire facility. Tne city \tv-ill pick up the expense of building wis range and ventilation concerns ",Jill be addressed before COI1.s'Lruction takes place. General Ma'ubership 1'-1eeting Febru~ry 4, 1990 Page 5 3. Concern IfTcl.S expressed by the Park & Rec-.ceation Director about having construction of the fire facility coi.ncide vJi th the outdoor pool season due to safety and equipment concerns. 'li'1e p:ssibility that filters IPight clog frmfi construction dust, vandalism to equipment on site, and danger to the public. It t'.7Q$ decided t.11at the actual const..--uction toJould not begin during t1J.e pool sea....c::on i ha;.;;ever site vJork such as 8liL~eyingetc. \.;ould be accomplishecI. 4. V.t.ark Bennett inquired as to the use of the old bath house for a training facility. Chief tvill inquire. 5. The possibility of vvhether or not firefighters vJOuld be able to use the gun range toJaS discLlSsed. The p:Jssibility is slim due to t1J.e require...ment of a Range Master toJho :must be present during its use. special arrangements might be made occasional 1 y . ~~~: 1. Tne vJage Committee is in the process of putting toget.1J.er a new iiJage package. Anyone iiJi th suggestions should notify the representatives on t.1J.e i.'Ja.ge committee. The issue of U. S . Si.oJi.m & Fi mess and YMCA merril:erships \Vill be addressed. f':;p..zMAT ~ 1. Donations have bean received from Robinson Rubber & Jorgenson Steel, 2 . P~rts t'l7ill be ordered to rnake up hazmat kits. El";FLOP~~ 1. Tne prese...nt Explorer program is failing due to lack of fire depcLrtment membership SUPP:lrt. Much discussion as to the rea....c::ons tv"Ok place i t1J.e general conse...nsus '(.oTcl.S t.1J.at most of t1J.e firemen are busy t.vi th young families, drills, etc. and don't have the extra time to give to this program at tbis particular time. chief Smith will notify t.l1ose :Ex-plorers that the p:Jst i.,oJill be disbanded immedi ate 1 y and will try to get them established t'lith t.1J.e Crystal program. PUBLIC EDUC:A'I'ION: 1. Help is needed for various programs - see postL.'1g on the board. F.Ec..~'I': 1. J.hll HasSL.'1g asked about recrui tme...nt in t.1J.e fire service as numbers are going down. Chief s1ni th said that it \ViII be mentioned in the City Ne:,vsletter. He also asked if there could be a recruitment program committee. General Ne..."'l1bersmp Neeting February 4, 1990 Page 6 Recrui trnent (continued) 2. Mark Bermett offered to be cb.a.h"'111a.n of t..hat COIl1lm ttee . 3. steve Homstad asked if there could be an adve....~ise:ment in t.'1e Post W1der a community service basis to recruit members. FIRE ~~SHAL'S REPORT: 1. :M..acDonald I s has been completed and opened for business. 2. There is a plan in for a shopping center at 36th and WinnetKa. 3. Holy Nativity Church is scheduled to build in the old IvJin.l1egasCO site. 4. Quebec will be extended sout..h from 42nd to approximately 39th and extend itlest to "VJinnetka Avenue. 5. The Pizza Hut take-out is in progress - no final work on '\.vhen it '\.\iill be completed. ENGINEER'S REPORl': L Tnere '-oJere 16 vJOrk orders reported try the engineer. 2. vtork detail for FebrufuVY has been posted. 3. Jim Hassing asked for a replacement strobe ligb.t for the command post. Cl1ief Smith has ordered one. 4. Henry Benton asked about the possibility of replacing axe handles with fiberglass instead of '\.\iood in the future. Frank stated the reason vlood '\.-JaS used this time is t..hat it needed to be done immediately and the harcrV'Jare store only had vJOOd handles available. He will try to get fiberglass in t..he future. 5. c..har les McCulloch inquired about t..he electric primer 'irmch doesn/t vJOrk. This was fixed, however it was not itlritte..n up. For nOvJ use t..1J.e mechanical primer. UNIFORrlIS : 1- Na."Tte tags are being ordered this "\Teek. 2. Ne,,'l patches have fu"'Ti ved - you vJill be issued 4 - t..1J.e old ones you can keep or bLrn in - they will be used on fire blaI1kets f etc. Th.e naoJ ones should be on the uniforms by the March meeting. See Ed for information on proper place..rnent. 3. Look for an article in the Post on the new patches 1 General IVfarnbership Meeting Febru~~ 4, 1990 Page 7 til'fr'l NISHED BUSTh""ESS: - None Discussed. N~? BUSThl""ESS: 1. Tne New Hope Fire Department has bea11 asked to participate in t.l1e 2nd Annual Public Safety. JLrn Hassing and steve Menvin have VOlu.l'lteered to coordinate - see tharn if you irJal1t to help vIi t~ t.l1e displays. 2. JLrn Hassing is in ch~""ge of arranging to be in the c-rjstal Frolics Parade on July 29t.l1 at 1:00 PM. See Dim if you irJOuld like to help. 3. Eel Anderson reported on the North Suburban llfutual Aid Assn' s plan for t.l1e Safe Escape House. A....1-out $8,000 is needed to cover e:h-pe..11Ses. Chief Smith plans to ask t.l1e Lion's Club for a $1,000 contribution. Ed irJill give a slide presa11tation at t.l1e next meeting shovJing t.l1e presa11t Safe Escape House. 4. Steve Mer'i,vin vJaS presented a certificate of completion for the Hazmat Level I Course he took at Hermepin Technical College. 5. Chief Smit.l1 vms avlarded a SCBA SeLvic; 11g Ca..."'tificate for his 2 hours of trainii'lg. 6 . Jim Hassing spoke to the q.coup regarding the Relief l>-..ssociation Meeting and reported t.l1e follo"ving: a. If anyone has questions about Mike Gardner's request for a mer<.....ical disability retirement they should call him personally. b. He requested that no one in t.l1e general marnbership COTI1l11Emt on the retirement, assured them that a second opinion "lrlill be obtained. and t~e whole matter vlill be investigated carefully. The meeting vJaS adjoUi..'l1ed at 2135 hours. Respectful 1 y submitted I I\!) "11 '../ )..j) ii .. f~ /1, 1';i-.. ./, ,,/ ." /1/; ..1 ./ i "j Y()t&u'~W- Uj'. &/v,v~2{G( Margaret L. RuD..nakko Fire Department Secretary- GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEEl'ING March 7! 1990 The meeting was called to order Chief Smith at hours by 1945. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Roll was taken by Fire Department secretary Marge Runnakko with 17 regular :rneml::lers and 4 probationary members present. 'Ihree additional regular members and two probationary :rneml::lers arrived later while the meeting was still in progress. It was moved by Brad Johnson and seconded by Ron Bjorklund that the minutes of the last meeting which were posted be accepted. cx.:>RRES:roNDENCE : 1- Notice and invitation to a fishing tournament to be held by the Park Rapids Volunteer Fire Department this summer. 2. Copy of the National Fire Council "Dispatch". This posted at the station. 3. Guidelines for criminal history data checks in conjunction with hiring provided by the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. This limited to the Fire Chief or his designee and should be destroyed to prevent unauthorized access once the decision has been made. 4. 4th Quarter, 1989 Turnout Gear report. 5. Cost estimates from Compressair for the upgrading of SCBA's to 4500 psi tanks per Dan Roby's request. 6. Respirator user notice from the Department of Health & Human Services re: heat and flames on harness straps on SCBA' s. New ones are being purchased with approved straps. 7. SCBA fit test results. 8. Approval for Ed Anderson to attend course at Rochester Technical College. Approved for tuition cost only. Management and Motivation. 9. Letter re: setting up Holiday Plus account for groceries during fire emergencies due to need for new grocery with 24 hour access. 10. Memo from Chief Smith to all firefighters regarding possibility of hosting Fire Explorer Muster in New Hope on September 15, 1990. 11- Meeting schedule for Dispatch from Bob Hearns. Next meeting on March 19 at 1600 hours. General Membership Meeting March 7, 1990 Page 2 CORRESFONDENCE (Continued) 12. Letter from Corky stevenson regarding availability of the "abandoned" state Hazmat Vehicle and Trailer for municipal fire deparbnents per Thomas Motherway. 13. Letter from Crystal Fire Deparbnent Chief McGinty re: accepting New Hope Fire Explorers into their group (4). 14. Movie assignment schedule from Captain Homstad to all members. 15. Letter of thanks from Mike Casey of Precision Engineering re: strategic Planning committee participation. 16. Letter from Chief Smith to John Hennesy re: New Hope Fire Deparbnent to participate in the 2nd annual Public Safety Day to be held on May 18 and 19th at MinneaPJlis COnvention Center. (Sign up for this detail posted) . 17. The following members are serving on a Vehicle Committee for the Fire Deparbnent: Frank Datko Bernard Weber Jim Hassing City Mechanic 'Ibm Bies Fd.ward Anderson Henry Benton 18. Letter re: awards program through NMMC and application deadlines. 19. Memo re: new uniform patches and deadlines for changeover on uniforms. 20. Memo to all members re: course available for Fire Officer I on liThe Transition from Firefighter to Officer" held on March 10 & 11 at NMMC. 21- Letter from the state Deparbnent of Health re: COurse on handling infectious disease situations. 'IRAINING OFFICER 1- When filling out green sheets for training, make 2 copies - one for Assistant Chief Bennett and one for the station - the original is to be sent to Chief Smith's office. 2. Remember that prior approval is needed to receive any reimbursement for additional classes you are taking. 3. Assistant Chief Bennett has checked on using the old p::)Ol house for fire training. It is scheduled to be demolished in about a month after some plumbing is removed. He will be checking further and any training set up there will be on short notice - keep checking the lJoard and your mail boxes for information. General Merntlership Meeting March 7, 1990 Page 3 TRAINING (continued) 4. Assistant Chief Bennett is checking on obtaining the scrap from the Graffiti Bridge movie set for use in training. 5. The up:::oming drill schedule will be posted soon. 6. Assistant Chief Bennett is checking on the possibility of using the property at 36th and Winnetka for training. This property is also scheduled to be demolished in al::xJut a month. Any training in this building will also be held on short notice. Keep checking the l:oard and your mail boxes for information. 7. Don Fournier asked if it would be possible to get different members to lead drills so there will be more variety in training. Frank Datko would be interested in leading one on FMO subjects. Assistant Chief Bennett is agreeable to this idea. Let him know if you would like to teach a subject during regular drill. 8. Allen Nelson inquired on the status of the Training Officer position. This position will be probably be changed to Training Coordinator and duties and requirements are still to be determined by the officers. 9. The last block of training work on FF II is scheduled for March 14. There will be a practice test scheduled, look for a notice on the board. Those eligible to take the final test will be notified. RESCUE: 1. A hockey tournament was covered on February 24th and 25th. Golden Valley helped cover the end of it due to the wive's appreciation dinner given by the Relief Association. 2. There was another hockey tournament held on March 4th and 5th and another is scheduled for the 14th and 15th. 3. Med Standby sign up for April will be taken down on March 26th. There is still an opening for the March 30th - see Mike Bennett. 4. The Relief Association has received donations of al::xJut $350 from the hockey tournaments. 5. There was discussion due to the fact that next year the NHPM would like to hire the New Hope Fire Department exclusively to cover all hockey tournaments. They are required to have one EMI' present during their tournaments at all times. The hourly rate they are willing to pay is $15.00jhour. The officers and the wage coromittee would like feedback from the members on how these tournaments should be handled pay-wise in order to make sure that the coverage required would be General Membership Meeting March 7, 1990 Page 4 TRAINING OFFICER (Continued) there. There will also be a state youth hockey tournament held in New Hope next year. Please give your ideas to the members of the wage cormnittee and the officers so this detail can be negotiated and planned for the corning year. EVAllJATIOOS: No Report SCBA: 1. Chief smith attended SCBA training at the south campus of the Vo Tech. and successfully completed his test. 2. six new SCBA's and 10 spare tanks are on order. Anyone knowing of a department wanting the old tanks which could be modified for safe use, let the Chief know. RECRUITMENT: 1- There have been 8 new applicants to the fire department. Seven have been accepted for recorrrrnendation to the general membership and should be responding as soon as they are appointed and have passed their physical and background checks : Look for these new probationary members soon, they'll need help with training - see Mark if you are willing: Lawrence Adams Kurt Klipstein Dean Alexander Daniel Kuhle David Bramwell Thomas Mischo Thomas Bramwell 2. A former probationary member, Douglas Mulgrew, will be evaluated for reinstatement in April. 3. Blue helmets hae been ordered for the new probationary members so they can be easily identified. 4. Don Fournier suggested a mentorship type situation since so many new members will be brought on at once. Those of you who would be willing to do this, please see Mark Bennett or one of the other officers. HOSE - No Report LIBRARY - No Report O~ONS - No Report General Membership Meeting March 7, 1990 Page 5 '!RUCK: 1- The new Vehicle committee has held meetings on February 26th and on March 5th. They have recorrnnended a replacement and refurbishing program for existing vehicles and this schedule has been forwarded to the city Manager who will review it and bring the information before City Council with their reconrrnendations. 2. Replacement of Engines 2 and 3 was detemined to be top priority. One of the replacements wanted is an aerial. Engine 6 is probably beyond refurbishing due to its age and present condition. Eight will be scheduled later and is OK. 3. Greg Carlson asked that 6 and 8 crew areas be enclosed before considering the purchase of the aerial vehicle. PlANNING: 1- Bernard Herman met recently with Chief Smith regarding the new station. He will have to go through the Planning commission process before further work can be scheduled. 2. The last bay will have to be expanded as current plan shows only 4 feet between wall and truck placement. The Chief noted a need for change of this problem with the archi teet. 3. One upstairs storage area will be eliminated and storage will be provided in the basement area instead. 4. There will be a mezzanine added arove the Mechanic's area using the same ladder for access as the hose tower. WAGES : 1- Mark Bennett reported the Wage committee's reconrrnendations on the wage increase package: (a) It was determined that the Wage committee would ask for 4% rounded to the nearest $.05, which was the raise given to other city employees in January. (b) 1st Responder pay will be separated out of base pay for firefighters to facilitate lapses in certification as they occur. (c) The wage increases will be attached to the EM!' and FMO classifications ( ie 4% added to the current $. 75 extra would be increased to $.80 for having those classifications). General Membership Meeting March 7, 1990 Page 6 WAGES (Continued) 4. Jim Hassing asked that all grades be re-evaluated as he does not believe that requirements are being met for some of the increased pay incentives. He asked that a special meeting be held on wages to detennine changes lI1 the pay grades. Chief Srni th read current requirements for the officer's positions. 5. Captain McCulloch moved that the Wage eomrni ttee should ask for 4 1/2% raise across that board rounded to the nearest $.05 and provide a green sheet to represent the wage structure distribution. Brad Johnson seconded this motion. Discussion followed and it was determined that since the green sheet might change it shouldn't be provided with the request and that 4% would probably be offered since that was what was given to the other city employees. Captain McCulloch amended his I motion to state that if 4% was offered it should be accepted and the J wage structuring would be provided upon request. An attempt was made 01':2. by? to move that 4 1/2% across the board raise be asked for and a - green sheet provided showing figures with that increase rounded to the nearest $.05. Motion was denied since there was a motion on the floor to be voted on. There was a vote on the standing amended motion and it was carried. 6. Firefighter Nelson suggested that part of the wage restructuring address the need for a raise in Assistant Chief's pay. He noted that this pay has not been increased in several years. 7. Jim Hassing noted that he would like to see a total revamping of the green sheet structure. 8. Chief Srni th will research the past officer pay structuring and requirements for the Wage Conrrni ttee. There was discussion on past requirements for hours of training required for officer's positions and Brad Johnson noted that hours have been reduced considerably (30 hours down to 16 hours) . Chief Srni th stated that some discretion in measuring hours and types of training has to be used because of unavailability of some classes wi thin pertinent time frames. He noted that the possibility of substituting classes has to be evaluated. 9. Ron Bjorklund stated that he would not like to see a status change in the training position. 10. steve Homstad stated that the Training Officer position and pay incentive was originally separated from Assistant Chief's pay due to other members taking on training responsibilities. 11. Don Fournier stated that there are other training course requirements that should be condensed such as FF I and FF II. General Membership Meeting March 7, 1990 Page 7 12. Representatives on your wage connnittee are steve Merwin, Jim Hassing and Assistant Chief Bennett. Please give them your ideas for revamping green sheet pay. Fire call came out at 2105 hours and meeting was interrupted - it reconvened at 2150 hours. HAZMAT: 1- A HazMat video training program and course l:x:lOks have been ordered from Emergency Resources. This training course will be incorporated in the fall. 2. Drills for Hazmat are being held on the 3rd Monday of each month. 3. There is a one day Hazmat Seminar being scheduled at the Radisson South in April. It is sponsored by HGiC - see Mark Bennett or the Chief if you are interested in this training. 4. There will also be a seminar on Spills and Leaks put on by Bloomington ill in April - information is posted - see Mark Bennett or the Chief if you are interested. 5. The final rules for OSHA training proficiency requirements for HazMat were put into effect on March 6. PUBLIC EDUCATION: 1- There are requests posted for help on a Babysitting Clinic (4 hours) and a birthday party (2 hours ?) that have been posted. They will be paid at Training Pay. 2. There will be a Health Fair at Winnetka Elementary - more information will be posted soon. We have been asked to participate. 3. Jim Hassing will coordinate the Special Olympics Event which will be held on August 25th this year. See him to volunteer for this duty. EXPI..ORERS : 1- The Explorers formerly with the New Hope Fire Deparbnent will now be in the Crystal group. 2. viking Council has asked that the New Hope Fire Deparbnent be host to a Explorer Fire Muster due to its centralized location. See Chief Smith with your thoughts on hosting this event! General IvIernbersmp Meeting March 7/ 1990 Page 8 FIRE MARSHAL'S REPORT: 1- A shopping center has been started on 36th and Winnetka at the Holy Nativity site - the church is scheduled to come down in the next month. 2. Holy Nativity will be building a new church at the old Minnegasco site. 3. Creamette has announced that it would like to double the size of its present facility in a 2 or 3-phase project. 4. Pay for the movie detail should be out by Friday / March 9th. 5. Captain Hornstad gave a brief report on the Morris Day album cover photo session which was held on March 3rd. There is a possibility that New Hope Fire Deparbnent might be mentioned in the credits. Pay is separate on this detail and will be out later. 6. Allen Nelson is researching the possibility of a photo with Prince and the New Hope Fire Deparbnent members on the movie detail. . . .more information later? ENGINEER'S REPORT: 1- Generator on 3 was rebuilt. 2. Recoil rope on the K 65 chain saw was replaced. 3. Engine 9 had a handle put on the pump. 4. Engine 3 is at city garage for repair of 3rd gear. 5. Air leak on Rescue I will be checked out. 6. Lights on Engine 6 will be fixed. 7. Engineer Datko will be on vacation from March 17 - 24 -- see Jim Hassing with problems. 8. All members for this monthly work detail did not show up -- they will be rescheduled! Meeting was interrupted with another fire call and reconvened at 2300 hours at the Fire station. UNIFOIMS: l. Ed Anderson / co:mmi ttee chairman, expects to receive the new jackets by next week. General Membership Meeting March 7, 1990 Page 9 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1- Chief Smith will send out a letter regarding guidelines and procedures for those receiving calls on a fire phone from the dispatcher, since only one officer currently resides in an area served by the phone system and it cannot be upgraded or modified. 2. A :policy on lapses of medical certification will be distributed to every one. You will not be allowed to have greater than a 1 year lapse in your medical certification. During the period in which certification is lapsed extra compensation will be lost (ie $.75 for EMr). 1st Res:ponder pay will be separated from base wage of firefighter as part of the new wage package to acco:nnncxlate this function. Since 1st Res:ponder certification or a.}:x)ve is required to be a department member, failure to re-certify within the grace period will subject a member to suspension until it is obtained. 3. Ed Anderson I s slide presentation on the North SUburban Mutual Aid Safe Escape House will be presented at a future meeting. 4. Jim Hassing was presented with a letter from City Council and the Mayor and an appreciation plaque for his 20 years of service to the City. Meeting was adjourned at 2315 hours. Respectfully submitted, Cj) J ) Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary GEI"4ci:t,:-AT. fL1'~JvlRJ:;~;ji'i-rp J:i~:}i:l'ThTG P~'PR.lL~ 8, 1990 Tl1e \Fies callecl "Co ord.;er at 1950 rlours b~l Cr-iier '1"I1E Ple:lge or \;;,jas . Roll \fc70S taken Fire IVIarge Rlll-nlak}~o 13 r..egular fu~cl 7 probatiorlar.l 11leJ.m:ers f1resent Q .-'- \:'tJaS 11'0\16C1 b'\l Charles It1CO_llloch and seconf.:1ed_ by- Frank l)at.~o that the .1.1_ -' rrdnutes of tJ.'1e last meeting "\rinich vJere posted te aCCefJLed c CC-P~RC;FO:NI)Fjtc.:E~ 1 :> Nortrl r;Iernorial rnerno re~ Oxyg-en "LIni ts \jJi th posi ti ve pressure problelTs caused by dirty heads a.l1d valves ",Jllich ",Jill not opo.J1 Q 2. Cl1al1g-es to rU_Tl report arId green sheet fonnats. 3. Years of service report . 4. state or ";\ -" . letter re: cnange laic! ... . use of caIlCi~e~s l'..unnesoL.a. regeJ:cilng church . ~Q p"osting re: Slg11 Ior :Public on 18 ~ 19. oc 6. ~ ." re: Explorer Fire IvlL1Ster to r::e held }Je'iJJ Hope on Septe:mber POSL..lng 15j 1990" 7 I: or I\forr.l1 Sl11rLKban XvIutual Associa~tion 011 I\.iarch 27th. 80 Letter regarding notice to discard 1990 F~I..R.,E.. Center E-vents Ccil.elidars out rrOTIl the \70 Tech clue to er.cors.. tJp:lates of rneeting iD..:fonnation be given iTl the i!Size-Up . 0 Letter to DeparbTtel1t Ca.ll.oidate re; resicl~eL1C:'y reqLllreraent :> .J" 10. 1:191[1:0 daLcd April 6 from Chief I""'"t-.-"" ., to all me:robers asking thEm to ;:'llLl Wl provide r~r.t-.-ai n HOIPstad vIi D.1. any records they have of HazIvlctt traii"!i Tlg '--0.1-' .- ,. in order to make sure dep:=>2trrlent records are up-to-date. 11- TneJ:lk you from iiJinnet1<;:a Ele..Tfle..Tltary re; Heel.1th Fair that \'ics atte..ridecl by AI Nelson, Rick Schilling, Henry Be..Tlton and Chief Smi t.h on Friday Iv1arch 30. 12. Registration inforroa.tion re Tne Great fo'llIll1esota State ScrLCol to be held IVlaY L1 5 alld 6th. Ed Anderson alld Charlie Mo....'Ulloch are ,. t t er~ollecl.:) A..l'lyone els..e interestecl iTl a.ttending shottld see Qhief S1Di th 0 13. Letter of appreciation \rlhich \'JaS sent to Datali,ge Solutions, Inc. re;: thElLlk you for support services rendered. by PJ.ch Mueller. IYl2.YD.bersl1-i p Meetirig- April '"' 1990 0, PaMge 2 COPPZSFOIIDFKfCE ( continuecl.) 14. en l?rter 1 "\' reports from COTIT11TUlliccction , SCBA, F-ngine..ering aIlcl Public B::iucation. 1..:J" IVle1Th:J reg2~cllng resporiSs aMppr()pria~te to hearing t.~e severe \lleather siran SOUliding. A~l firefighters should resp::nd to their pagers in the case of severe vleather -- not to the siraLQ 16. Budget information given to all officers regarding captial Improvements proq.cai.'TI for the fire service. 17. Dispatch NevlS Bulletin for NVFC members ",;;as posted at the station. 18. }\J!en:os to the ttKee me..11l.bers (Eel Anderson, Ber:.i1ard vJeber and Frank Dat.KO) itJho applied for the Lieutenant!s p::sition re: intervie,v times. 19. Invoice from Net,v Hope Finance Department billing i:Nb.eeling T-.caDspor-lAtion Co; Inc. for diesel spill on l1arch 26; 1990 at 38th aDd 'vi noark ji-r-i --0 v --1. . "-,,__V_Q 20. Notice from IYil'J Fire Service Certification B:Jard l s grandfa:b.1.ering progralll and application fann to certify Q 2L Letter or app::i nt:ment to Richard E:squi vel. 22. Letter or app::intrnent to D:Juglas T .illey . 23. Change of status Ic>r steve Fahy OJ.id bis le-ccer of resigr123.tion ( resigned as of ]'J[arch 14; 1990 due to medical disability) . 24. 11 Repa~ir orders~ 25. ~lelftO re: Bike Ro:1eo to bB held at Nlvn~C on Hav 19t.11 Ix 20th fr01TI 1 - I: ",,:::"Q Anyone interested in helping - see Cb i ef Smith . OFFICER L Tnere is a possibilii.-j of using the pool s11ack for some traiIling - leok for notice on D'1e board. 2. A FNG trai ni ng prograIil "Jill be developed. for b'1e latter pfu~ of r.ray. 3. No one from our detr~r-bnent attended the Car Ex'-w::-ication training course ",tn i ch took place in Golden Valley over a 3-day pc-..riod. 4. 'Ei1ere vJaS a lot of specialized training taken by members over the month of fiIarch. l'-iernbership I\.ieeting April n 1990 0, Page 3 TP;.A TN-nJG OFFICr-:f-{ ( contil"1uecl) 5 A drill set-up and safety folic-y I"Jill De develolJed to prevent acciderlts such as happened vJi th D:::>n FOUlllier ;> 6" p.~ LOA Polic-y on required nours of for re-certification after le,3.\res ~'Jill b-e developed. 7. vJoulo_ lLl(e another drill on car fires for the m~t1bers c Anyone wi10 could help sel: one up - please soe. t..l1e training :officer 0 ~~ 8. Tnere be rO:Jki e drill on C.!:-'J:{ April 9 ~ 10. ]l..ny mert1ber ne'"'cding to C( test for a refresher is invited on April 10. R:ES(;u~ : No E\JATiJ"ATIC:NS: !~ Report SL~~ 1 s: 1 Tr18 4.5's nave DeeD installej on Frlgine 9. The spare bottles sho1J~(1 ...!....;> ar.cive by next ..'\leek. 2. All L0..1"L1zs have regular pressure chec}~ d.urlng "",york details lsee SCB.i\ Inspection Form) and all are numbered . Numbers are in a different spot on 4-:l""","" 405:1s;> If :y~ou come across a talL1z that needs refilling, do WIC it right avJaY! ! 3. si:x= more SCBA l S are on orc..er IP"tlich be plciced on F7r1gine 8 a1s..0 ; ITore brackets be ordered. d There ,"Jill j""""'" a recomme..l1dation macie about getting rid of Lne old '-.Ie SCBAfs;> PE:(];[U.el1~l.: 1- Tnere are nine ne1tj probationary mambers &"1Ci one former proba.tiona.ry member vJho vJill be sho\'ving up at the station sO:Jn. T'D..8Y are: COl11paTlY- One COmr)fulY~ 'I~"JO L:ivJrence Adarns I)ecm Alexcmder Dav-id BraIIntlell llnoma..s BraJ.l.1ifJell Kurt IUipstein PJ.chard Esquivel DaL-uel KLLh~e Joseph JorE1Son D:Juglas Lilley D:Juglas Mulgre'\tJ ~1b~ - No Report IvlelTbersmp iYleetDlg April 8, 1990 Page 4 T.ll-\pJ1..RY - No Report: - h01iJever some nevl HaZIuat and Fire Apparatus cO:::lks have :teen ordered. MSO; the American Heat Tapes are available for your use- see the CDief at ~is office in city Halle Oi-'f;:R.P.u'J..CNS - No Report }! ~1..J(:<: 1 . Tne truck committee has h....oeri meetirlg on the 1st and 2nd :!1ondays of the ID::Jnth. They have had presentations from L.\i'iO aerial trllck suppliers- EmergenC'"y I and 10'1'1. A1: thi s p::Jit"'1t they are gatheri l1g i n..formation aJ:out vIDat is available and ifIDat restrictions might apply ( i . e. ,!,;;eight allo"lleO. on city streets). They also toured lViaple Grove and had the opporttJI1i ty to drive their aerial truck. The plan is to have SOIne recorm:nendations ready for Cii-j C01.Ln..cil to revia-v- by J1.Ln..e of 1990. PI Al\ll:-m~G: 1. Chief S1Ttith met \"lith b.'1e arcbitect on Friday; ,-",-pril 5th. COIlstru.ction on the station should start DY mid August 'iivi th completion by May 13; 1991. 2 => li'he l:Ertt-J1ous..e De torn ClCi'\iffi April 21st,. 3. April 28th is the Ne"",] Hope Clecm-up Day 1 ,-",~l city e.luployees :te allo1j1jed to dJJlllp a1: no cost; hCJ\,'iever; must see the receptionist for their free permit at City Hall. There is a li.Juit of three loads and~ b.~e permits are ava_ilable nOTtle \~lA(:;R3 ; 1,. P. letter has D""'censent "Co the ci;-J( Ivianager requ.esting a 4~5% raise in pay retroa.cti ve to Dece.tTber I; 1989. !i:871J]8-T ~ 1. TI'1ere will be a drill at Paddock LaJ':J on \i'JeOnesday ,-",-pril 11 at 1830 hours. Uniforms vJill be required. 2. Please let steve R~:JfDstad }:::rK)1>J ab:::lut an..y Ha.zmat training records you have. He is trving 1:.0 determine 1j'lhat the department hazmat stattlS is and \llhat level the dep~ri:rnent should be traineC:1 to. 3. The Chief is meeting ilJith the City VlaTIager to inform :rJ.m on vlhat kind of Hazmat traini.Jig b.'1e depa,....,-tment 1j,an..ts to do and ho",j it ,,'jill impact budgets. I'1eetillg- April 8, 1990 Page 5 1.. = l\Te\i'l Hope be hosting tl1e first F:x"lJlorer Fire jyiuster for \li}dng council on SepterrJber 15; 1990. You are encouraged to help out ilJith tb is event - hO"\PJever. t..n i s detail is at no p3_Y. Letters ;,'Jill be goLnG out to all North suburban I-Ti.ltual Aid depa::..r-tments asking for their help as \rlell = P~uP~.~ Rescue I~ No TI13.jor repairs Engine 2 ~ No major repairs Rn.ai ne 3: General Safety repaired ,plater lea\: to pump I also rebuilt pilI[[P oJ drain valve and relief valve. Engine 3 viaS taken to Nort.l1 >=<r:::>ncn (('--""nor"" 1 C:""f~Tv) -CO' b~ r~pa l' rea' ii,l:::>-'-~r leak- cne~lrea" l....'_l...A..:..~ __ "'-""--".l._........_c..J.._ l....<'c...A..l..C-...l. J....J:;::: _C _ _......_= w'l''-'\.Le..1... _ - -- ,-",..f~ and drain aiid relief valves. T.Jtility 7: No najor repairs Engine 6: Installed Port-A-Po\<Jer tax in cr:evJ CoD ;-:nglne 8: Repaire::t Vis-A-Bar elec-'-lXic termL.nals under inside of cab roof. RerrlOved aI1d replaced prL"me pump motor reblli It from ",'J ;;''1 generator. Replaced flex l.LJDing on ey..'h.aust . ,... ., ::1 maI1lIOi.D- . a 'Cit-- - r-::::>rage reol ""c.,..,rJ( 2') -'-herrrho:-'''Ca' -cs' ""nri UD'~pr hos.e -'-n oJ <; . --1 ......'--A...:- _ .L:......u ~ u_ __~..b-. c..u_~~ 1.. }J-- --' L.u prevent overheating. Replaced i,.mter tank to pUlnp valve h,:mcEe and bstalled. bu:rr!l:----er stops on roo. to prevent hancEe from breaking off. RelT!Cx3ified. Scott brackets to hold ne",] 4.5 ScorLS . Building I'1aintenance~ Put na'1 casters on hose rack ;,.Jelded plate. Readjusted Cascade system to pUInp to 2200 PSI. R81uOUl1ted. nev] 4.5 SCGCL brackets on souG.1. ;,vo.ll for spare bottles. Rescue I will be going up to General Safety next 'ifJeek to nave an air PUITIi'J installed to keep pressure up in air tarlks. lJI{TFORr~ ~ 1. 'tm81i getting li..nifo:r:11l components from Cy'S - give E('1 Anderson the pin..\: copy you receive i,vith your order. These have to be matched. ipJi th the copies t..1Jat come ;,vi th the bill. fv18InberSD -1 P IvfeetLng April 8; 1990 Page 6 BUSII~;; 1. Certificates for corl1pletion of the Ron Cole..rnan Se..miIT"-x iilere issued to: Ed Anderson, J:vIark BeTItlett, steve Homstad, Charles l.!Jc011loch and Douglas S111iD.'1 l\~? BUSTI~~'~ L Overall it appears that b.'1e me..mbersl1ip is averagin.g 35% on ca~ls. It has "[)ec>-..n notic....cd that some rn8J.Tbers are not cOTIling to early morning and late eV8l1ing calls and sometilues D.'1ere isn f t e..n.ough manpo1iver on a call. YOU MUST f.:!A..1(E ALL C.AU.s YOU A.RE A"\iAII.J.IJ3LE FOR! If you knc;vl someone is picki..n.g their calls - apply some peer pressure to get the..m. to stop doing it. Being short of manpo\;'ler creates a dangerous situation if there lS a fire. 2 . Just a re..roinder - there are several group homes in Ne'tl Hope \Vnere you can encounter differe..n.t responses to rescue effor-~. In example I at - G" 'L-. .....,' 1 . 1-. - 1-." 1-. /'" 'L-.' ' ,". '::>820 -€l.L..ys!.Yurg t..,;lrc~e -c.uere lS a group uome IIVlul 0 COTIl.La-c.lve reslO-em:s 4-, . . f' h.l-' '" '""'-. 1 hili' '. '.' ~ WIP rea~ ny 19l L.lng ,,'Jl t:...I1, a re,SGLler. ~ ;:, l;-a1:e a~v-s. pro_ 1 l1: Cl 1:~es Iro~n dlsallo1il1ng q.coup homes 111 sl11g1e IaITIlly- nelgrLcorho:xls <> l.11 lTlOS1: situations Dispatch vJOn't have iIl..:IOrmation that it is a group home li:.rUess it is specially named. because more of the..T[!. are being formed. vJithout notification to the cities as ""'JelL Be avJare that these situatiorIs may exist ,..[De..n. responding. " 2Ul members shoula. respond onl V to their lTIOIli tors in the case of severe ",leather call outs. Dispatchers give you the necessari i n..:Iorru3.tion for responding. 4. Ed l'.nderson \'10.5 ChOSe..l1 ny the officers to fill the T .i eutencult vacanci on Company One and received :rris oath duri n.g the general me:rrltersliip meetitig .:: 5. T .i eutenan.t lAvight Joh..T1Son has done some labeling on the precormects on trucks 6 I 8, and 9. They are labeled in blue and red. See him or any of the officers if you have questioI1.5. 6. Brad Johnson requested. that the officers aiscuss the possibility of providi n.g a barrel key to direct responders from the nor-ill e..n.d tel ex-pedite burnt foocl aDd other minor calls. 7 . Drill schedu~es have been posted.. 8 . JV"lOrch Fire Report ",;;as read during the rneeting - one is also posted.. Gcnercll 8, 1990 7 l'4.t:.:vv BUSTI\I.t:;SS ( 9 .. Causes or sc)yne or "the IvL3rch ciliCi aICtOll11tof loss \pJere ~ Keelor steel - 5101 Bcorle p~\le.., l'I; -Cexeless SJ..'J2xk $5 t 000 C B Bj5~vards - 9101 IIlt'l ; - Dust in Ducbj',lC)rk $2jOOO Inc. - 8740 49th Ave. - lack of $1,000 10 c n~ere \~Jas 0_ (~uestiorl as t() \Pn.13..t G"1e ne\;;] printi11g COITlf6J1}l the 010_ Durkee ALv\l'ood building has orl the top of t.l1eir roor e Ar1Si:,Jer is that +-h~re '='T~ -,T h'='na~linrf 'wnirs 'r~""'-'],::;Cl nf -'-h"" "'-iJ'~'::; of inh-. ana" che"mical~ ~_'='_ U2-'=',0._:- _..f--'-'_ ___'::::) ~__ ~_=Cd.Llb,: v_ LL_ LY7:='- ~ ___~ _"; u ~,w.., _:::, 1..1500. thelr prcx)ess. T'ney \tJOuld, :te recepu ve ;:0 arL'anglng a ;:our (na;,.J is mOI.In as ~vestpac - vJaS Central states Diversified). HOTI1Stad 'if Jill try to set sometD i ng up. I4eeting adjou.r:.r1e::1 at 2105 hours. Respectfully subrni tte:1 I Id" r ,/1 , i ,!' >-t" / / YfJtVj~ (1/ ~A'T~-l L.. Rlll1I1a"k..1(o Fire Dev,.....rtrnent Gm:mAL ~ MEEI'ING MAY 2, 1990 TIle meetL'1g "vas ca.lle:i to order at 1935 hours by ctLief S"'I1it.1.. me Ple:ige of 2Ulegiance viaS recited. Roll ".jClS tak.:erl rry Fire Depart:.iftEmt Sec-.cetary Iv'.arge Ru.lll'1ak.k.:o '\fJit.1. 16 re::;rJ.lar merriters and 10 probationary members present. It \ila.8 lTove:l by F IF Dat."ko cuid seconded IT.i Lieutenant Eel Anderson t.~at t.~e minutes of the April 8, 1990 meeting vruch itIere p8sted be accepted. ~: 1. Le1::cer from 1:ne y.cofessional F IF A.Esn. reg-ardir:g refunds am5. apolcgies for over-booking t.""leir fund raising performance. (Tney had ~.J1 requested not to solicit L71 our COmml.hTIi...y). 2. Letter from the Minnesota S""t..ate Fire Chief's A.Esn re: v~orker's Comp rules f al"1d OS:;:'-iA requireme...'1ts for physicals in t'1e fire service. - 3. Lice:D.Ee chailge docuInents received from HeIl..:nepL71 COU.Tlty for use in relic6rsing fre:[u.e.ncies upon complet.ion of ns'\7 fire station at: nS-1 location.. ReliceIl.Eing fees ;;,vill be approximately $1000. 4. Ql.1ar-i.-8rly repor-LS from Engineer f Fire Inspec:tions and Public Ed. 5 . ~~t'-~rs ~o: :F:r:Ci!~ Datk.o, Ben-Lie v{eber, aTld Ed Anderson re: Fire Llel.l"CenOJ.lt: app:JlTIt:rnent 0 6. Quarterly report from the 'Training Officer. 7 . r18.1l"O re: special 01 Y11lpics to 1:e held on Saturday August 25 at Ccopc--r Hi gh School - sponsored by HoneY'lIell, Inc. Hours ;;"lill be from 6: 30 .A1v[ to 3: 00 PI"l. 8 . Drill fu'1d alarm atrondfu'1ce perce.1'1tages. 9. Memo from Shari French, Park & Recreation Director re: Request for trainL'1g on Right 'To KIlo...; for P081 Staff on Ju,'1e 4 from 7 - 10 PI'L 10. ~'lage prop8sal from the \;'lage Committee to Darl Donahue. 11. Response from captain Horo.stad to ]\J]vIl'1C on their HaZInat questiormaire. 12 . He.mo re: participation by t.he Medical standby C".ceitJ on l.Jfonday !1aY 7t.h. at SOTh"1eyson Ele..."1lenta.ry Scho8l at Public Ed rates. 13 . Information concernL71g final plaI1.E for the Public Safety Day to be held in lV'ay. General fil6-YfIJ:ersr.tip I\JieetLrg fJay 2, 1990 Page 2 COHRE-SFONUENCE (continue:!) 140 MelllO fram city r1anager I Darnel J 0 Dona.~ue regarding appraval of the 4.5% vJage inc-.cease requested by the Fire Department. 15. Le-c-cer to Cap'""G.i,''1's from Chief s1TIit.l1 re: Quarterly revie\.vs of probationary mernters. 16. Letter fram c-.cystal Fire Cr.tief Kevin JlilcGini...V re: possibility af a Jaint POirJerS agree.1Uent 'iFJith Crystal and Bro::JklYTl Center for Hazmat teams. 17. Nerro to all members re: el:Ltlli'l.atian af H81l1orial Day a.'l.d July 4th holiday standbys and requirement of \\fearing uniforms to meetings. 18 . T ptter af tha.lks fram Ed A'1dersan to Paddock Labs far t.~e tour of t.~eir facility. 19. Up-date::l t..ruck chec~k sheets. 20. Letter to' a past me:.rrtber re: re:.rrtOv-al af Nltt'v stickers fram his ve..h.lcles and sur-.cender of JvlN firefighter license plates. 21. R~~est fram Park cuid Rec-..ceation far 1st aid overneT,'J arient-atian on June 2nd from 9 - 12. 22. Rep::Jrt from SCBA CaTIlIni ttee re plac81l1E:lit of SCBl>-..s on trucks and replace.1Tlent schedules for same. ~..mJNG OFFICER 1. Srr.d~e -cavler training \'laS schedule::1 to take place far bot..~ regular and prabatianarj meiTibers the 'ifJeO~end falla'ifling the meeting. Henry BaTton itlaS in charge af picking up the key. RtSCUE: 1. Reso.le Lieutena.'l.t Berllle-c-c read nful1es af "cbose me..l1'bers vIi th me:lical certifications 8X-piring in the near future. These -;;'Jill be read at each General Me:.fl1.bership meeting in t.~e future. Check t.~e :board you missed this rep::Jrt, exPiration dates for each mernter are P::JSted. You -..1; 11 be> allaT'1ea~:; a (J"ra""";; n.o-r-; on o..c i - -~~r "",7"-'- ~r ~""'P~ r~t-;'-'n -h"""-~-Te~ -,-; 11 \;~_ _ "- _ h ';;l~ '-''-' ~ _........ .L _ yc:cu:. <...w... I.-e_ =,"_...L_ a. _v., .v.Yc\) .L \1_ _ not reoei ve the vJage differential during that time lapse in yaur certificate 0 EVAI1lAT.IOOS: NO' Report. G::::'T1eral Me.Tubsrs.hip I'1estb'1g May 2, 1990 Page 3 &:Bi\'S: L Tne SCBA corrrrnittee is checking on pressure problems on taT1k #2 in the Cascade syste.rn. Repairs have teen called. for. 2. See attached. schedule for placenlent of SCBA's received. to date. ~: L PreseI1tly applications are only being ta~en for daytLrns resp::>nders and one was given out t.us itieek. 2. Recruit Dai'1 KQh~e has verbally informe::i Chief smit'1 tc'1at due to having to aecept out-of-to~vTI vJork he VJill not be able to join the department as he had plcuu'1e::i. He "vill confirm t.his LT1 itKiting. 3. All other rec-.cuits have teen put on. They will be viearing blue helmets \.Jh2t'1 on a scene. Your help ~vitc'1 any of their training is need.e::i aT1d itJill be appreciated.! H:lSE - No Report LIBRARY - No RepJrt OPERATI:ONS - No RepJrt TRUCK: 1. LiE did a de.monstration and brought in Cha.'1hass2t'1' s rece.T1tl y purchase:J. aerial. Gn.:LT[jffion and SUtphen have been requested. to ma.l(e presentatio:ns of their 6qiii pme.i"1t in the COIning \veeks. LOoking to purchaSe a 100 I . F1ANNING: 1. 'll'1e city Ai-torney itJill be er,:plaini T1g ho,-.} the service fits in tc'1 the Class B City G:Jvernm2t'1t type on May 10, 'Thursday and \.Jhether it is a volunteer organization. Until tt.tis question is a.'1Sviered., tc'1e Plallning committee \vill be unable to proceed VJi th the res'-LDlcturing precess. ~: :HA2'.MAT: No Report. ~: No Report. GeJ.'1eral I>lerllbersb..ip i>feeting jYlaY 2, 1990 Page 4 FIRE ~'S .Kt:RlK!': 1. Ne-!tl proje::::ts beL71g COnSTructed in t.'1e city include: Shopping Center - 36th & Wirmetka C.hurch - 39t.'1 & ~vinnetka Quebec Avenue - being extendecI betvJeen 42nd & vlinnetka Fina station - at old Jl..rchiets standard - 36th. & Bo:Jne Parking Lot - at city Hall 2. 171 planning stages: Jl...ddition to 3501 Nevada 'Ib.e Fire station I.Jlini ~'Jarehouses - 52nd and HR ~'S ~: 1 . Hold-dowTl ladder on 3 'irJaS tightened 2. Left n:Jzzle on reel 'itJaS cleaned 3. !illi1;g ~ta~ion f:~ Scot-'-l.-S repaired 4. Leak In .l::ngme 9 rlxed. 5. Headliners on 6 & 8 fixed. 6 ':J t=:ngine 9 takel1 toci ty- Garage 7. Scott brackets LTlStalled on 8 and scheduled for 6. 8. Bra"k::.es on 8 adjusted - be cautious 9. Engi nE 6 and Rescue One to be checked out on brakes - let Franl{. kno,oJ if you notice any problellls. 10. Blades being ordered for th.e K-12 and 65. 11. Flnergency lights on 8 being fixed. ~: No Report. tINF'INISHID BUSINESS: 1. Rcokies are being assigned to firefiq,:1ters durl71g regular drills ror help in 1:J.'1eir training. 2 . TI1.e Fire Prevention trailer 'itlill be parked on 1:J.'1e sout.h. side of 1:J.'1e itlest parkiil.g lot. ~men coming to the fire station, pull into the far cl.rrb spots before using the second ro~'l. 3. 'There is a neVI p:Jlicy on re-certification after beiJlg a'irJaY on leave. Your should have gott9.t'1 a copy of t'hi s policy recently. 4. There ~vas chscussion on the uniform policy \vtllch itJaS proposed by the officers rec9.t'1tly. Firefighter Nelson moved that t.'1e officers General I'1embership Neeting ~1a.y 2 ( 1990 Page 5 UNt'Ij'4J..S::H.1::Li BUSnu:Ss (o:lntinue:i) reconsider t.'1is p:llicy I t.his TI'Dtion t,iaS 2nd by FMO Datko and passed on a voice vote. Nm~: la Johrl SeilJile \.;JaS SlAJurn in as a firefighter ha~vi11g beal reconrmended for proTI'otion by Assistant Chief/Training Officer }f.ta.rk Bennett and took the firefighter1s oat.~. 2. You are required to clecui your bunk.er pants cuid turnout ccats regularly. They 1TIL1St be air dried - not put in the drier or hung in t."le sun - t."lis vJill damage w'1e.rn. See Steve or Charlie if you need a spare pair vinile yours are cLryLig. 3. You may be surveye:i on missed calls during t."le next 30 days. 4. There vJaB much cJisCl1Ssion regarding t.i1e reasons: application and COI1..sequcices of using fuiQ honestly fu!.SvJering t."le above survey fonn questions . A call Cfulie out at 2140 hours and t."le meet1Tlg \'\iGS not reconvene:i. Respectfclly submitted, Margaret L. Ru...uiakko Fire Dep;='.xtment Secretary DATE: April 26, 1990 ('"'-;0.;- Doug Smi th .' \_----------------- FROM: SCBA Committee SUBJECT: SCBA Replacement cc:Ma. Bennett Based on the assumption that we will be receiving 6 more Scott 4.5 SCBAs soon the SCBA recommends the following: l. Put four of the SCBAs on Engine 8 and the balance on Engine 6. 2. Keep 5 spare SCBA packs from what is left and dispose of the rest. This could be accomplished through selling of donating to someone. 3. Keep a total of 10 spare bottles. Engine Pack Spare Type Number Qtv Bottles Present Proposed 9 4 9 3-4.5 Same 1-2A 8 4 3 4-2A 4-4.5 6 5 3 3-2.2 2-4.5 2-2A 3-2.2 3 3 0 3-2A Same 2 0 2 - - Res 1 5 5 4-4.5 Same 1-2A Spares 9 7 9-2A 5-2A If you have any questions or would like to discuss this recommendation, let one of us know. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING JUNE 3, 1990 The meeting was called to order by Chief Smith at 1935 hours. The Pledge of Allegiance recited. Roll was taken by Fire Department Secretary Marge Runnakko with 15 regular members and 12 probationary members present. Also in attendance were City Attorney Steve Sondrall, Councilman Peter Enck and City Manager Daniel J. Donahue. It was moved by Rescue Lieutenant Mike Bennett and seconded by Lieutenant Ed Anderson that the minutes of the May 2nd meeting which were posted be accepted. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Letter to Steve Merwin re: his request for Leave of Absence and adjustment to time period to prevent loss of membership. 2. Application for membership from Charles Salminen. 3 . Application from Jason Ameroch - (not available during the day) . 4. Letter from Chief Smith to Jason Ameroch re: not accepting applications for probationary members who are not able to respond during day time hours. 5. Status change for Stan Schaefer and his request for retirement under medical disability after 20 years of service. 6. Letter from Honeywell to NMMC requested ambulance on standby during the Special Olympics. 7. Form for requesting relocation of equipment on trucks. 8. Letter from NMMC regarding nominations for Award of Valor. 9. Quarterly Hazmat Report. 10. Request for standby personnel on Thursday, June 7 graduation at Cooper High School. TRAINING OFFICER: 1. Assistant Chief Bennett reported that he is attempting to set up a summer class on Mondays and Wednesdays for Firefighter I through Anoka Vo Tech with Dave Thompson. Look for a posting on the training board. General Membership Meeting June 3, 1990 Page 2 TRAINING OFFICER (continued) 2. FMO program has been designed and will be started in the near future - look for notices. This course will be comprised of final, written, and practical testing and be available to any firefighter who has completed at least six months off of probation. The course will take place at our station. 3. Assistant Chief Bennett is working on developing the 3rd quarter schedule for rookie training. RESCUE: 1. Jim Hassing gave a 1st Aid Class to the Park and Recreation coaches. 2. Help was requested for the Cooper graduation detail on Thursday, June 7th. 3. Look for sign ups for the August 25th special Olympics event to be held at Cooper. EVALUATIONS: SCBA: 1. All the new SCBA's ordered have arrived. Disposal of old ones is yet to be determined. RECRUITMENT: 1. Applications were submitted by Jason Ameroch and Charles Salminen. Jason A.meroch was not available to respond days and his application was tabled. Charles Salminen was interviewed as he was available dayside, however, his residency within the city was too brief to meet requirements and he will be informed of the officer's decision. HOSE - No Report LIBRARY - No Report OPERATIONS - No Report TRUCK - No Report General Membership Meeting June 3, 1990 Page 3 PLANNING: WAGES: 1. Assistant Chief Bennett gave a Wage Committee Report regarding distribution of the 4.5% increase approved by the City Manager and Council. The first proposal of the Wage Committee is that the first six months of pay (December 1st to May 31st) be paid at old rates with a 4.5% increase across the board. A motion was made by Rescue Lt. Mike Bennett and seconded by Captain Charles McCulloch to accept this method of payment for the 1st six months of the pay period. This was approved by a vote of regular members. 2. The second proposal was to accept the structure of pay which was determined by the Wage Committee and handed out to the membership. It was moved by Rescue Lt. Bennett and seconded by Captain McCulloch that this structuring be followed. The proposal was put under discussion: a. Mr. Bennett explained that this structure was not realistic. The proposal actually resulted in an increase approaching 20% overall which would cause a shortfall at the end of the year due to increased personnel on the department and training costs. b. FMO Hassing asked if the adoption of the new fire code would result in the ordering of new apartment fire alarm systems and lower false calls, meaning that there would not be such a shortfall in pay available. Chief smith said it would not be possible to project the outcome of this action and that implementing it would take a long time. c. It was noted that Lieutenant's rank would be taking a cut in pay under the proposed wage package guidelines and that this was not fair treatment. d. Brad Johnson said that wages should be determined in a more logical way and that known facts and figures should be used to make the policies. He also noted that this determination should be made within a time frame which would coincide with other raises in the city. 5. Don Fournier cautioned that the lump sum received should be divided within a fair guideline or control of this function could be taken over by the City staff. General Membership Meeting June 3, 1990 Page 4 WAGES (continued) A vote was taken on whether to approve the Wage Committee's structuring proposal and it was unanimously turned down. 6. Mike Bennett moved that the 4.5% increase across the board be accepted for the 2nd half of the pay period as well and that there be a decrease from the regular base firefighter pay of $.50 for a lapse in 1st Responder certification. This was seconded by Lieutenant Ed Anderson. The amendment passed on a voice vote of the regular membership. 7. Three openings will exist on the Wage Committee and all will be posted shortly. PUBLIC ED: No Report FIRE MARSHAL: No Report HAZMAT: No Report ENGINEER: 1- The Engineer reviewed 10 repair orders to the trucks and equipment. 2. The new sign-up sheet for work detail (July through December) has been posted. Everyone should sign up for dates they would like by June 24th or the engineer will assign them a date. UNIFORMS: No Report ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE (City Council): 1. Mark Bennett and steve Homstad gave a report concerning the recommendation for appointment of fire officers. A recommendation has come out of this committee which will be presented to the City Council on June 25th. This recommendation will call for the appointment of all fire officers, with no grandfathering of the present officers. Length of term and qualifications have yet to be decided and this will be accomplished by using a qualified professional consultant. 2. The fire department representatives on this committee stated that they felt that their opinions were not heard. There was much discussion concerning dissatisfaction with the process. General Membership Meeting June 3, 1990 Page 5 CITY ATTORNEY'S PRESENTATION: Steve Sondrall, City Attorney, addressed the membership on their status as city employees. Mr. Sondrall was asked by the Organizational Committee (formed by City Council) to give his legal opinion on employee status of volunteer firefighters. Mr. Sondrall stated legal confirmation of this employee status is spelled out by the presence of five elements: 1. In Ordinance 60-9 (City of New Hope establishing the Civil Service which refers to fire department as city employees). Provision is also made for this status in the Minnesota Civil Service Ordinance and city personnel rules and regulations have been interpreted to include volunteer firefighters. 2. Mr. Sondrall stated that the firefighters are non- classified, on-call employees and that Ordinances 2.201, 2.202. 2.204 and 2.207 specifically regulate their means and manner of performance. 3. Also, firefighter pay comes directly from the city, even though the department members have the authority to determine its distribution. 4. The City maintains control and supplies all equipment, premises, etc. which are used by the volunteer firefighters. 5. The City has a authority of discharge to terminate a firefighter if it finds cause. Other agencies including the Attorney General's Office and the Minnesota Department of Jobs & Training have concluded that volunteer firefighters are employees of their respective cities for purposes of being covered by workman's compo The advantages to the firefighter lie under personal liability with this clarification of employment. The employee's activities while working or enroute to work are covered by the city's liability insurance and they could not be held personally liable for actions which caused damage or injury if they were not willful or malicious. 1. Don Fournier asked the city attorney about what this new clarification would mean in terms of changes proposed by the City Council. Mr. Sondrall replied that under Plan B city guidelines the city manager is responsible for personnel General Membership Meeting June 3, 1990 Page 6 Don Fournier (continued) decisions of the city and this determination of status means that the change to appointment of officers by the manager is in agreement with the procedure used in all other city departments. 2. Lieutenant Ed Anderson asked the meaning of "non- classified". Mr. Sondrall replied that the original interpretation of this classification meant that the employee may be discharged at the discretion of the city manager, however, equal opportunity employment rules have formally changed this procedure. Mr. Anderson also asked if "on-call employee" definition was in the city Civil Service employment policy descriptions. Mr. Sondrall stated that in terms of the rules and regulations of the city they are covered and will be treated equally. "On-call employee" is not specifically defined, however. 3. Jim Hassing inquired about how the state Charter which establishes the Volunteer Fire Department impacts this interpretation. The attorney said he couldn't comment as he was not familiar with that document. 4. FMO Datko asked how other departments in the city fill their supervisory positions. Mr. Sondrall replied that other departments use the appointment process and usually the department heads are involved in these decisions. 5. Don Fournier stated that having workman's comp coverage is a positive element of the interpretation of being city employees. 6. Rescue Lt. Mike Bennett asked if there was any problem seen with the way the fire department had operated in the past 30 years. Attorney Sondrall replied "No". 7. Lieutenant Anderson inquired if the Police Reserves were considered employees. Attorney Sondrall stated that although there was not pay (except in special details) on their jobs, they did use city vehicles, were uniformed by the city and supervised by the city - so he would consider that they would be classified as such. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: l. The matter of appointments of officers and the City council's committee on organization of the fire department was again discussed. The fire department representatives (Steve Homstad and Mark Bennett) again stated that they felt General Membership Meeting June 3, 1990 Page 7 Unfinished Business (Continued) they were not really allowed input that was considered, and interpreted from the statements of some of the other committee members that the issue was to be cut and dried - that there would be appointments, most likely with a 3 year term controlled by the City Manager. Captain Homstad expressed confusion over how the city's committee had come about because it seemed that the council directive was that the fire department itself should form a committee and work the appointment decision out. Later the city started their own committee and asked for representation from the fire department and the committee within the department was never formed. Councilman Enck was asked to give his reason why the city had gone ahead with forcing the issue of appointments. He stated that it was well known that the city was not happy with the results of the election process. He stated that the members of the committee had done a lot of information gathering had learned a lot about the fire service in the past year and he felt that this decision was made by qualified committee members. He stated that the members had historical perspective, were open and honest and competent. Councilman Enck mentioned that he has seen too much deterioration and lack of maintenance of equipment on his visits to the fire station. He felt that maybe appointments would rectify the situation. There was much discussion in opposition to Mr. Enck's statements. FMO Hanauska stated that qualifications for officers cannot be determined simply by classes taken and that the position taken by the Council is not a productive one. FMO Hassing stated that the authority of the city is not being questioned, however its wisdom is. Most firefighters would not like the Chief to appoint officers. It was stated that under the Plan B guidelines the city manager is obligated under law to determine personnel rules and guidelines. ci ty Manager Daniel J. Donahue was also in attendance at thi s time and he stated that the decision to go to appointments was in keeping with the consistency of what is happening in all other departments of the city. He stated that electing officers was not in keeping with establishing a personnel system which kept politics out of the work place. General Membership Meeting June 3, 1990 Page 8 Unfinished Business (Continued) There were other questions from the floor concerning why the formation of the special task force wi thin the department to determine ideas about elections vs appointments of officers had not been completed. Chief smith said that he postponed the formation of this task force when the Council formed theirs and asked for fire department participation. Daniel Donahue and Councilman Enck both made reference to the fact that Council had been waiting for Fire Department input on the issue but had received none to date. Council would like these recommendations in writing. There was also comment that the current set-up of the Fire Department could be brought into the personnel system if it is decided that it would be the most viable solution to the problem. Assistant Chief Mark Bennett was told by Mr. Casey that the present system was not working. Mr. Bennett stated that Mr. Casey had seemed to be directed to what the outcome of the committee findings should be by the city manager. Mr. Bennett said that at no time was it mentioned that the present system could ever be adopted or accepted. Mr. Donahue stated that he gave his opinions to Mr. Casey but never directed what the outcome of the committee meetings should be. FjF Brad Johnson asked what would happen to the way things are handled in the fire department with regard to personnel issues. Mr. Donahue stated that City Council was making this directive so as to provide a system which allows all people to be employed under a fair and just system. He also stated that this doesn't mean that the current system cannot be adopted in some way, shape or form and that the process has yet to be defined. Both Mr. Enck and Mr. Donahue stated that dialogue from the fire department to the council has been lacking. FjF Don Fournier invited council members to attend fire department meetings as they have been told not to call the council members. FjF Brad Johnson moved that the old committee on the reorganization be resurrected and complete a written proposal to submit to council by July 10. Seconded by Jim Hassing. General Membership Meeting June 3/ 1990 Page 9 New business (continued) This was passed on a voice vote. Chief smith will research on who those members were. F/F Brad Johnson invited the other council members to make a tour of the station to determine for themselves whether things were as bad as Councilman Enck had reported. Rescue Lt. Bennett stated that he felt that Mr. Enck received a biased viewpoint from a disgruntled election loser. Mr. Enck offered to make another tour with Mike Bennett on Monday night. F/F Dan Roby asked the Chief to make the plans for the station available for review at the station. Chief stated he would do this as soon as they were provided by the architect. Should be by the end of June. NEW BUSINESS: 1. There was discussion concerning the petition put together by the f ire department membership and the accompanying memo from Don Fournier. The petition was in regard to the form being used to gather information on those members missing runs and it was signed by 15 department members. Chief Smith said that he would ask the city attorney if use of this form is an invasion of privacy and how the new information concerning employee status affects this. He also stated that despite opposition to the form it has been noticed that attendance has improved and the officers have decided that no change in the use of this form will take place unless there is negative opinion from legal counsel. Jim Hassing asked for the definition of a picked call. Chief Smith stated that "If you are not signed out and not working and you miss a call - that may be a picked call". Chief Smith stated that the officers were only trying to use that information to work out an answer to the problem. 2. FMO Hassing requested that someone check on the Northern Hydraulics portable electric pressure washer and polisher/waxer unit advertised recently when planning for the budget. it would be a great time saver. General Membership Meeting June 3, 1990 Page 10 New business (continued) 3 . F/F Henry Benton stated that he thought that the procedure for work detail should be re-thought. Sometimes there isn't enough man power to accomplish what is on the detail. Hassing stated that everyone should feel obligated to be there at their scheduled time and no one should ever be excused without making sure that they have found a replacement. 4. Chief Smith asked for any firefighter to submit ideas he has for budget input. Homstad asked that anyone making requests, support those requests with facts and figures concerning the items. The May fire report was read. Payroll should be ready by the June 15th deadline!!! Meeting adjourned at 2237 hours. Respectfully submitted, Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING July 11, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 2015 hours by Chief smith. The Pledge of Allegiance recited. Roll was taken by Lieutenant Ed Anderson with 20 regular members and 4 probationary members present. 9 Probationary members were excused to attend Rookie School at Golden Valley. It was moved by Frank Datko and seconded by Don Fournier that the minutes of the June 3rd meeting which were posted be accepted. Motion was passed. There was discussion regarding Charles McCulloch and Ken Schilling who were not in uniform at the meeting as required by policy. These two members left the meeting. It was acknowledged that under some circumstances it would not be possible to always be in uniform at the meeting; however, it seemed that some members are doing so deliberately to cause controversy. Greg Carlson questioned the need for the uniform policy and asked that it either be enforced or reviewed. Chief smith stated that he did not feel it was unreasonable to ask members to appear in uniform at meetings and that accommodating this request would almost never be impossible for any member. Frank Datko moved that Mark and Mike Bennett stay at the meeting (even though they were wearing the wrong name tags on their uniforms) and that Chief smith make a decision whether the other members who were not in uniform should return. This was seconded by Jim Hassing. Discussion was held and a hand vote taken yielded 4 votes for the motion and 14 against the motion. Motion was denied. Allen Nelson moved that all members attend the meeting, with or without uniforms. This was seconded by John Sieple. The motion carried on a voice vote. There was a lengthy discussion. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. certificate of Appreciation to the New Hope Fire Department from Adam Piskura (State Fire School) and letter. 2. Memo to all members from City Manager Daniel J. Donahue re: Results of the meeting with elected officers and formation of a selection committee. The committee will consist of the City Manager, Fire Chief, a Personnel Board Member, two fire officers, three firefighters, a member of another volunteer department (not a chief and not from a mutual aid group) . Assistant Chief Bennett has 6 names and Chief smith will take names from the floor, 3 members will be selected. General Membership Meeting July 11, 1990 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE (Continued) 3. Note of thanks from Shari French to Allen Nelson, Jim Hassing and Jean Coone for their support with recreation training and inspections. 4. Letter of resignation from Tom Neaghbour who is moving to northern Minnesota for a new job. 5. Burnsville Fire Muster on September 8, 1990. 6. Notice of the Fire Muster to be held at Woodbury on August 18 at 9:00 AM. 7. Notice of Robbinsdale open house and street dance on August 11, 1990. 8. Percentages for drills and alarms for the month of June. 9. Letter from NMMC (Doug Hoppenrath) re: Annual Public Safety Day display on September 15, 1991 (Saturday). Planning meeting is July 30th. 10. Quarterly reports: from the Training Officer, uniforms, Hose, Rescue and Gear. 11. Memo from Honeywell regarding the Special Olympics to be held on August 25, 1990 at which the New Hope Fire Department will assist. TRAINING OFFICER: 1. F/F II Certification (grandfathering) has been discussed at the officer's meetings. Proposals for accomplishment of the certification is a pre-test, classroom training and hands-on training (all of which will be documented). 2. You are required to meet a minimum of 2 drills per month in order to maintain the required percentages. Look for a schedule soon. 3. Duk Duk Daze - Auto Extrication Demonstration are scheduled. 4. Fireworks team for Duk Duk Daze should meet at the station at 8:30 PM. 5. Lt. Johnson is working on getting houses for live burns. General Membership Meeting July 11, 1990 Page 3 RESCUE: 1. Lt. Bennett gave a report on activities during Duk Duk Daze. 2. New Hope has been requested to standby for Crystal during their community celebration on July 29, 1990. 3. Lt. Bennett will be notifying each member about deadlines for renewal of the EMT and 1st Responder cards. EVALUATIONS: No Report SCBA: No Report RECRUITMENT: 1. One applicant Douglas Dunnette has been recommended to the City Manager for appointment. 2. Another person's application has been tabled until he has established the minimum 6 month's residency within the response area. HOSE - No Report LIBRARY - No Report OPERATIONS - No Report TRUCK: 1. Frank Datko reported that on the 1st Monday in July the Truck Committee met to review recommendations to present to City Council re: purchase of the aerial apparatus, refurbishing of trucks and replacement schedules for trucks. FIRE STATION FACILITY: 1. Met last Sunday and are still looking at changes until the last week in July. 2. Groundbreaking is anticipated for the last week in August and the station should be completed by August, 1991. WAGES: No Report General Membership Meeting July 11, 1990 Page 4 HAZMAT: 1. Hazmat drills are still being held on the 3rd Monday of the month. The last drill reviewed the new pool facilities and storage of chemicals in that area. FIRE MARSHAL'S REPORT: 1. A new Holiday Express station is in progress at 36th and Hwy 169. There is some contaminated soil being stored on- site awaiting PCA action. This station may not be open 24 hours. 2. The church on 39th and Winnetka is in progress - it is a wood structure. 3. J. R. Jones is in the planning stages for an addition on the east end of their building. 4. House of Hope Lutheran is building a large addition and a steeple to their church at 4800 Boone Avenue N. 5. A tank removal and replacement is in progress at the School District bus garage, there is a temporary red tank on the southwest side of the building. 6. Fireworks will be done on the East side of the Northwood Park. ENGINEER'S REPORT: 1. Frank Datko reported on the current repairs which have been completed and/or requested. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Greg Carlson reported on the new "repeat pagers" to be issued to the direct responders. ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE: 1. Three out of six incumbent F/F in the department were not interested in being on the previous Organization Committee. 2. Brad Johnson reported back for the fire department committee, as requested from the previous meeting, that the firefighters had no report on the reorganization of the fire Department. The Committee felt this would be addressed by the new coromi ttee being formed by the City Manager. General Membership Meeting July 11, 1990 Page 5 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None Discussed. NEW BUSINESS: 1. City Manager Daniel J. Donahue discussed the incidents surrounding his memo to all firefighter of June 28 and the direction he has taken to resolve the matters at issue. He and the officers have defined the issues as: 1. Management style of the Chief. 2. Increased City management input. 3 . Selection process for fire department officers. 2. Through the establishment of a committee consisting of the ci ty Manager, Fire Chief, a Personnel Board Member, two fire officers, three firefighters, a member of another volunteer department (not a chief and not from a mutual aid group) and a consultant (facilitator) who has worked with the Ramsey County Fire Service, Mr. Donahue hopes to resolve the issues at hand. Proposed deadline for recommendations to the Council is October 1, 1990. 3. During a lengthy discussion concerning the problems in the fire service Mr. Donahue stated that the firefighters (city employees) attending meetings are to be paid for their work. The meeting recessed to pick 3 members of the fire service for the committee. The members chosen were Greg Carlson, Don Fournier, and Dan Roby. 4. Allen Nelson stated that he would propose a draft for payment for these meetings and duties to the Wage Committee if the membership was in agreement. 5. Don Fournier provided a motion (see attached exhibit) regarding the disapproval of the action of the resigned officers. This motion was an attempt to get a majority opinion from the members of the fire department concerning the events that have occurred in the month of June regarding the officers and their resignations. It was seconded by Ron Bjorklund. Greg Carlson, Allen Nelson, Brad Johnson and Tim Fournier all made comments on the motion. A vote of the membership yielded a denial of the motion as representative of the feelings of the majority of the department. 6. There was discussion on what the 3 fire department members should do with regard to serving on the committee formed by Mr. Donahue. Mr. Donahue. General Membership Meeting July 11, 1990 Page 5 7. Allen Nelson moved that the three representatives to the committee selected should listen to and represent the memberships' concerns regarding the changes to be made in the fire department. This was seconded by Greg Carlson. Motion was carried on a voice vote. 8. The fire report for June was read. There were 39 fire calls, 6 medical calls, 13 investigations and a loss of $57,575. The meeting was moved to be adjourned at 2330 hours by Allen Nelson and this was seconded by Ron Bjorklund. Meeting minutes were taken by Lt. Ed Anderson in the secretary's absence. Respectfully submitted, Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary EXHIBIT A GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING IT is my opinion that the majority of the members of the NEW HOPE FIRE DEPARTMENT acknowledge and support the fire fighting abilities and fire ground leadership of the current fire officers, including those reinstated by the city manager. However; I feel that the recent events surrounding the resignation of the four officers and their actions towards their fellow fire fighters was self serving and not in the best interests of the NEW HOPE FIRE DEPARTMENT,it's members or the city. In an effert to get the majority opinion from the general membership on this matter and make it a matter of public record I submit the following motion: THE MAJORITY OF THE MEMBERS OS THE NEW HOPE FIRE DEPARTMENT NOT ONLY REGRET THE INTERVENTION BY THE CITY MANAGER IN REINST8TING THE OFFICERS WHO RESIGNED ON THEIR OWN ACCORD BUT ALSO WOULD LIKE THIS MOTION TO SERVE AS NOTIFICATION TO THOSE OFFICERS OF OUR DISAPPROVAL OF THEIR ACTIONS AND FOR THEIR LACK OF LEADERSHIP AND REPRESENTATION FOR US IN MANAGING THE AFFAIRS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT THEY WERE ELECTED TO UPHOLD. IT IS ALSO THE OPINION OF THE MAJORITY OF THE MEMBERS OF THE NEW HOPE FIRE DEPARTMENT THAT THE ACTIONS BY THESE FOUR OFFICERS SHOWS A LACK OF RESPECT AND CONCERN FOR THEIR FELLOW FIRE FIGHTERS, FIRE CHIEF AND THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF NEW HOPE AND DO NOT REPRESENT THE FEELINGS OF THE MAJORITY OF THE DEPARTMENT. MOTION BY DON FOURNIER 7/11/90 ..e- GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING JULY 25, 1990 The meeting was called to order 1840 at hours by Chief smith. Roll was taken by Fire Department Secretary Marge Runnakko with 15 regular members and 3 probationary members present. The purpose of the meeting was to 'discuss the content of a memo drafted by captain Steve Homstad concerning wages. The memo addresses statements made by city Manager Daniel J. Donahue at the general membership meeting of July 18, 1990. Discussion of the draft memo yielded the following suggestions: 1. Change date to July 26. (Greg Carlson) 2. Change 1800 hours per month to 1800 hours per year. (Greg Carlson) 3. Eliminate extra standby pay for officers. (Charles McCulloch) 4. Eliminate content referring to Chief's pay from the memo. (Greg Carlson) After discussion it was decided that changes 1 and 2 should be made and changes 3 and 4 be denied. It was pointed out by Chief Smith that he did allow use of the issue of pay for himself in the memo and he would not be upset if it was denied. He offered that it could be used as a point of ~ negotiation and it would not impact any of his attendance at either drills or runs. Charles McCulloch moved that the memo be accepted with the change of date (sending) and change from 1800 hours per month to 1800 hours per year. The motion passed on a voice vote with a single no from a member of the Wage Committee (Mark Bennett). Copy of the approved memo is attached. Charles McCulloch asked if Mark would explain his vote of no. Mark stated that as a member of the Wage Committee he felt the issue of pay for the fire chief should be in a separate proposal and since he could not accept the entire memo he felt he should register a vote of no. Special Meeting July 25, 1990 Page 2 ~<?-- Jim Hassing asked if the proposal for Chief smith's pay should be presented separately. Chief smith stated that it was his personal opinion that it should be left in as a possible negotiation point as it did not matter to him if his pay was turned down. Chief Smith stated that a memo asking for volunteers for the Wage Committee vacancies would be posted soon. It was moved by Captain McCulloch that the meeting be adjourned, it was seconded by FjF John Seiple. Meeting was adjourned at 1900 hours. Respectfully submitted, '-(~r' . ud?? j) ~i ) ~ (1' .. C) / ';.a/i1J)A---(! C ~~) v ' Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary - '!:'" MEMORANDUM City of New Hope DATE: July 26, 1990 TO: Daniel J. Donahue, City Manager FROM: Fire Department Membership SUBJECT: 1990 WAGES At the general membership meeting on July 11, 1990 you stated that as part-time employees we should be paid for all the time we put in for the city. The list below represents an average number of hours or days of service during the month that we now perform with no compensation: l. Truck checks - once per week, 2 hours in length by 2 people (16 hours) 2. Special committee meetings (ie, Truck, Wage, Station Facilities, etc. (30 hours) 3. General meetings, once per month - 25 people x 3 hours (75 hours) 4. Officer's meetings, twice per month - 6 officers x 5 hours (30 hours) ~ 5. The duty officer is presently required to stay in the city for 7 days and is only paid for 2 days of standby. with 30 days in a month, minus the 8 days a month that we presently pay duty officers, there would be an additional 22 days of standby pay per month. At our current rates of pay the calculations would be as follows: 151 hours @ $7.32 $ 1,105.32 22 days of standby @ $22.99 505.78 Expenses for 1 Month $ 1,611.10 Expenses for 12 Months $ 19,333.20 As you can see we presently are not paid for over 1800 hours of work each year. Daniel J. Donahue, City Manager July 20, 1990 Page 2 <,; These hours were not included when we negotiated for our 1990 wages with you last winter. We believe that if we are classified as part time employees; and as you stated should be paid for our time, that you should add an additional $10,000 to our current wage package this year so we don't have to absorb these hours with our current package. In addition, we believe that Chief smith should be compensated for his time outside of his regular working hours. Dur ing the last year, Chief smith has the following hours of service outside of his regular working hours: 23 drills x 3 hours 69 hours Special details (committees, public education, etc. ) 200 hours Total service hours 269 hours @ $7.32 = $ 1,969.08 Alarms outside of regular working hours during the year = 86 alarms @ $18.91 = $ 1,626.26. Total for both categories is $ 3,595.34. We would also request an additional $ 1,800 for the year 1990 to compensate for his time. These hours or days would become effective for pay starting August 1, 1990. In total we request an additional $ 11,800 of funding. This was accepted by the membership at a special meeting on July 25, 1990. ~ Respectfully, captain Steve Homstad Douglas C. smith New Hope Fire Department Director of Fire & Safety SH/mr GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AUGUST 5, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 1852 hours by Chief Smith. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Roll was taken by Fire Department Secretary Marge Runnakko with 14 regular members and 9 probationary members present. It was moved by Frank Datko and seconded by Don Fournier that the minutes of the July 18 and July 25th meetings which were posted be accepted. CORRESPONDENCE: 1- Letter of introduction for Roger Solberg re: support of Minneapolis Fire Chief Magazine by the New Hope Fire Department. 2 . Requests for applications for the Mike Ackerman award which should be submitted by October 15th. 3 . Letter to Joseph Gangelhoff re: requirement of 6 month residency to be accepted for membership in the NH Fire Department. 4. Application from Michael Patterson of 4825 Ensign Avenue North. He has been recommended for membership at the August 5 officer's meeting. 5. Retirement notice from Jim Hassing effective July 31st. 6. Notice of September 7, 8 and 9 fire muster in Burnsville. 7. Memo to the Vehicle Committee from Doug smith re: continue to write specifications for fire vehicle and refurbishing schedules (after meeting with city manager regarding why the recommendation was not presented to Council on July 5th as requested) . Next meeting to be held August 6 at the Fire Station. 8. Memo from the Fire Marshal re: unauthorized person showing up at fire calls in the area and also suspicious fires. 9. posting for 3 vacancies on the Wage Committee - to be voted on during the September 5th meeting. 10. Letter from North Memorial re: Public Safety Day on September 15, 1990 - request New Hope to provide Rescue I, Freddie and the Smoke House. 11- Response from City Manager Daniel J. Donahue regarding request for extra funding to cover hours not currently compensated. General Membership Meeting August 5, 1990 Page 2 TRAINING OFFICER: No Report RESCUE: 1- special Olympics will be held on August 25th at Cooper High. Everyone is encouraged to participate. Sign up sheets are posted. Work uniforms to be worn at this event. 2. New blood pressure cuffs should be arriving for Engines 8, 6 and Rescue 1 soon. 3 . New ear pieces for the stethoscopes should be arriving also, don't take them - several are missing recently. 4. A softball tournament conflicting with the special Olympics has also requested assistance (you are encouraged to chose the special Olympics over this event). 5. Hennepin County EMS Week at the dome is scheduled for Tuesday August 4. There will be a picnic in the afternoon ($5.00 cost) and an evening with the Twins ( $ 7 . 00 cost). Information has been posted. EVALUATIONS: No Report SCBA: No Report RECRUITMENT : 1. Candidate Michael Patterson has been interviewed and is recommended for membership. He will be training with you shortly. HOSE: 1. Sign-up for hose testing has been posted. Only two days don't have anyone listed. Dates are August 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21 and 23. You are required to make two days! LIBRARY - No Report OPERATIONS - No Report TRUCK : 1. There will be a meeting of the Truck Committee on Monday, August 6 at 7:00 PM at the fire station to continue writing specs on truck replacement and refurbishing. PLANNING: - No Report General Membership Meeting August 5, 1990 Page 3 WAGES: 1- posting for Wage Committee is up. will be voted on at the September 5 meeting. There are 3 vacancies. 2 . Response was received from the City Manager regarding the proposal for extra funding for duties currently not paid. You should have received a copy of this response in your mail box at the station. HAZMAT: No Report ENGINEER'S REPORT: 1. Six, Eight, and Nine had blower motor repairs and gas and oil leak repairs. Also doing the back-up horn on 9. 2 . Garage doors will be serviced by Twin City Garage Door soon for the problems reported. 3. Don Fournier inquired as to the current status of hiring an Engineer's Assistant. Chief Smith responded that this is still not determined by the Personnel Board. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. The Uniform Policy was not discussed during the officer's meeting due to lack of time and lack of feedback requested from the officers. NEW BUSINESS: 1. A notice was posted on the board regarding Robbinsdale Whiz Bang celebration. Date is Saturday, August 11. 2. Medicine Lake will be closed effective August 6, 1990 for an undetermined time. Keep this in mind when responding to fires for the next 60 days. Check the map before leaving for fires in an area affected by this road closing. Dispatch will also be paying attention to this. Chief will try to keep everyone notified on hydrants out of service and progress of the project, as much as possible. 3 . Anyone interested in the Burnsville Fire Muster see the Chief. Parade on September 8. 4. Don Fournier was thanked by Chief Smith for organizing the surprise retirement card party for Jim Hassing. Good responses were heard from many attendees. General Membership Meeting August 5, 1990 Page 4 5. Firefighters were reminded that if they use their personal fire extinguishers for an incident that they can have them recharged free of charge. Should they need servicing they can also arrange and pay for this recharging through the Chief. Make out slips and affix to your extinguisher. 6. Thank you also goes out to Ron and Renee Bjorklund for coordinating the Sunday, August 5th picnic for the Fire Department. 7. Anyone interested in participating with Reimer to work out plans for a golf outing let Chief smith know. 8. Don Fournier mentioned that Dan Donahue asked for suggestions on improving city recycling efforts and that he has not been acknowledged on his suggestion to use only white paper for the employee newsletter. Colored paper is not recyclable. 9. The fire report for July 1990 was read to the membership. Losses were held to $3,625 and 41 total calls were made. Runs to date are 361. Loss to date in July is $61,200. 10. Bids have been opened on the new station and it is tentatively awarded to Sheehy Construction. One problem with their bid is that they forgot to include the flooring. The city attorney has advised them of this problem and they have to respond by August 6 at 5:00 PM. 1I. The Chief will be trying to arrange ground-breaking ceremonies for the new station and will be looking for help and participation. A committee will be put together soon to plan this activity. 12. The city manager has hired Frank Quisenberry to facilitate the committee on fire department reorganization. Also chosen has been Merle Reiswig (Personnel Board) Look for notice from Daniel J. Donahue on when meetings will occur. The facilitator will be meeting sometime soon with the fire department members soon. City Manager's secretary will notify you about this meeting. 13. In cases where the required number firefighters to drive trucks out, the commanding officer will make the decision on whether a rookie should help drive the trucks. General Membership Meeting August 5, 1990 Page 5 14. Joe Amos noted that the service rendered at the full arrest at 5932 Cavell was appreciated, even though it didn't seem that it was. 15. Henry Benton requested that Mike Bennett check into getting some of the large blue gloves like North uses. Meeting was adjourned at 2030 hours! Respectfully submitted, f'1(~) . (~~~~~A))/) Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING SEPTEMBER 05,1990 The meeting was called to order at 1940 hours by Chief Smith. The Pledge of Allegiance recited, Roll was taken by Fire Department Secretary Marge Runnakko with 14 regular members and 3 probationary members present. 9 Probationary members were attending FFI classes in Golden Valley. It was moved by FF Don Fournier and seconded by FF Ron Bjorklund that the minutes of the last meeting which were posted be accepted. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Letter from Chief Smith to John Piper of the NSMU re: Softball Tournament coverage on August 25, New Hope has a commitment to Special Olympics on the same day and will not be attending. 2. Resignation from position as captain from Charles McCulloch effective August 30, 1990, 3. Memo from Don Fournier to all firefighters re: his reasons for resigning from the Fire Department Evaluation Committee, Letter from Don Fournier to Chief Smith re: resignation from the Fire Department Evaluation Committee. 4. Letter from Tom Ingemann, U. S, West, re: abandonment of the Group Alert System as of August 1991 and notification that there is not a replacement system available for this service. 5, Letter to Michael Patterson re: acceptance for membership as of August 7, 1990. 6, Training dates from NMMC re: 1st Responder Refresher are April 8, 10, 15, 24 from 6 - 10 PM, which will be taught by Dan Swabe. 7. Thank you to Terri Homstad of the Lady's Auxiliary for help at the ground breaking ceremonies on August 23rd. 8. Letter from Carole M, Carlson to Doug Smith re: continuance of his membership on the Fire Training Advisory Committee. 9. Letter from Donald Wickstrom re: consulting services on city insurance ratings, 10. Information on the Minnesota Fire Safety Project. 11. Letter from MN Professional Fire Fighters clarifying their fund raising operations and the fact that they are not a tax-deductible charity, General Membership Meeting September 5, 1990 Page 2 RESCUE: 1. Captain Homstad extended his thanks to all members who helped with the events at the Special Olympics, 2. Sign-ups for medical standbys lately have been poor. There are assignments being made to fill any empty slots. 3. A CPR class is being scheduled for the Monday Night standby on 9/10 for Troop 67 at New Hope Elementary. 4. There is talk that next year's Special Olympics may be held down at the dome. 5. Captain Homstad will be ordering the Amkus soon, The new one will be an electric unit which will be mounted on Rescue 1. Specs are being reviewed and it will probably be mounted on the lower shelf with two reels mounted above, A new jaw will also be ordered, Cost is about $ 11,000. EVALUATIONS: No Report. SCBA: No Report. RECRUITMENT: 1. Look for Michael Patterson to be joining the department soon. HOSE: 1. Hose testing will be finished up with the testing of hose on Engine 6 on September 13 at 1800 hours, 2. Al noticed a lot of failures in early numbers (old hose pieces). Lt, Ed Anderson said that this hose will be replaced. LIBRARY - No Report FIRE STATION- 1. Meetings are being held every Wednesday morning at 10:00 AM concerning progress on the new station, 2. 75% of the utility work has been completed and 50% of demolition. 3, Footings and soil work is scheduled for next week, General Membership Meeting September 5, 1990 Page 3 FIRE STATION (continued) 4. The contractor has tentatively projected that everything will be completed by February 1, 1991. 5. A committee should be formed soon to work on furnishing the interior of the station. 6, A phone system consultant will be used to design the most efficient service to put out for bid. 7. No decision has been made on the possible uses for the old station, FIRE MARSHAL'S REPORT: 1. Requests for Fire Prevention tours and materials are coming from the schools, 2. Fire drills will be held on October 8 (a Monday morning) at the schools in our district. TRUCK: 1. Chief Smith met with Chief McGinty of Crystal to draw up the pros and cons of sharing aerial equipment vs each city owning such equipment. The Council will meet on Monday, September 17 in a special work session to discuss this subject. 2, The evaluation of possibility of refurbishing the chassis on 6 & 8 has not been done yet. WAGES: No Report HAZMAT: No Report EXPLORERS: 1. The Viking Council Fire Muster had been scheduled to be held on September 15th at the New Hope Station, however they requested to hold it on September 22nd instead. A poll of the members showed no response as to availability to help with this function, UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. The Uniform Policy stands - dress uniforms are to be worn to meetings and work uniforms to drills. See Lt. Anderson if you are missing any uniform items such as name tags, etc, 2. The vacant Captain's position will be filled in the near future by appointment. 3, Chief Smith explained the newly proposed percentage policy. A memo outlining the details will be sent General Membership Meeting September 5, 1990 Page 4 UNFINISHED BUSINESS (continued) to all members in their mailboxes. Letters of reprimand will only be issued quarterly under this new proposal and all previous letters and suspensions will be purged from member files. 4. Holiday standby policy and the effects of their suspension on the past few holidays will be discussed in the Officer's Meeting in the near future, Look for a statement on the future course of action with regard to holiday standbys, 5. The City Attorney affirmed that use of the "Reason for Absence" inquiry when fire runs are missed is not an invasion of privacy. This form may be used in the future at the officers' discretion, All members are reminded they are to make all calls for which they are available and not just the minimum of 35%, 6. The August Fire report was read. Runs to date number 396 and loss to date is $63,859 for the month of August. 7. Chief Smith will be issuing a new policy for drill attendance (basically each member will be required to attend a minimum of 2 drills per month, 8. The Organization Committee formed by City Manager Daniel J. Donahue will be meeting on September 11, 18, and 25th. Allen Nelson proposed that Doug Anderson be allowed to replace Don Fournier who resigned his position with the committee. The membership was in concurrence with his proposal. Chief Smith will notify the facilitator of this change, The motion to adjourn was made by Rescue Lt. Mike Bennett and 2nd by Al Nelson and the meeting was adjourned at 2055 hours, Respectfully submitted, Q~ - L . r. 'I I tf) , d) . JJ./i/(../"tLcLf~.>#jj Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING OCTOBER 7, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 1940 hours by Chief Smith. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Roll was taken by Fire Department Secretary Marge Runnakko with 9 regular members and 4 probationary members present. Since a quorum was not present, regular business could not be conducted and the regular meeting was adjourned at 1943 hours. The following announcements were made to those present: 1. That Robert Dallman had completed his probation to become a Firefighter as of the October 7th meeting and would be attending the City Council meeting on Monday the 8th. He will take the Firefighter's Oath at the next meeting that has a quorum present. 2. The Open House at the Fire station is being held on October 12 (Wednesday Night). Wear Dress Blues. Troop 67 from New Hope Elementary has been asked to assist and a car is being located to use for a accident demo. 3. Cooper Bonfire is scheduled for later in the same evening. Volunteers will be needed. 4. caution when working with children and the Safe Escape House is being advised due to observations at the Maple Grove Open House. Children were freely playing in the facility and there is some fear that they are not recognizing that the smoke is very dangerous and that they should escape the situation. Please emphasize the message to children that "Smoke is Dangerous". 5. Quarterly Reports are due. 6. A reminder to pay attention to the information just supplied by the Chief about use of the new cleaning products. Also, let him know when supplies are running low. Stored in the hose tower right now. 7. Hazmat training will be the focus of the next Wednesday and Friday morning drills in an attempt to certify all members for 1st Responder Operational Level in Hazardous Materials. This is also intended as a possible prerequisite for Technical Level certification. 8. There will be school fire drills and many programs in the next 2 weeks. Please volunteer for any and all that you are able to help with. General Membership Meeting October 7, 1990 Page 2 9 . There will be another Crop walk on Saturday October 13th by st. Joseph's Catholic Church and there is a request for 2 volunteers to drive a truck to accompany the walkers. On the board. 10. All firefighters able to attend an appreciation luncheon given by Northridge Care Center are encouraged to do so on October 23rd. Notice posted on the board. 11- Probationary members will be meeting on Monday the 8th at 7:00 PM. Bring training sheets. Respectfully submitted, - (r~tl/U.1 :f; RJ-lAtA~)J~" Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING November 7, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 1945 hours by Chief Smith. The Pledge of Allegiance recited. Roll was taken by Fire Department Secretary Marge Runnakko with 22 regular members and 9 probationary members present. Present at the meeting was Frank Quisenberry of Great Plains Management Associates, who has been hired by the City Manager as a consultant to facilitate the discussions of the New Hope Fire Department Reorganization Task Force. He reported the findings of the various discussions and research done in conjunction with the Reorganization Task Force to the membership. Attached to the minutes is the draft of this progress report, dated October 25, 1990. This report recommends the following list of steps be followed in implementing changes within the Fire Department: 1. Revisit, revise, validate the organization's values, mission statement, strategic goals; define the new organization. 2. The leadership of the Fire Department needs to communicate the Values, Mission and Goals to all members, including why. 3. Create a transition team that will oversee the process of change. This team should represent all the stake holders within the Fire Department. The present reorganization task force could form the nucleus of this team. 4. Discuss with the Fire Department leadership how to manage the change process -- the procedures and the interpersonal issues. 5. Specific goals should be set with the management team, with timetables for the implementation process. 6. Place emphasis on managing the impact on the members of the Fire Department. 7. Maintain or improve the delivery of services during the change process; do not permit erosion of service quality during implementation. 8. Follow through on accountability for the change in management process. General Membership Meeting November 7, 1990 Page 2 QUISENBERRY (continued) A five member team will be formed to deal with fire department issues - its main responsibilities will be to test candidates for office and membership in the fire department and monitor rules and regulations. Mr. Quisenberry stated that he felt that there was a "window of opportunity" for the fire service. This 6 month time-frame is available for the fire service to work with City Council and the City Manager to make desirable changes. Charles McCulloch asked if the members of the fire department who had been on the committee (Roby and Carlson) were happy with the results. Both Roby and Carlson agreed that they were satisfied with the report. Following Mr. Quisenberry's presentation Don Fournier moved that the recommendations for implementing the changes proposed by Mr. Quisenberry in the Draft Progress Report be accepted and followed. This was seconded by Frank Datko. There was a short discussion and the motion carried on a voice vote. Captain Homstad asked that a copy of this draft be attached to the minutes of the General Memberhsip meeting. A copy of this report will be distributed to each member. It was moved by Firefighter Allen Nelson and seconded by Rescue Lieutenant Mike Bennett that the minutes of the last meeting which were posted be accepted. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Thank you to NorthRidge Care Center for Appreciation Luncheon held October 23rd. 2. Memo from Steve Homstad to all members re: Hazmat Training Program. 3. Thank you to Michelle Anderson for assistance with the Fire Department Open House. 4. Thank you to Scoutmaster James Johnson for the assistance of Troop 67 at the Fire Department Open House. 5. Memo re: Eye Emergency training presentation which was held at Richfield Jr. High on Thursday, November 8. 6. Thank you from the Lakeville Police Department for assistance of Ron Bjorklund and John Seiple with their search for a missing woman on September 22, 1990. General Membership Meeting November 7, 1990 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 7. Thank you to the Ladies Auxiliary for their help at the Fire Department Open House. 8. Letter of appointment to Jeff Dreyer. 9. Donation from St. Therese for purchase of the ropes they used during their United Way Kickoff. 10. Letter of promotion to Robert Dallman who was promoted to firefighter status as of the October General Membership meeting, which was not held due to the lack of a quorum. 11. Letter of appreciation to Police Chief Colin Kastanos re: commending Officer Eckstedt's quick action with regard to the fire at Port Arthurs. ENGINEER'S REPORT: 1. The engineer discussed the various repairs made during the month. He also mentioned that the members can find a plastic bottle of oil in the K65 chain saw box on Engine 8 which has the proper amount of oil to mix into the gas for the chain saw. 2. Truck Check sheets are still being up-dated. 3. Charles McCulloch inquired about the status of proposal for a 2nd Engineer. Chief Smith stated that the position is not being proposed at this time, although it has been submitted to the personnel board, etc. Right now it is felt that since Public Works has 2 full-time mechanics that the need can be met by using their services. 4. Chief Smith reminded the membership that if orders are not written up, they can't expect to see problems fixed. Just verbally notifying of problems is not adequate. 5. There are mounts in each truck for the garage door openers. 6. Don Fournier asked for more feedback on the status of repair orders which are written up. General Membership Meeting November 7, 1990 Page 4 TRAINING OFFICER: 1. A revised schedule for drills in November and December will be posted. There was an error on one of the dates. 2. The Hazmat training has started and will be implemented at the next 12 drills. 3. Plans for the FMO training are forthcoming. Look for announcements. SCBA'S: 1. SCBA's are being tested right now and will be each quarter. No major problems have been detected and a certificate should be received shortly stating that the SCBA's meet standards. RESCUE: 1. There are openings on the Medical Standby list for December. Co. 3 members are encouraged to sign up to fill these openings or they will be assigned. 2. Contact Rescue Lt. Bennett soon if you need a Spring refresher course for either EMT or 1st Responder. 3. Doug Anderson reminded all members to check out the location of the hydrant and sprinkler connection at the new shopping mall on 36th & Winnetka. 4. Charles McCulloch moved that Monday and Friday night standbys be abolished, however, withdrew his motion later. EVALUATIONS: No Report. RECRUITMENT: No Report. HOSE: No Report. LIBRARY: No Report. OPERATIONS: No Report. General Membership Meeting November 7, 1990 Page 5 PLANNING: No Report. WAGES: 1. There are 2 vacancies on the committee. Please sign up if you are interested in determining how wages will be disbursed out of the lump sum. HAZMAT: 1. Training for all members is in progress at the next 12 drills. FIRE MARSHAL'S: No Report. TRUCK: 1. A proposal and alternatives have been submitted for review by the City Council. A special work session will review this in about 2 weeks with plan by 1st of the year according to Dan Donahue, City Manager who was present at the meeting. NEW BUSINESS: 1. The new probationary member, Jeff Dreyer, was introduced to the members. 2. Robert Dallman took his firefighter oath from Chief Smith and received his badge before the general membership. It was moved by Firefighter Don Fournier that the meeting be adjourned at 2120 hours, this was seconded by Firefighter Ron Bjorklund. Respectfully submitted, "fn . a ~\~tA.ltAf?..A I' /,~ ~- ~ (j Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary ATTACHMENT: Draft, New Hope Fire Department Reorganizaiton Task Force Progress Report DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT NEW HOPE FIRE DEPARTMENT REORGANIZATION TASK FORCE PROGRESS REPORT October 25, 1990 . ".. Prepared by: Frank Quisenberry Great Plains Management Associates 4097 Kentucky Ave. N. Crystal MN 55427 Reorganization Task Force October 26, 1990 Project Summary This report will summarize the work of the Fire Department reorganization task force that meet during September and October 1990. The task force had the following goals. 1. To determine the roles and functions of the leadership of the Fire Department. This would include the needed leadership style and processes that will be most efficient and effective for the City in providing quality fire prevention, protection and emergency medical services. 2. To identify the balance between the needed accountability of the Fire Department to the City, and the necessary level of autonomy needed by the Fire Department to effectively recruit, retain and motivate members of the department. 3. To define guidelines for applying City Civil Board procedures to the Fire Department. Changes in the legal environment regarding personnel administration, have identified the traditional volunteer fire fighter as a part-time employee of the city. Particular emphasis is to be placed on the selection method of officers. Study Results The first step in the process was conducting interviews with the members of the task forces to identify the issues that needed to be addressed. The issues were: We will report the discussion and finding of the task force for each of these issues. These finding include our recommendation~ as a consultant to the organization. 1. What are the values and mission of the Fire Department? During the first session each member of the task force shared their vision of the Fire Department for five years in the future. From this process the following draft of a values and mission was developed. Major Values of the Department 2 Reorganization Task Force October 26, 1990 The members of the New Hope Fire Department agree on the following common values. We are professional in our abilities, skills, and communications. By professional we mean: * Developing and maintaining effective relationships with the community, other city departments, the City Council, community groups and organizations, and other fire organizations. * Taking pride in our department, the city, our facilities, our equipment, and our reputation for excellence. * Working as a team within the department to promote excellence in internal communications, and providing a climate where the individual needs of members are met, while achieving the goals of the City for fire service. * Recognizing the unique tradition of the fire service, while at the same time adapting our organization to the changing demands placed on it. We will provide an optimum level of fire protection, prevention, and emergency medical services to the community. By optimum we mean: * Placing a strong emphasis on fire prevention and education. * continu~lly reviewing the quality of our services. * Being receptive to new ideas and technologies that can be used to improve the quality of service. * Developing close working relationships with other fire departments. We believe that the fire department must be accountable to the City. By accountable we mean: 3 Reorganization Task Force October 26, 1990 * Maximize the use of equipment and personnel to become cost effective. * Operate within City policies and procedures; local, state and federal rules and laws; and professional fire fighting standards. * Recognition of the valuable contribution that the Fire Department makes to the quality of life in the City. All our activities must be conducted in the safest manner possible. By the safest manner possible, we mean: * Well trained members who continually upgrade and assess their skills. * Equipment that is well maintained and up to date. * Safety will never be compromised on the basis of cost effectiveness. Consultant Recommendations This statement needs to be reviewed by the officers and members of the Department. After input, a final draft should be developed. This statement will provide a common point for the development of goals, objectives and standards for the department. The statement should be approved by the City Council and then be used as a working document in the management of the Fire Department. 2. How do the values and mission of the City relate to that of the Fire Department? The City Manager used the following phases to describe the values of the City and the Council. Cost Effective Family Community Stability compromise Working Together Maintain the Infrastructure of the Community A City that Works 4 Reorganization Task Force October 26, 1990 It was felt that there are no basic conflicts between the mission and values of the Fire Department and those of the city. The Council needs communications from the Fire Department that are consistent and offer viable alternatives. Consultant Recommendations Proposals for new equipment should have a complete analysis with alternatives. Since the members of the department are part-time and generally not trained in proposal development, the Fire Chief must provide strong leadership and technical support in this process. 3. What are the changes that are affecting the Fire Department and the City? The changes affecting the Fire Department are generally the same that affect the City. These changes include an increased demand for services, with limited resources to provide the services. Other changes identified that are applicable are: * Laws, rules and regulations regarding the rights of employees. * Employee values and expectations. * organizational structures. * The economy: volatile, uneven, generally limited resources. * Instability as a way of life. 4. What are the current and desired leadership roles for the City Manager.., Fire Chief, and the officers of the Fire Department. The following roles and responsibilities were identified by members of the task force as important for the effective functioning of the Fire Department. City Manager Liaison between Fire Dept. and Council Management support and direction for Fire Chief Long Range Planning 5 Reorganization Task Force October 26, 1990 Support for equipment and personnel requests Makes formal personnel appointments. Fire Chief Ensure adequate equipment Ensure trained personnel Leadership for Fire Department Planning for future needs Ensure safety and welfare of membership Advocate for Fire Department Management of Fire Department Public relations and community image. Advisor to City Manager and Council on fire and emergency service issues. Emergency Management Coordinator for the City Assistant Chief Acting Chief in absent of Chief Training Officer Function as chief operations officer Advocate for part time fire fighters Member of the management team of the Fire Department Command at fire scene Other Officers Communications with the Chief Leadership to membership Teamwork development among membership Training for their unit Represent the needs of membership upward Command at fire scene Consultant Recommendations All members of the Fire Department management team must concentrate on-the following areas. a. Developing clear and open communications with each other and with the membership. b. Working as a management team. c. Developing an effective training program that will include leadership and teamwork skills for the officers. 6 Reorqanization Task Force October 26, 1990 5. How can communications and teamwork be improved within the Fire Department? Consultant Observations and Recommendations The following observations were made by the facilitator: Frank Quisenberry as a result of observing the process. * There is a need for more input on a regular basis from the membership of the department. * The membership has limited time to devote to meetings and management issues. * City Administration wants to ensure management accountability and that the processes that are followed within the Fire Department comply with current laws, court decisions, rules, regulations and policies. * There is a need to develop credibility with the membership for policies, procedures and the leadership. * The members of the department need to forget the past and look to the future as a fresh beginning for the Fire Service. Past long standing conflicts have no place in the present and future structure of the organization. * The traditions of the Fire Service are important as far as they represent the core values of the membership. The core values need to be developed, stated and published. A great deal of energy within the department has been used in dealing with long standing communications misunderstanding between the membership. This energy could be better used in dealing with the present and future challenges faced by the department. 6. What is the most effective method for recruiting and selecting officers that will comply with applicable rules, laws and policies. 7. What policy and procedures changes need to be made to comply with Civil Service Board Rules? 7 Reorqanization Task Force October 26, 1990 The attached Appendix 1 will summarize a viable option for issues 6 and 7. There was a great deal of discussion regarding this issue among the members of the committee. A copy of some of the alternatives suggested by the membership is attached. The key issue is how to effectively give input to the member- ship in the selection of officers. A general election of officers is not a viable alternative because of legal and procedural issues. The term of officers should be increased to two years, with a terms starting and ending in different years. The normal recruitment and selection process for the general membership needs to reviewed by management team to make sure it complies with procedural and legal issues. 8. How to implement recommended changes without losing the commitment of members? Consultant Recommendations The following list of steps should be followed in implementing the changes with in the Fire Department. a. Revisit, revise, validate the organization's values, mission statement, strategic goals; Define the new organization. b. The leadership of the Fire Department needs to communicate the Values, Mission and Goals to all members, including why. c. Create a transition team that will oversee the process of change. This team should represent all the stake holders within the Fire Department. The present reorganization task force could form the nucleus of this team. d. Discuss with the Fire Department leadership how to manage the change process-- the procedures and the interpersonal issues. e. Specific goals should be set with the management team with timetables for the implementation process. 8 Reorganization Task Foree October 26, 1990 f. Place emphasis on managing the impact on the members of the Fire Department. This can be accomplished by: * Telling the people as much as possible, as soon as possible * Make the members of the department change agents; not victims, of change * The City Manager, the Fire Chief, and Officers must communicate, communicate, communicate, in their different roles * Assure support, in whatever forms are appropriate and possible g. Maintain or improve the delivery of services during the change process; do not permit erosion of service quality during implementation h. Follow through on accountability for the change management process. 9. How to provide for management accountability in a traditionally voluntary organization? During the task force meetings there was discussion for the need for a full time Fire Chief. This issue will need more study by the Council and the City Manager before a decision can be made. The Chief must function as the Department Head for the Fire Department and be accountable to the City Manager and Council for the effectiveness and efficiency of the department. Consultant Recommendations The Fire Chief-must be held accountable by the City Manager, the Officers must be held accountable by the Fire Chief. Without an accountability system the department can not be effectively managed. In our work with a variety of organizations we have found the following definitions are useful in developing statements of accountability. Efficiency: The evaluation of productivity, comparing what one unit, individual, department, or organization is able to accomplish, as compared to...: a. Others, who do the same thing 9 Reorganization Task Force October 26, 1990 b. an internally set standard. Efficient implies that productivity is superior to at least half of other departments used as a standard, or that the internal standard was met. Effectiveness: Has four component criteria: a. Efficiency-- getting the job done with the fewest resources possible, and comparing favorable with the "standard" b. Appropriate targeting of available resources--Doing the right things, for the department. c. Quality of Service--Quality reflects implied promises or standards of what a reasonable person would expect or what we expect of ourselves. d. Ethics and Integrity--This refers to the values of the organizations, and how the organization--or the individuals with in it--chose to treat its members, customers, or the community, Dimensions of this are sometimes referred to as "human relations". other behavioral criteria for officers should be: * Anticipating and preventing problems * Demonstrating creativity, in ideas and solving problems * Seeing opportunities for themselves, their department, their employer, and following up * Often and usually overcomes circumstances not under their control * Function as a team member who: Make suggestions not complaints Willing offers support, help and assistance, above and beyond without being asked Communicates with the intent to help Treats others with respect and interpersonal ethics Demonstrates efforts to prevent or resolve conflict The following issue surfaced during the process. 10. How can the Fire Department make sure that its officers and members receive needed training? 10 Reorqanization Task Force October 26, 1990 At present very few members of the department fully met the officer requirements. The necessary training either had not been offered or the membership has not taken advantage of the training when it is offered. The Assistant Chief should be accountable as training officer. The officer qualifications need to be revised to reflect reality. Some of the training requirements should be made part of a probationary period for new officers. If the officer does not meet these requirements by the end of the probationary period they should be replaced. 11 APpendix I MEMORANDUM To . Fire Ordinance Committee . From: Dan Donahue, City Manager Date : October 26, 1990 Subj . City Manager Option for Fire Personnel Reorganization . - I am submitting the following option for consideration by the committee. City Goals: l. Personnel practices brought up to present day standards as defined by law, legal precedent, federal & state mandates jguidelines, and professional personnel administrators. 2 . Management practices of Fire Department brought to standards acceptable to city, city council, city manager, fire chief, fire officers, firefighters, personnel board, citizens, and property owners. 3. Fire Department Personnel be given maximum authority where possible to recruit, hire, evaluate, promote; and otherwise establish and carry out rules impacting their own personnel. I propose to achieve these goals by implementing the following objectives: Objective # 1 Change the Fire Department rules and regulations effecting personnel so that the rules will meet the tests of: . reasonableness . just cause . due process . consistency . job relatedness . privacy The current personnel rules and practices as a whole do not meet these mandatory tests. They are in part outdated and in Fire Ordinance option October 26, 1990 fact even illegal. The city and the fire department must limit their exposure and reduce liability; and not to mention becoming more equitable and fair in the treatment of its employees and citizens. Objective # 2 Considering #1 above, evaluate and re-write where needed the rules and regulations concerning: . recruitment . hiring . probation . promotion . selection of officers . discipline . grievance procedures . benefit administration . all other impacting terms and conditions of employment PROGRAM To achieve 1 and 2 above, I propose that a five member permanent committee be established to act on and oversee personnel activities of the Fire Department. I see this committee acting much like the city's current Personnel Board with similar powers and duties. A. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART CITY COUNCIL PERSONNEL BOARD I ---- CITY I MANAGER ---- FIRE I DEPT PERSONNEL COMMITTEE ---- FIRE CHIEF 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1______---- FIRE 1 PER!ONNEL Fire Ordinance Option October 26, 1990 From the organizational chart above, I am proposing that the Committee become directly answerable to the Personnel Board. The Committee would have informal ties to all others including the city manager and council. B. Powers 1. The Committee would establish rules and regulations with the approval of the Personnel Board covering all aspects of personnel administration of the Fire Department. They would have the power to promulgate all rules about and oversee the recruitment, hiring, promotion, selection of officers, and appointment of all personnel. The Committee would review and approve all qualifications for positions; and they must approve all position descriptions. They would become the fourth step in any grievance arbitration (the first three are: supervisor, Fire Chief, and the City Manager in that order) . They would work with the Fire Department administration on all matters concerning personnel if so requested. The Committee shall recommend a pay equity plan to the Personnel Board for their approval and the approval of the City Council. 2. Additionally, for each new recruit, firefighter or officer position, the Committee would have the power to test candidates and certify those who are eligible. The Committee would recommend and the City Manager will consider only the top two certified candidates for appointment to the position. The manner of appointment to any position will be the same as currently found in the city wide Employees' Rules and Regulations except the normal practice of asking the department head for advice will not be followed. The Fire Chief had input in the Committee. The City Manager shall have the right to give advice and make recommendations to the Committee on all matfers coming before them. Additionally, the City Manager can not vote on or veto any matter coming before the Committee; and the City Manager can not participate in any deliberations coming before the Committee unless asked by the Committee. 3. Appointment to any position in the dept. may become an issue if there are less than two interested candidates for a given position. The Committee should test and certify all candidates, even if there is only one person. The City Manager will consider the Committee's 3 Fire Ordinance Option October 26, 1990 recommendation. The Committee should work with management to select and recommend to the City Manager temporary appointments to fill vacant positions for a period not to exceed three months C. composition of Committee I see the Committee composed of five voting members and perhaps one non voting member. I think more than this would become unwieldy. The members should be: --two firefighters with at least five years of experience elected by the department as a whole --one outside firefighter (preferably someone living in the city) agreed to by all other Committee members --Fire Chief --Personnel Board member or a person they designate to represent them. I would suggest that it would be impossible for a Personnel Board member to be an active Committee member also. Practically speaking, this person should have a good foundation in personnel matters and be considered a professional in the human resource field. I would further suggest that this person could be the city's Administrative Assistant in charge of personnel (currently Sherry Draper). If the Personnel Board selects someone other than the city's Personnel Assistant, then the Personnel Assistant shall be a non-voting member of the Committee. In either case, the Personnel Assistant will be the liaison between the Committee and the Personnel Board; and shall provide staff support to the committee. D.- Procedures in Establishing Committee 1. This committee shall be a standing and permanent group. I foresee the work of the committee as necessitating meeting on a monthly basis (perhaps more at the onset) on a set schedule as to day and time. Terms of board members should be set by the Personnel Board. Current Personnel Board members serve for a three year term. Removal of committee members will be made by the Personnel Board and only for just cause. 4 Fire Ordinance Option October 26, 1990 2. The Committee must receive proper training prior to conducting its business. They must be instructed in the basics of Personnel Administration. In addition, they must also be taught the proper techniques and process to conduct oral and written interviews. The city will contract with a consultant to provide the proper training. E. Consulting Services The city should retain the services of a consultant who can advise the Committee on all the procedures, rules, organizational issues, and legal matters that are important to consider at the onset. This person should be acceptable to the Committee, Personnel Board, and the City Manager. F. Implementation Of critical importance at the onset is the question of Fire Officers. The Committee will have to develop a plan for the immediate appointment of new officers. I suggest that the Committee do the following in this order: 1. establish qualifications for each officer position and approve the job description 2 . publish notice as to openings and invite qualified fire fighters to apply 3 . set dates of testing and interviews 4. I suggest that positions be established for a 2-3 year period; and that the initial appointments be staggered (ie. Lt's for 3 ... years, Captains, for two year, and Asst. Chief for one year) so there is continuity in the officer corps. and not mass turnover at one time. S TO: ALL FIREFIGHTERS AND OFFICERS . FROM: MICHAEL BENNETT, DWIGHT JOHNSON, GREG CARLSON, . DOUG ANDERSON AND DAN ROBY DATE: 10-03-90 RE: SELECTION OF FIRE OFFICERS WE WOULD LIKE EVERYONE TO REVIEW THESE 4 TYPES OF SELECTION PROCESSES AND TO CIRCLE WHICH ONE THEY WOULD LIKE USED TO SELECT THE NEXT OFFICER. BEFORE WE LIST THE 4 TYPES, WE WOULD LIKE TO LIST TWO STEPS THAT A CANDIDATE WOULD HAVE TO MEET BEFORE ONE OF THE SELECTION PROCESSES. 1.) A CANDIDATE RUNNING FOR THE FIRE OFFICER POSITION WbULD HAVE TO MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO FILING FOR OFFICE. . 2. ) THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION FOR THE CITY OF NEW HOPE . WOULD VERIFY THAT ALL REQUIREMENTS WERE ME~ BY EACH PERSON FILING FOR OFFICE. THESE NEXT FOUR SELECTION PROCESSES ARE WHAT WE HAVE COME UP WITH. ~ OUTSIDE BOARD - MADE UP OF 3 FIRE OFFICERS FROM OUTSIDE FIRE DEPARTMENTS. THE BOARD WOULD CONDUCT AN ORAL Z-- INTERVIEW AND CHOOSE 1 CANDIDATE THAT HAS RANKED THE HIGHEST IN THE RATING SYSTEM AND THAT CANDIDATE'S NAME WOULD BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR APPOINTMENT. 2. ) OUTSIDE BOARD - MADE UP OF 3 FIRE OFFICERS FROM OUTSIDE FIRE DEPARTMENTS. THE BOARD WOULD CONDUCT AN ORAL U INTERVIEW AND THE TOP ~ NAMFS IN THE RANKING SYSTEM WOULD BE FORWARDED TO THE FIRE CHIEF AND THE CITY MANAGER AND THEY WOULD SELECT THE CANDIDATE FOR EACH OFF ICE. 3. ) MIXED B-OARD - MADE UP OF 4 FIRE OFFICERS FROM OUTSIDE FIRE DEPARTMENTS (ALSO 1 MEMBER OF THE NEW HOPE FIRE / DEPARTMENT TO BE CHOSEN BY THE MEMBERSHIP). THE .BOARD WOULD CONDUCT AN ORAL INTERVIEW AND CHOOSE 1 CANDIDATE THAT HAS RANKED THE HIGHEST IN THE RATING SYSTEM AND THAT CANDIDATE'S NAME WOULD BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR APPOINTMENT. vi 4. ) OUTSIDE BOARD - MADE UP OF 3 FIRE OFFICERS FROM OUTSIDE FIRE DEPARTMENTS. THE BOARD WOULD CONDUCT ORAL INTERVIEWS WITH ALL CANDIDATES SEEKING OFFICE AND THE TOP 2 NAMES FOR EACH POSITION WOULD THEN BE VOTED ON BY THE ENTIRE MEMBERSHIP OF THE NEW HOPE FIRE DEPARTMENT. THE CANDIDATE WITH THE MOST VOTES WOULD THEN BE APPOINTED BY THE CITY MANAGER. IF YOU HAVE ANY OTHER IDEAS PLEASE WRITE THEM DOWN AND GIVE GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING DECEMBER 2,1990 The meeting was called to order at 1935 hours by Assistant Chief Mark Bennett. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Roll was taken by Fire Department Secretary Marge Runnakko with 10 regular members and 1 probationary members present. The meeting was adjourned at 1940 for lack of a quorum. Respectfully submitted, ~~) ~llj I fJ. I /, .. yrU!/G)}tVU~ 0( "J-&:vG1 y < G6 U Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING December 12, 1990 A special meeting of the New Hope Fire Department was called to order at 1840 hours by Chief Smith. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Roll was taken by Fire Department Secretary, Marge Runnakko, with 16 regular and 7 probationary members present. It was moved by F IF Don Fournier and seconded by Rescue Lieutenant Mike Bennett that the minutes of the last meeting of November 7th which were posted be accepted, The purpose of this meeting was to elect representatives from the general membership to the Fire Department Personnel Committee soon to be established. Chief Smith informed the membership that only two members had expressed an interest in serving on this committee. They were Don Fournier and Greg Carlson, It was moved by F IF Allen M. Nelson that the nomination be closed and that Fournier and Carlson be voted upon, This was seconded by F IF Charles McCulloch, This motion passed upon voice vote. It was further moved by F IF Nelson that the two individuals nominated be elected with a white ballot. This was seconded by F IF McCulloch, The vote was taken and F IF Don Fournier and F IF Greg Carlson were elected to serve on the permanent, standing Fire Department Personnel Committee with Chief Smith. Two additional representatives to this committee will be chosen, and will consist of a firefighter serving another community (but preferably living within New Hope) and a Personnel Board member or their designate. It was moved by F IF Don Fournier and seconded by F IF Ron Bjorklund that the meeting be adjourned. This was passed on a voice vote, The meeting was adjourned at 1850 hours. Respectfully submitted, YY) vJ Gill tLc4~ C0. ~~(1./;tJ0c/) /; , , "..... (/ \. Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary MEMORANDUM City of New Hope DATE: December 3, 1990 TO: All Members FROM: The Officers SUBJECT: SPECIAL MEETING ON DECEMBER 12, 1990 DRILL NIGHT On Wednesday, December 12th there will be a short meeting prior to the drill activities. This meeting will be held prior to drill and will begin at the regular time. Mr. Frank Quisenberry will be attending to update you on the next steps to be taken by the fire reorganization committee. It is of extreme importance that we have a quorum for this special meeting. The main order of business will be to nominate and vote for the two firefighters who will sit on a standing Fire Department Personnel Committee along with Chief Smith. This committee will establish rules and regulations, with the approval of the Personnel Board, covering all aspects of the personnel administration of the Fire Department. They will also have the power to develop all rules about and oversee the recruitment, hiring, promotion, selection of officers and appointment of all personnel. It is hoped that the committee's initial work necessary to generate the officer appointments will be completed by no later than the first weeks of February. The necessary changes to the By-Laws will then be made at the next scheduled meeting of the General Membership. This committee will be very important to you, please take time to consider if you would like to serve on this committee or would like to nominate someone to it. Put the names on the sign-up sheet posted on the board. We will include those names for consideration when nominating the representatives to this standing committee. i ~ Nominations for the Fire Department Personnel Committee Posted December 3, 1990 - to be removed by December 12, 1990 --- r GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING January 2, 1991 The meeting was called to order at 1935 hours by Assistant Chief Mark Bennett. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those present. Roll was taken by Fire Department Secretary Marge Runnakko with 15 regular members and 7 probationary members present. No motion was made concerning acceptance of the meeting minutes of the special General Membership held on December 12, 1991, which were posted. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Emergency Pastoral Care Team meeting agenda from December 14, 1990. 2. Memo from Chief Smith to all officers concerning enforcement of the City of New Hope's Smoking Policy. 3. Inspection report B1l031 issued to Guy Johnson of Public Works requesting inspection of 5 hydrants discovered opened or damaged during fire investigation 90-3-102. 4. Memo from Chief Smith re: Calendar of events and schedules for 1991. 5. Announcement of the Third Annual Public Safety Days on February 8 and 9. 6. Notification from Don Omodt, Hennepin County Sheriff's Department re: Changes in Telephone Numbers within their offices. 7. Notice of Positive Pressure Ventilation course to be held March 2 & 3, 1991 from 0800 - 1630. 8. Forms for reporting exposure to communicable disease provided by the Minnesota Department of Health. TRAINING OFFICER: l. There will be training at the Smoke Tower for rookies on Saturday, January 5, 1991 at 8:00 AM with practice starting at 7:00 AM, this will be the final training for smoke for most of the rookies. 2, A 2 112" nozzle has been received by Chief Smith from MN Conway to be evaluated during the next few months. Others will also be evaluated. Plans for the first evaluation will be at the Saturday drill on January 5, 1991. General Membership Meeting January 2, 1991 Page 2 TRAINING OFFICER (continued) 3. There will be a sign up sheet posted to get volunteers to set up the maze for Smoke Tower training on Saturday, January 5th. Doug Lilley volunteered for this detail during the meeting. 4. FMO Training Course should be set up by the end of January. Look for notices on the board. RESCUE: 1. Rescue Lt. Mike Bennett advised the membership to wear protective gloves during all medical calls to which they respond. 2. Mike Bennett thanked those members who volunteered for duty during the recent hockey tournaments and mentioned the ones to be held in February and March which will be posted soon. One EMT is required per shift and all volunteers must have minimum training as a 1st Responder. 3. All concessions are free to those working on the tournament - see Rescue Lt. Bennett if you encounter resistance to this policy. EVALUATIONS: No Report. SCBA: l. Al Nelson asked about the possibility of ordering more of the fog-free shields for the department. Dan Roby responded that 25 had just been ordered. 2. Dan also reported that bids were being obtained to upgrade (3) 22's to 4.5's. 3, CompressAir will be checking a problem with the compressor on Rescue I. It is not getting to the 4500 psi range like it should. This causes a problem with topping off the bottles after using them. 4. All rookies should be trained as soon as possible on topping off tanks. See an officer about getting your skills in this detail checked off. 5. Dan Roby is doing further testing on glasses which will fit under masks. He will do a smoke irritant test. Cost of special masks with prescriptions in them would be $ 6,850 per mask, so an alternative must be found. General Membership l'vleeting January 2, 1991 Page 3 HOSE: 1. New 1 1/2" hose has been labeled and is ready for service. It is labeled to indicate year of purchase, size and piece #. The new numbering system for hose was established and identifies the following: Year placed in service Type of hose N umber and amount of hose piece (amount logged elsewhere) EXAMPLE: KEY 90 - A - 01 90 - Year 90 - B - 01 A-I 1/2" Hose 90 - C - 01 B-2 1/2" Hose 90 - D - 01 C - 1 3/4" Hose D - 4" Hose 2. A 2 1/2" nozzle has been received by Chief Smith from MN Conway to be evaluated during the next few months. Others will also be evaluated. Plans for the first evaluation will be at the Saturday drill on January 5, 1991. Money for the purchase of nozzles will be moved from the 1990 budget to the 1991 budget. ,., 300 Feet of 4" hose is on order. .), RECRUITMENT: No Report. LIBRARY - No Report. OPERATIONS - No Report. TRUCK: l. Despite the Truck Committee's submission of a comprehensive report to the City Manager and Council, future decisions on the purchase of new trucks and refurbishing of the old are in limbo until further reports from a City-hired consultant are received. General Membership Meeting January 2, 1991 Page 4 PLANNING: 1. Current target date for the completion and occupation of the new station is March, 1991. HAZMAT: 1. Drills are currently being held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday. These drills are being held toward certifying firefighters at Level 2 Hazmat. If you miss any of the drills, please see Captain Homstad to arrange a make up. FIRE MARSHAL'S REPORT: 1. Gung Ho and Brueggers have both opened in the new mall at 36th and Winnetka. 2. Creamettes is planning an expansion of 73,800 square feet. This is the first of 2 planned and eventually the current size of their headquarters will be doubled. 3. United Hardware is moving to Milbank, SD and Chicago Cutlery to Illinois. 4. Cinema Drafthouse will be developed during the year. 5. A three-story handicap housing complex is being built between the VOA and SuperValu at the present time. PUBLIC EDUCATION: 1. Requests for several tours will be posted. UNIFORMS: 1. Sweaters have been ordered to wear with the dress uniform. 2. A study is being done on fire retardant uniforms. WAGES: 1. Mark Bennett reported that he was the only member on the Wage Committee as of this meeting date. Ed Anderson was the only respondent to the posting made and he called for a vote from the membership to add him to the committee. Charles McCulloch moved that Ed Anderson be added to the Wage Committee on a white ballot. This was seconded by Don Fournier. General Membership "Meeting January 2, 1991 Page 5 WAGES (continued) 2. On a call for a voice vote, Ed Anderson's appointment to the committee was unammous. 3. Allen Nelson requested that wage committee provide compensation for all activities in which fire department personnel participate in the coming year. In the past certain activities such as meetings, truck check, etc. have not been compensated although attendance is required. 4. Mark Bennett invited participation on the Wage Committee from anyone else who might be interested and the input from anyone with ideas. If you wish to join the Wage Committee, see Chief Smith immediately. Mark Bennett and Ed Anderson will be trying to meet with the City Manager to discuss wage package in the near future. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. F IF McCulloch brought to the membership's attention that the Constitution and By-Laws of the department as well as City Ordinance state that an election of officers is to be held yearly. He stated that he felt that since the reorganization had not progressed to the point that officers for the new year had been appointed that a posting for officers had to be made. Several members of the department agreed and it was decided that the department secretary should prepare a posting for officers that anyone interested in holding office could sign. 2. There was much discussion on the possibility of legal problems, etc. that might accompany abolition of the standing Constitution and By-Laws of the department, including the possibility that such action would abolish the Relief Association. The discussion resulted in Allen Nelson moving to request that Chief Smith inform members immediately in writing of any pending changes to the status of the Constitution and By-Laws of the New Hope Fire Department. This was seconded by Charles McCulloch. While discussing the above motion, it was queried by McCulloch if there could be a 30 day notice on changes to the Constitution and By-Laws before the next meeting. Allen Nelson reported that such a notice could be done if it were done on January 3, 1991. There was considerable concern over legalities attached to quick changes that might be done to accommodate the power of the committee in changing the process quickly. General Membership Meeting January 2, 1991 Page 6 UNFINISHED BUSINESS (continued) Mr. Nelson called for the question with a vote of (yes) meaning to end the discussion and vote on the motion or (no) meaning to continue the discussion. The vote yielded was yes which prompted Mr. McCulloch to rescind his second to the motion. A new second to the motion was given by Frank Datko. Upon a vote of the membership, the motion carried. 3. Charles McCulloch moved that a formal request be made to City Council to have the City Attorney look at any legal ramifications resulting from the City Council or City staff member overriding the Constitution and By-Laws of the New Hope Fire Department in order to change the election process to an appointment process. This was seconded by Ken Schilling. There was a question from Frank Datko as to whether it was wise to have the city attorney investigate this or if an outside legal person should be hired. The other members questioned who would be paying for this. Most of the members agreed that the city attorney's explanation would be satisfactory. A vote was taken and the vote was a unanimous yes. 4, Don Fournier stated that even the results of the appointment process could be changed because it had in the City of Plymouth. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Charles McCulloch asked if the percentages for drills could be reported as it was in the past (against a total of 3 offered instead of 5). He stated that with the present system the reported percentage amount could be interpreted as not attending many (ie - making 2 out of 5 would be reported as making 40% rather than 67% when taken as attending 2 out of 3). Charlie stated that this might be detrimental to some firefighters when applying to another department at some point in their careers. The officers will review this policy of reporting. 2. Firefighters were reminded to clean up after themselves (especially the floor when washing cars). General Membership Meeting January 2, 1991 Page 6 The motion to adjourn was made by Mike Bennett with a second by Ed Anderson at 2100 hours. Respectfully submitted, Q 0 ~ (2 ! 1n'(j.J;(/j . ~~ Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary GENERAL MEMBERSHIP IviEETING February 3, 1991 The meeting was called to order at 1940 hours by Chief Douglas C. Smith. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those present. Roll was taken by Fire Department Secretary Marge Runnakko with 17 regular members and 7 probationary members present. It was moved by F IF Don Fournier and seconded by Lieutenant Ed Anderson that the minutes of the January 2, 1991 meeting which were posted be accepted. CORRESPONDENCE: I. Memo and MSDS information form to be filled out by city departments when storing and using potentially dangerous chemicals. This form will accompany MSDS information sheets obtained from vendors of such products. 2. Notice of pending meeting dates and locations of the Joint Dispatch Liaison and call statistics for the year of 1990. 3. Memo to City Manager re: Firefighter anniversary dates. 4. Nomination form for the 1991 nominees for the Firefighter and Fire Department Community Service Awards to be awarded on Friday. May 3, 199I. 5. Letter from Children's Respiratory and Critical Care Department re: Angela Cao of 9010 61st Avenue N. - disabled and in basement if called for rescue. 6. Letter to Chief Kevin McGinty of Crystal requesting a standby by his department for the evening of February 23, 1991 - this was affirmed on 1/28 via telephone. 7. NMMC reminder of Public Safety Awards program and nomination forms. 8. Bulletin from Marquette Bank announcing a special banking privilege for New Hope employees. 9. Dispatch News Bulletin for January 1991 from the National Volunteer Fire Council which was posted for the members. 10. Field Report #19 on fire Facility progress. II. Listing of furnishings for the new Fire Facility which was sent out for bids. General Membership Meeting February 3, 1991 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 12. Information and sign up form for Crystal Frolics Parade to be held Sunday, July 28, 1991 at 12 noon. 13. Positive Pressure Ventilation course information and State Fire School course information have been posted, all members are encouraged to sign up for these courses and to fill out their prior approval forms to receive payment for this training. 14. Meeting minutes from the North Suburban Mutual Aid meeting held on January 29, 199I. 15. Emergency Pastoral Care Team Agenda dated January 25, 199I. 16. Notice of pending meeting dates and locations of the Joint Dispatch Liaison and call statistics for the year of 1990. 17. Quarterly reports from SCBA, Hose, Uniform, Gear, Rescue, Communications and Engineering. TRAINING OFFICER: I. Chief Smith and Kirk McDonald are still working on obtaining use of the old animal hospital for smoke and fire drills before demolition. Expect an answer soon. 2. Positive Pressure Ventilation and State Fire School course information have been posted. All members are encouraged to sign up for these courses. Remember to fill out prior approval for training forms to receive payment for this training. RESCUE: 1. Six probationary members are now enrolled in the 1st Responder course. Jon Tate has requested the EMT course and Rescue Lt. Bennett is enrolling him in that course. 2. New Hope will be covering another hockey tournament starting Thursday February 7, 199I. 3. New Medical Standby sheet has been posted. Blood pressures at the VOA were missed due to calls in progress in past 2 months. Need a sub for Monday Feb 4. General Membership Meeting February 3, 1991 Page 3 '-' RESCUE (continued) 4. A reminder to all firefighters to be careful of the speed when driving to the station. Also be careful when driving Rescue I out of the old station. Clearance is only 1" and damage has already been sustained to the lights. It can be negotiated when driving out carefully. 5. There is a 1st Responder refresher scheduled at MTS (Don Fournier's employer) in Eden Prairie starting March 5. There are several openings and you are invited by Don to attend if you need it. See Don for more information. 6. If you would be interested in seeing the Heart Defibrillator which several cities use you may see it in Wayzata (see Mike Bennett for details). EV ALUATIONS: No Report. SCBA'S: I. An air quality check is scheduled to be done on SCBA's before and after moving them to the new station. 2. A Quotation from Elvin Safety Supply, Inc. for NFP A updating for the five-year warranty conversion of 2.2 units to 4.5's has been received. 3. Bids for moving the compressor have been requested. RECRUITMENT: - No Report HOSE: - No Report LIBRAR Y: - No Report OPERATIONS: - No Report TRUCK: I. Crystal Fire Chief Kevin McGinty, Chief Smith, City Manager Daniel J. Donahue and Bob Aldrich (former Chief of Fridley FD) met to discuss arrangements for another study on vehicle needs and refurbishing. Mr. Aldrich will submit his consulting fee and timetable proposal in the near future. General Membership Meeting February 3, 1991 Page 4 UNIFORMS: I. Sweaters were given out after the General Membership meeting. 2. All members are asked to direct any questions regarding uniforms to the officers. PLANNING: I. Anyone wishing to see the progress on the new station should call Henry. Henry is also videotaping this progress. Completion is set for March 18. 2. Bid quotes for moving the antenna are yet to be taken. WAGES: I. A wage breal<:down proposal was not ready for this meeting. There was discussion regarding payment for meeting attendance. It was noted that the other city employees (not including the police who have not settled) received a 4% increase. 2. Don Fournier moved that the Wage Committee ask for a 5% increase over 1990 wages. This was seconded by Brad Johnson. 3. In discussion Charles McCulloch suggested that 4% be asked for because the Fire Relief Assn. would also be asking for a pension increase this year. He felt this increase in pension might be turned down if a larger wage increase was received. He also questioned the wisdom of adding more pay categories to the wage breakdown, such as meetings, truck checks, etc. 4. Al Nelson cautioned that the 25 - 28% overages received in recent years might be taken away by the City Manager if he was looking for ways to cut budget expenses with the loss of State money. He felt that adding payment categories would eliminate the perception that there was extra money not needed to cover fixed expenses distributed as an overage at the end of the year. 5. Captain Homstad stated that he felt 4% should be asked for and the new categories for meetings, etc. be added to the wage breakdown proposal. 6. Motion failed on a voice vote. 7. A second motion was brought by Allen Nelson asking the Wage Committee to propose a 4% increase and incorporating payments for meetings, truck checks, etc. This was seconded by Rescue Lt. Mike Bennett. Motion carried on a voice vote. General Membership Meeting February 3, 1991 Page 5 <- FIRE MARSHAL'S REPORT: I. The Burger King on Bass Lake Road has been demolished and the construction of the new Park National Bank has been started. 2. Model Stone has been demolished. 3. The shopping center at 36th and Winnetka is filling with several new businesses. 4. A new WarehouselOffice building is being built on 3980 Quebec Avenue N. 5. Auto Haus will be expanding onto the property formerly owned by the pet hospital. That building will be destroyed. 6. The church addition at House of Hope (4800 Boone) has bee finaled. 7. No building progress yet on the theater project in the Midland Shopping Center, fine details are still being worked out. 8. GI Joe is open for business in the old Perro's Pub location. 9. KMart Deli has opened. The maintenance entrance on the west side of the building at the north end would be a good point of entry if fire should occur. ENGINEER'S REPORT: 1. There were 11 repair orders. The engineer was not present to make a report at this meeting. HAZMA T: No Report. FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: 1. The Fire Officer position job descriptions have been posted. Don Fournier explained to the members that when the descriptions were drafted the committee realized that the qualifications and training requirements were high. He also stated that they knew there were few members meeting those requirements who would be eligible to apply. Letter of intention will be taken in the next week. Later the positions will be opened to those meeting some of the qualifications and having equivalent training to that listed. General Membership Meeting February 3, 1991 Page 6 FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL COMMITTEE (continued) 2. Don Fournier invited the members to come to any of the Fire Personnel Committee meetings which are held every Friday at 3:00 pm at City Hall. 3. A 5th member has not been found for appointment to the Fire Personnel Committee because of the requirements. He must be a member of a Volunteer Fire Department working in that capacity for another city but residing within New Hope. Other non-voting members of the committee are Sherry Draper and Merle Reisberg. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None discussed. NEW BUSINESS: 1. The By-Laws and Constitution of the Fire Department were essentially eliminated by the adoption of the new ordinance No. 91-02. The fire department policies were not negated by this ordinance. 2. There was a long discussion regarding the effect of this ordinance on the fire department and the Fire Relief Assn. without any major conclusions. The City Rules & Regulations will be re-written to include jurisdiction and make reference to the fire department. It was requested that each of the firefighters be given a copy of the employee handbook. Don Fournier moved that the meeting be adjourned at 2115 hours. This was seconded by Rescue Lt. Bennett. A voice vote affirmed the motion. Respectfully submitted, i{;' d 0{ j) J ~ " YU,U.-lptA. - (I, i'~/f'/A4 C/iV) , . I v . I ',,- ! U Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary HEW HOPE FIRE DEPARTMENT GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING MARCH 6, 1991 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chief smith at 1945 hours. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken by Department Secretary Marge Runnakko. 14 Regular Members and 5 Probationary Members were in attendance. APPROVAL OF It was moved by Firefighter Allen M. FEBRUARY Nelson that the February '3, 1991 minutes MINUTES of the general membersl:lip meeting be accepted as posted on the Station bulletin board. This was seconded by Firefighter Don Fournier. . PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance by those present. ALLEGIANCE CORRESPONDENCE 1. Follow-up on memo re: Angela Cao (disabled infant) at 9010 61st Avenue North. Parents are in the process of Obtaining funding to install the egress window in their basement. At present this infant receiveSJ 24 hour nursing care. 2. Memo re: availability of pastoral care services. 3. Burning permit for 7675 42nd Avenue North (Animal Hospital). 4. Notice of the next Public Education Safety Day sponsored by the New Hope Women of Today for 5-7 y~ar olds from SAM - Noon on April 13, 1991. A posting f~r volunteers for this public education detail is at the st;ation. will need 3 volunteers for 45 minute presentations. 5. Letter and patch from New Hope Fire to John Hogan for the Firefighter Museum. 6. Memo to Roger Paulson, Director of PUblic Works, re: request for information on fire vehicle maintenance priorities. ! 7. Request for Council Action regarding ,use of $1,000 in donated funds from the Lions for a requested donation to the North Suburban Mutual Aid Associat~on/s Fire Escape House (educational display shared by several fire departments). General Membership Meeting March 6, 1991 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 8. Career exploration confirmation from VIA Community Resources for Brett Riewe who requested information on the fire service. 9. Fire report for February, 1991. TRAIHIHG Look for spur of the moment announcements OFFICER on fire training at the Animal Clinic now that the burning permit has been obtained. Lots of manpower will be needed for hose lays, etc. The Positive Pressure Ventilation course was completed by Henry Benton, Tom Bramwell, John Seiple and Douglas Lilley. Remember to get prior approval for any training you plan to attend in order to receive payment for it. Joe Amos and Jon Tate have successfully completed the requirements and will take the Firefighter Oath and will be promoted at this meeting. They will also attend the March 11, 1991 Council Meeting to formally recite the Firefighter Oath; and receive their badges and sweaters. RESCUE 3 Hockey tournaments will be covered in the next weekends. There are a couple of Medical Standbys needing personnel to sign up. A new look will be taken at the requirements for belonging to Company 3. EVALUATIOHS No Report. SCBA Bids are being taken for the moving and upgrading of the current cascade system from the old station to the new one. Recent evaluations and air tests of the SCBA's and cascade system had posi ti ve outcomes. The 2.2's will be upgraded to 4.5's in the near future. General Membership Meeting March 6, 1991 Page 3 SCBA'S One of the old SCBA's will be kept as a CONTINUED public education display in the new station. After the upgrade of the 2.2's work will begin on the addressing the masks needed for people needing corrective lenses. Several are unable to get a seal on their masks. HAZMAT Captain Homstad read a memo that will be sent to all firefighters in the near future concerning the requirements for being able to take the final test. Among the requirements is the necessity of physically attending 70% of the hazmat drills during this court. See Captain Homstad if you need to view any missed tapes. Maple Grove has just purchased a truck specifically outfitted for Hazmat operations. FIRE MARSHAL'S Allen Nelson gave his final Fire Marshal's REPORT report during this meeting. Mr. Nelson has accepted the Fire Marshal's position with the City of Eden Prairie. He reported that Hoyt Development was considering building a warehouse development in the space formerly occupied by Model Stone which was demolished. He also encouraged the members to familiarize themselves with the new Quebec Avenue extension recently built. Also being planned for the future is major reconstruction of Medicine Lake Road to the East. ENGIHEER'S Frank Datko read several repair orders REPORT made recently to the trucks and equipment. Rescue I will probably have a paint touch up done when the weather is better. May be done by Yellen at City Garage. TRUCK A study is being done by Bob Aldrich, former Chief of Fridley Fire. General Membership Meeting March 6, 1991 Page 4 TRUCK CONTINUED Mr. Aldrich was hired at the request of the City Manager and City Council and will be making recommendations for purchasing new trucks and refurbishing the old. WAGES The Wage Committee (Mark Bennett and Ed Anderson) recently contacted the City Manager regarding the request for a 4% across the board increase in the lump sum wages for fire services. The distribution will remain essentially the same except for the addition of payment for all meetings, truck checks, and $1. 00 extra over the hourly for Company 3 members attending a paged out rescue call. Regular members attending these rescue call will receive regular pay scale for the calls and will not have them count on percentages. Parades will also be paid, however a limit may be put on the number of participants for each that can be paid. Charles McCulloch suggested that there be a larger incentive for Company 3 members to cover Medical Standbys rather than the $1.00 per rescue call. Ken Schilling voiced concern on the additional number of categories being proposed for payment ie., the payment of wages for all the meetings held in the department and whether the lump sum would be sufficient to cover all of them. Chief Smith said that he had received an affirmative verbal response from the City Manager concerning this increase. The new wage scale will be implemented as of March 1, 1991. December - February will be adjusted by 4%. RECRUITMENT No Report. HOSE No Report. LIBRARY No Report. OPERATIONS No Report. Officer's Meeting March 6, 1991 Page 5 The meeting was interrupted by a fire call at 3933 Winnetka Avenue North at 2052 hours. The meeting reconvened at 2130 hours. OLD BUSIHESS No old business was discussed. NEW BUSIHESS Joe Amos and Jon Tate recited their Firefighter Oath and received the congratulations of the members. Someone is encouraged to volunteer to drive Engine 6 to State Fire School on May 5 ( Sunday) . The Fire Facility will be ready for occupancy soon. Final finishing is being done. There were about $44,000 in additional change orders made. Respectfully submitted, ffLb;jJ)d~ uT ~!4 Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary HEW HOPE FIRE DEPARTMENT GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING April 7, 1991 The meeting was called to order by Chief Smith at 1935 hours. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and role was taken by the Fire Lieutenant Ed Anderson with 17 regular members and 4 probationary members present. It was moved by Firefighter Bernie Weber that the minutes of the general membership meeting be passed among the members for approval and not be read during the meeting. This was seconded by Firefighter Brad Johnson. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Memo to Dan Donahue, City Manager re: Joe Amos and Jon Tate promotion to firefighter. 2. Notice from Golden Valley Dispatch re: disconnection of New Hope fire phone and procedure for contacting New Hope for calls. 3. Letter to Ted L. Cyptar re: compensation of firefighters interviewed per any fire runs. 4. State Fire School request for a pumper on Sunday, May 5. Looking for a volunteer to take one there. 5. Notice of the formation of a Juvenile Firesetter's Task Force by Hennepin County in November of 1990 which is coordinated by Steve Bethke of the Mpls. Fire Department and Curt Oberlander, Asst. Chief of Eden prairie Fire. A request for information was enclosed. 6. Requests for items from Duk Duk Daze Committee, this will be held on July 11 - 14. Information meeting will be held on April 16 at the Citizens Advisory Commission meeting. 7. Firefighter I Course starts on 4/8/91 at Anoka Technical College. Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Tele-conference on 4/10/91 and Fire Officer II Training on 4/16/91. 8. Hazmat course information memo from captain Homstad. 9. Memo re: Rookie Drills from captain Homstad to probationary members. TRAIHIHG OFFICER: A memo describing several training opportunities has been sent to all members. The following courses are available, Firefighter I Course starts on 4/8/91 at Anoka Technical College. Critical General Membership Meeting April 7, 1991 Page 2 TRAIHIHG Incident stress Debriefing Tele-conference on OFFICER 4/10/91 and Fire Officer II Training on 4/16/91, CONTINUED: will get the tape from North Memorial. Please see Chief Smith or Assistant Chief Homstad to arrange to attend any of these classes and to fill out the prior approval forms for payment. There was a memo from Assistant Chief Homstad regarding the conditions to be met before being allowed to test on the Hazmat course near completion at this time and also a memo to rookies regarding notifying the teacher when they are not going to attend drills. There is no word yet from Anoka Vo Tech regarding receiving any formal training credit at their school for this Hazmat Training. Regarding the forthcoming drilling on the old veterinary clinic, some details remain to be worked out before drilling can begin. Golden Valley also has a house down near Medicine Lake Road that will be set up as a training house to be used all summer long. It will be available to New Hope and Crystal as well. Captain Homstad would like to see the department use this house for as much training as possible. RESCUE: Rescue Lieutenant Mike Bennett reported on the mounting of the AMKUS on Rescue I. An attempt is being made to make the mounting more portable rather than fixed. Frank Datko and others will be looking for a solution to this problem. Donations to the Relief Association have been received 2 checks totaling $760 from the Hockey Tournaments which were covered early this year. SCBA'S: Dan Roby reported that the rep from Elvin Safety, Inc. did a fit test on masks recently. Solution may be to order some extra large masks. Those with glasses may have to get them with a narrower temple width in order to get the needed fit on the masks. Christopherson, the rep from Optical Fashions will be called about what he has with a softer material across the bridge of the nose. General Membership Meeting April 7, 1991 Page 3 RECRUITMENT: There have been 4 recent applicants for the Fire Department. There will be an informational meeting held for prospective members on May 15th at 7:00 PM and on May 17th at 9:00 AM. This will be hosted by the Fire Personnel Board and there will be a need for volunteers for these meetings. WAGES: No Report given. TRUCK Mr. Bob Aldrich is planning to have his report COMMITTEE: ready the week of April 15 or the following one. Chief Smith also took Mr. Aldrich on a tour of the city showing him different facilities and the boundaries. The department has to replace 2 pumpers. ENGINEER'S The engineer reported several problems including REPORT: the roof leak in the old fire station. Repairs and problems were indicated on Rescue I, Engines 6, 8, and 9. Greg Carlson questioned how much longer it would be possible to make repairs to the trucks. Chief Smith responded that the Public Works Director has already met in a special work session with Council and the City Manager to report the problems they are having with maintaining these vehicles and finding necessary parts for them. The consultant will most likely submit the same type of da ta as will Chief Smith on a regular basis. Brad Johnson questioned how long trucks needing repairs should be out of service. Engine 9 was out of service for an entire weekend recently. Chief Smith responded that he had contacted the Public Works Director regarding the problem recently. He will continue to work on this concern in the future. FIRE A Public Ed detail at New Hope Elementary is MARSHAL'S scheduled for Saturday April 13, 8 AM - 12 PM - Jon REPORT: Tate and Henry Benton have signed up to work with the New Hope Women of Today in a program for 5 - 7 year old children. There is a Health Fair scheduled for April 16 also which volunteers are needed to cover. The Robotic Fire Truck was donated by an employee of the Colonial Acres Nursing Home in Golden Valley. Volunteers are encouraged. April 20 - Health Fair at YMCA. General Membership Meeting April 7, 1991 Page 4 UNIFORMS: Ed Anderson presented his quarterly report, also handed in $10 for hats sold. The new numbered badges for members with over 10 years of service are in. Will be handed out tonight at the General Membership Meeting. New name tags with service stars will also be handed out. One star for every 5 years of service. will also get a red tag with the same service stars to wear with work uniforms. PERSONNEL A master notebook of information concerning BOARD: personnel rules, etc. is in the station. Minutes of all meetings are available in the notebook and agendas for meetings will be posted. HEW STATIOH: Completion should be within the next two weeks. Furniture specs are forthcoming and will go out for bid. Bids will go out on the same as was determined prior. No firm date yet, electrician and painter still have a lot of work to do. UNFIHISHED None discussed. BUSINESS: HEW BUSINESS: Chief Smith handed out the new employee badges for those with 10 or more years of service with the department. These badges bear the employee number assigned to the recipient. Don Fournier, Mark Bennett and Al Nelson were not present to receive their badges. Dwight Johnson reported that if you are asked about a company selling Halon fire extinguishers for home use, do not recommend them. They deplete the ozone. Jon Tate was given a pocket badge. Assistant Chief Steve Homstad was appointed to his office. Captain Ed Anderson, Captain Bjorklund, Lieutenant Benton, Lieutenant Datko and Rescue Lt. Mike Bennett will be appointed effective April 8, 1991. Respectfully submitted, , "-,') )1 )/1~,-,__-ti__,,/~-'--f/lt-~'L-/e/T_- \,.../ Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary NEW HOPE FIRE DEPARTMENT GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING May 1, 1991 The meeting was called to order by Assistant Chief Homstad at 1930 hours. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and role was taken by the Fire Department Secretary, Marge Runnakko with 12 regular members and 4 probationary members present. It was moved by Captain Ron Bjorklund that the minutes of the general membership meeting which were posted be approved with one correction that $760 was received for services during the hockey tournaments by the Relief Association President, Charles McCulloch. This was seconded by Firefighter Don Fournier. This correction has been noted in the minutes by the Secretary. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Letter to all regarding the informational meetings to be held on May 15 and May 17. 2. Relief Association Survey from Roseville Fire Department. 3. Letter to Dale Mashuga re: hazardous materials training and certification from Anoka Technical College. 4. Memo from Chief Smith to all members re: Service Stars on name tags. 5. Memo from Chief Smith re: Kitchen equipment to Terri Homstad. 6. Memo regarding notification of instructors by probationary members unable to attend their scheduled drills. 7. Memo regarding change in drill times from April 22 to April 15. 8. Quarterly reports for Hose, Uniforms, Engineer and SCBA. 9. Burning permit issued to 3881 Jordan for May through October 1991. 10. certificate of completion of NFPA 1500 course by captain Ed Anderson. 11. Memo re: Scheduled probationary drills for April 24 - May 24, 1991. 12. List of those members who have completed Hazmat training requirements to date and are eligible to take the test. General Membership Meeting May 1, 1991 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 13. Notice of Woodbury, MN 8th Annual Fire Muster event to be held August 17, 1991. 14. Memo from all members Assistant Chief Homstad re: FMO class - an interest survey. 15. Memo on Hepatitis B immunizations to be given May 6 and May 17. 16. Memo from Marge to Fire Officers regarding filling out green sheets and specifying categories for training. 17. Letter from Chief Smith to the Chief of Golden Valley expressing appreciation for the opportunity to participate in joint smoke drills in their facility. 18. Memo to Chief Smith from Lieutenant Datko regarding temporary address outside city response area for the next 3 -4 months. 19. Waiver of Liability to the City of New Hope for temporary use of utility 7 for a physics experiments from Diana Carlson and Kevin Lind. 20. Memo from Hennepin County Radiological Officer, Greg Senst regarding radiological training opportunities. 21. Information regarding list and locations of reporting facilities under SARA Title III Act. 22. Memo to all members regarding Evolutions from Assistant Chief Homstad. Memo to all members from Assistant Chief Homstad re: Training at 7125 Medicine Lake Road on April 24 nd May 8. 23. Notification of Earle Brown Days parade celebration in Brooklyn Center to be held June 27th. 24. Memo from Chief Smi th re: Uniform Policy changes regarding Ball Caps and footwear to be worn with uniforms. 25. Final draft of lease with North Memorial for use of space in the new fire facility. 26. Sign up sheet for May 13 Smoke Training. General Membership Meeting May 1, 1991 Page 3 COMMITTEE REPORTS: TRAIHIHG There will be smoke training at the house in Golden OFFICER Valley on May 13, 1991 for Probationary members. Help from regular firefighters will be needed (at least 6 members). Drill on May 20th will be on evolutions. Another drill in the house will be on May 8th where positive pressure ventilation fans may be used. Some fans will be borrowed from Golden Valley, Brooklyn Park and Plymouth for evaluation purposes before purchasing some for the department. RESCUE standby Sign-ups are posted. You should not put blocks in sideways in Rescue I. Put them in facing straight ahead. Good work was done recently on several medicals during the month of April. On the medicals - don't bunch up on the inside of a home - only a few need to go inside - the others can be busy working on getting used tanks changed out in the vehicle or doing other assigned tasks. In the event that all of the spare oxygen on Rescue I are used, call for 7 to bring more down or use the ones on Engine 9. UNIFORMS Red name tags with service stars should be arriving next week, and the silver ones within 2 weeks. T-shirt and sweatshirt samples have been ordered - no prices are available yet. EVALUATION Ho Report. SCBA'S Ho Report. ENGIHEER'S There were 10 repair orders - ( 2) on Rescue I, ( 1 ) REPORT on Engine 3, (4 ) on Engine 6 (including 3 on the brake system, (2 ) on Engine 8 and (1) on Engine 9. Work detail is Sunday at 9 AM - Check board. RECRUIT- Informational meetings will be held on May 15 and MEHT May 17 for prospective members to the department. Officer's Meeting May 1, 1991 Page 4 HOSE No Report. LIBRARY No Report. OPERATIOHS Ho Report. TRUCK No Report. WAGES Ho Report. HAZMAT Ho Report. NEW Firefighter McCulloch offered his opinion that BUSIHESS since officers are now paid for their meetings that they should be required to do work details. This suggestion will be looked into further in the future. The request from North Memorial Medical Center that the New Hope Fire Department host a Fire Safety Day in their facility drew no interest from the members. It was decided to decline the invitation due to lack of any interest. Assistant Chief Homstad informed the members about the special meeting to be held on May 5, 1991 (Sunday Evening) at 6 PM with Mr. Frank Quissenberry. The purpose of this meeting is to help get the new officers and membership working together, air differences, etc. Kurt Klipstein asked about getting a softball team together. It appears that any effort in doing this will have to begin earlier. Assistant Chief Homstad mentioned the yearly Mutual Aid A.ssn softball tournament in August as a time when the department could get a team together to play this year. Don Fournier has an opportunity to purchase a 60" video projector for the Relief Association for $150 through his company MTS. He requested that Council be requested to release Lion's contributions in this amount to purchase the equipment for station use. Chief Smith will make the request. Rescue Lieutenant Bennett reported on the Duk Duk Daze Committee Meeting that he attended in A.pril. He said that all volunteers will get meal tickets and it is understood that the crew may leave during any emergency. It was requested that civilian and firefighter injuries be charted to date on the Fire Report Recap each month. Officer's Meeting March 6, 1991 Page 5 OLD No old business was discussed. BUSIHESS The meeting was adjourned at 2023 hours. Respectfully submitted, '1/l~~X~~ Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary NEW HOPE FIRE DEPARTMENT GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING June 2, 1991 The meeting was called to order by Chief smith at 1945 hours. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and role was taken by the Fire Department Secretary, Marge Runnakko with 14 regular members and 5 probationary members present. It was moved by Don Fournier that the minutes of the general membership meeting be passed among the members for approval and not be read during the meeting. This was seconded by Jon Tate. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Guidelines RegUlating the Use of Facilities in the City of New Hope effective June 1, 1991. 2. Memo from Chief Smith to Doug Anderson, Mark Bennett, Robert Dallman and Dwight Johnson re: request for form on Hepatitis B shots. 3. Memo from Chief Smith to the Wage Committee re: Adjustment to the Assistant Chief's monthly wages. 4. Certificates for ,completed training were issued to the following members: Doug Lilley - l~~hours of Interior Search & Rescue Kurt Klipstein - 16 hours of Basic Fire Pumping Henry H. Benton - 16 hours of Leadership I Steve Romstad - 16 hours of Incident Command Systems Ron Bjorklund - 16 hours of Computers in the Fire Service Ed Anderson - 27 hours of Fire Officer II Steve Homstad - 27 hours of Fire Officer II 5. Training expense approval for Frank Da tko to attend Course #2582 on Advanced Pumping in Hopkins for 12 hours on 8/6/91 and 8/27/91. 6. Training expense approval for Bernie Weber to attend LP Burn training for 12 hours in Isanti on 5/28/91 and 6/1/91. 7. Training expense approval for Douglas Lilley to attend LP Burn training for 12 hours in Isanti on 5/28/91 and 6/1/91. 8. Minutes of the Joint Dispatch meeting held Thursday May 23, 1991. 9. Letter to US West re: removal of all group alert fire phones in the City of New Hope. General Membership Meeting June 2, 1991 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 10. Letter from the City Attorney and license agreement for use of the new fire station by North Ambulance Service. 11. Memos from Chief Smith re: 2 requested Public Education Details for August 10 and 26th (posted). 12. Public Ed detail for June 5th (9:30) New Hope Elementary. 13. Memo from Marge to Lt. Datko re: Updating of truck check sheets. 14. Public Ed detail for Cooper Graduation on Thursday June 6th at 7:00 PM. 15. Memo from Steve Homstad re: Medical Standby no shows. 16. 1990 EMFIRS report. 17. Memo from Shari French and Val Leone re: Voice Mail to staff. TRAIHIHG The training schedule for July has been posted. OFFICER Training for the month will cover SOP's, Evolutions, Hose Lays, and use of Golden Valley's training house. Some details will still have to be ironed out before the old animal clinic is used for training - in example - cars at Auto Haus may have to be moved. There will probably be 30 days of prior notice and will have training time in the facility for about 30 days. There was discussion regarding the operation of the relief valve and the need for all those who train others in the use of this equipment to have a uniform procedure. Teamwork training was held for the officers on Saturday June 1 with Frank Quissenberry. As a result of that training a mission statement will be developed and brought back to the Fire Personnel Committee. Input for this mission statement is solicited from all members. More information should be forthcoming on this. RESCUE No Report. EVALUATIONS No Report. General Membership Meeting June 2, 1991 Page 3 SCBA Four extra large masks have coming in. One will be placed on each truck - the masks are outlined in red for identification. Almost all the SCBA surveys have been returned. Look for results of this survey in the near future. All members are required to do timing tests on donning their SCBAs, at the regular drills in June. Everyone is required to do these timing tests or they will not be allowed to respond. Dan Roby is in the process of collecting information on what glasses are needed by members needing corrective lenses. HOSE No Report. RECRUITMENT No Report. LIBRARY No Report. OPERATIOHS No Report. TRUCK June 3rd Council Work Session will be held with Chief smith making a presentation. He will use the study submitted in October 1990 for suggested refurbishing schedules. This replacement and refurbishing schedule calls for 6 to be replaced and 8 to be refurbished. Chief Smith hopes to convince the Council that all other City Vehicles have a replacement and refurbishing schedule and that the time has come for a policy to be established for fire department vehicles. WAGES Ho Report. HAZMAT Information is still forthcoming on the credit for Hazmat at the VoTech. PUBLIC Captain Anderson will be organizing a committee to work EDUCATIOH on the details of the open house on September 21. Look for a posting soon. The Relief Association has offered to match whatever money is allotted by the City for open house funding by using the money obtained from the Lions. Captain Anderson will also give a training session on how to do public education at the station. Look for a posting. Items covered will be birthday parties, General Membership Meeting June 2, 1991 Page 4 PUBLIC use of the robot, how to direct tours, rules, etc. EDUCATION ( CONTINUED) FIRE The sprinklers at 3980 Quebec have been finaled. MARSHAL'S REPORT There was discussion regarding the status of the new inspector to be hired in the Fire & Safety Department. The Personnel Board has determined that this inspector will investigate fires only during the day time and will not be doing fire fighting. Chief Smith is on-duty for fire inspections during the evening. If the inspector would also be a firefighter, there would be an issue to clarify with the Relief Association. ENGIHEER'S There were repair orders on the following department REPORT vehicles: Rescue I ( 2) door binds, light out 4183 ( 1 ) clutch trouble 4186 ( 3 ) 3 complaints on brake air pressure 4188 ( 3 ) Tail light out, extension cord, charger 4189 ( 1) Door opener (not related to truck) FACILITIES Furniture has been ordered and may be arriving around the 1st of July. The move-in will take place once the punch list items have been completed. A new rule will be in effect which states that those in bunker gear will not proceed past the bay corridor. There may be a small charge for car washing in the future to cover cost of water used. will be allowed in the maintenance station only. There will be no oil changing unless two people are present (in case of accident). May check into buying some ramps. Waste oil will be disposed of properly. UNIFORMS Captain Anderson brought in samples of T-Shirts and Sweatshirts proposed for use in the fire department with the work uniform. T-shirts will be $6 and Sweatshirts with hoods $13 and without hoods $12. A sign up sheet will be posted for those people wishing to order. General Membership Meeting June 2, 1991 Page 5 FIRE The committee will be interviewing 16 new potential PERSONNEL candidates for the fire department. The inspector (fire COMMITTEE will also be chosen in the near future. UNFIHISHED A question was asked on whether fire officers would be BUSIHESS required to attend work detail and truck check. The Chief responded that it would not be required since they have duty officer responsibilities instead. There was discussion on clarification of radio communications (see Assistant Chief Homstad's memo for details). There was also discussion on a recent car fire and the establishment of who was in command when an officer arrived after a firefighter had already assumed command because no officer was present. A fire call interrupted the meeting at 2127 - 2145 hours. When the meeting reconvened the Chief gave the Firefighter Oath to: Larry Adams (appointed 3/12/90) Doug Lilley (appointed 3/26/91) Joe Johnson (appointed 4/11/91) Assistant Chief Homstad would like to thank all the firefighters who helped finish training requirements with the rookies so they could be promoted. He especially wanted to thank Dwight Johnson who offered excellent training to the rookies on truck and pump operations. HEW New color photographs will be taken of the present PICTURES members of the department. The cost of color photos FOR THE will be less than continuing with taking black and white STATIOH photos as in the past. They will also help the public to distinguish present members from former members. HEW Don Fournier and Ron Bjorklund will return the sweaters BUSIHESS they were issued due to the fact that they cannot tolerate wearing wool. They will be available to whoever contacts Ed. steve Merwin will be responding as soon as he completes his response authorization training time. General Membership Meeting June 2, 1991 Page 6 ADJOURHMEHT The meeting was adjourned at 2200 hours. Respectfully submitted, Y'~a~P Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary NEW HOPE FIRE DEPARTMENT GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETIHG July W 1991 The meeting was called to order by Chief Smith at 1931 hours. Roll call was taken by the Fire Department Secretary, Marge Runnakko with 13 regular members and 3 probationary members present. It was moved by Brad Johnson that the minutes of the general membership meeting of June 2nd be approved. This was seconded by Bernard Weber. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Minutes of the June 2, 1991 General Membership Meeting. 2. Letter of June 14/ 1991 from Hennepin County Medical Center re: Violence and the emergency care provider. This is a solicitation for comments, concerns and information on existing policies regarding the issue of violent behavior toward emergency personnel. 3. Memo from Dan Roby re: SCBA Donning Test dated June 18, 1991. 4. Letter dated May, 1991 for the Burn Foundation re: Backdraft shirts and baseball hats available from Windsor Knitting Mills, Inc. and donation to Burn Foundation to this national fund. 5. Application for LOA from Joe Amos 6/17/91 - 8/1/91 due to physical injury (pinky on Left hand). 6. Memo from HCMC EMT and First Responder coordinators re: EMT & First Responder Training Information. 7. Letter dated June 10 from Taylor PUbliShing Co. re: Commemorative History publishing program. 8. Base station log form. 9. Memo from Chief Smith to all members with Fire Department update information dated May 28, 1991. 10. Memo re: Fire Education training from Captain Anderson to all members. 11. Memo from Captain Anderson re: 1991 Open House Committee formation. 12. Memo to Chief Kastanos from Inspector Oberreuter re: Joint Dispatch Meeting on May 23, 1991. General Membership Meeting July 14, 1991 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 13. Fire run report on Weather Standby dated 6/16/91 that was voided due to improper interpretation of dispatch signal. 14. MN Department of Public Safety newsletter dated June 1991. 15. Letter from Emergency Resource re: 2nd Service of Surviving The Hazardous Materials Incident. 16. 9 Repair orders. 17. Memo from Asst. Chief Homstad to Steve Merwin re: required training to respond. 18. Memo from Chief Smith to all members with Fire Department update information dated June 5, 1991. 19. Approval for training expense for Steve Homstad (Fire Officer II) in Brooklyn Center for 30 hours. 4/16/91 until 30 hours completed. 20. Letter to Larry Adams re: Promotion to firefighter on 6/1/91. 21. Letter to Joe Johnson re: Promotion to firefighter on 6/1/91. 22. Letter to Doug Lilley re: Promotion to firefighter on 6/1/91. 23. Vacation Day Schedule dated 6/3/91. 24. Resignation from Dwight Johnson due to relocation for work. 25. Medical Leave request until 8/1/91 from Don Fournier due to sprained ankles. 26. Relief Association survey report from the Woodbury Fire Department. 27. Quarterly reports from: Uniforms Training Hose Engineering 28. Letter from Don Fournier of the New Hope Fire Relief Assn to Mr. Robert Weatherlie regarding deferred status for the New Hope Fire Chief. 29. Promotion documentation for Kurt Klipstein. 30. Attendance reports for June, 1991 for drills and alarms. General Membership Meeting July 14, 1991 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 31. Notice to Doug Anderson, Mike Bennett, Charlie McCulloch, Mark Bennett, Tom Bramwell and Bob Dallman re: missed doses of Hepatitis B vaccine. 32. Letter to IAFC Risk Management committee requesting a study on liability issues for fire departments as offered in "Dispatch". 33. Letter to U. S. Fire Administration requesting a copy of "Successful Demonstration Project Series" offered in "Dispatch". 34. Memos to Assistant Chief Homstad, Douglas Anderson, Steve Merwin, Joe Johnson and Jon Tate re: EMT refresher course and EMT training course scheduling and to Henry Benton, Robert Dallman, and Bernie Weber re: 1st Responder training scheduling for 1991. Also included was a Request for Training Authorization form. 35. certificate of completion for 6 hour course in inspections in educational occupancies, spring quarter, 1991 at Hennepin Technical College. 36. Confirmation of license agreement with North Memorial Medical Center dated June 27, 1991 to house one ambulance and personnel at the New Hope Fire Station as a substation quarters between calls. 37. Letters to 9 probationary candidates: Shawn Conner Cheryl Davis Duane Granger William Jacobson Glenn Johnston David Rice Brett Riewe Allen Schmidt Chuck Solseth (declined) 38. Memo to members having radiological monitoring training re: Refresher Course on monitoring offered through NSP and offering compensation from that organization. 39. Updated phone list for the fire department. 40. Public education opportunities ( 2) . TRAIHIHG Assistant Chief Homstad reported that more OFFICER emphasis will be given to evolutions during training sessions. General Membership Meeting July 14, 1991 Page 4 TRAIHIHG There is a possibility that some hot burns OFFICER will be done at the house in Golden Valley. (CONTINUED) More information will be forthcoming. It will not be on a regular drill night. There will be a mutual aid training officers' meeting held in Plymouth. Assistant Chief Homstad is still waiting to hear about certification from Anoka Technical College for the Hazmat training just completed by the fire department. Brad Johnson asked about the status of the Pet Hospi tal for training. Chief Smith stated that there are problems because of the location of the hydrants which would severely limit the usefulness of using this facility for training. There is a possibility that a smokeless ventilation can be done. RESCUE 212 hours of service were provided during Duk Duk Daze with only a few minor injuries needing emergency services. Rescue Lt. Bennett reported that the hoses are going to be attached to the Amkus as all times to save time when it is needed. The fireworks display went well and there were only a couple of complaints regarding fallout. Staff people were posted in all areas which would potentially receive the fallout of hot embers and they were extinguished as soon as they were found. Next year: 1. A special check will be done to make sure that there are no canoeists in the pond who might be injured if fallout should come down on them. 2. Police should be enlisted to handle all medicals in the city area during the event because it is difficult to maneuver vehicles out of the Northwood Parkway area during this event. General Membership Meeting July 14, 1991 Page 5 RESCUE 3. It was suggested that an extinguisher (continued) demonstration be done with companies present who might market their product at the event. 4. The Relief Assn will be checking into the possibility of running a food stand during the event. Captain Bjorklund has resigned from Company 3 as of July 9, 1991. It was mentioned that there were no hand lights and HT on Engine 6. EVALUATIOHS Kurt Klipstein will be promoted to the rank of Firefighter/1st Responder at the General Membership Meeting this evening. SCBA No Report. RECRUITMENT Nine people have received letters asking them to receive physicals in preparation for appointment as probationary members of the New Hope Fire Department. Chief Smith is completing arrangements with NMMC to give these physicals as set forth in the agreement to house their ambulance in the new station. The possibility of on-going physicals for the entire membership has not been addressed yet. HOSE The Fire Lieutenants will be setting up annual hose testing soon. This event will be coordinated with the dance ticket sale. There will be discussion regarding doing some of it during drill and the procedures for making sure it gets labeled or is kept separate so it won't be done a second time. LIBRARY No Report. OPERATIOHS No Report. TRUCK The City Manager sent all fire personnel a memo regarding the special work session to be held on July 15 concerning trucks and fire department consolidation with Crystal. This was an open invitation to all members to attend this meeting. General Membership Meeting July 14, 1991 Page 6 WAGES No Report. HAZMAT Assistant Chief Homstad would like to add the Minot AFB handbook on Hazmat to the equipment in Rescue I. PUBLIC Captain Anderson is organizing a committee for EDUCATIOH the 1991 Open House for the Fire station. Fire truck rides, ribbon cutting, displays, etc. will be planned. This organization meeting will be held on August 5th at 7:00 PM. Also planned in the acti vi ties would be a possible visit from one of the McDonald's Characters, the operation of the Safe Escape House, hot dogs and refreshments, a dive in the pool by the Water Patrol , etc. All would be publicized by Cable, ticket sales, flyers, the Star and Tribune, Channel 11 and the City Report. UNIFORMS T-shirts and sweatshirts have been ordered. There will be a slight delay on the sweatshirts due to a vendor change. If there are any problems with your uniforms, please notify Ed to get them corrected. FIRE United Hardware will be sub-divided with a MARSHAL'S fire wall - this is a 17 acre building and REPORT will now house 2 businesses. The new tanks are in at Medicine Lake Rd. Amoco. A new policy will be drafted to upgrade the fire alarms in the city. The policy will be phased in gradually. New alarms will eliminate the high number of burnt food alarms. The Cinema Drafthouse project is in progress. Part of the sprinkler system is turned off during the project. The issue of lock boxes is still voluntary - may be mandated in the future for multiple dwellings and businesses. General Membership Meeting July 14, 1991 Page 7 FACILITIES Several issues remain to be resolved before the City can take possession of the new fire facility. The air conditioning has to be turned on and several items remain to be completed on the contractor's list given him by the architect. The furniture should arrive around the end of July and the conpressor, antenna, pressure washer system and a few items from the old station will have to be moved in before occupancy. EHGIHEER'S 9 Repair Orders were received on the REPORT following: Rescue I - 2 problems (battery & strobe light) 4189 - Black smoke (taken out of service) 4188 - 2 problems - radio & shelf in left rear compartment. 4186 - 2 problems - right rear tail light and brake light out, radio out. air compressor - low oil pressure light on (replaced filter). Engine 8 - fog stream doesn't work on 1 1/2 nozzle in 8. There was a discussion about truck servicing and the lack of priority being put on it by Public Works. Chief smith will contact Roger Paulson again on this matter. Lt. Datko wants to have a special drill on the starting of the chain saw. He also reminded those writing out repair orders to tack them on the board so they won't get lost. UNFIHISHED Gear locker assignments will be given out by BUSIHESS Assistant Chief Homstad - see him for your assignment. The Fire Personnel Committee will be meeting with the officers to establish where responsibilities lie. Kurt Klipstein was promoted to Firefighter at the meeting and took the Firefighter's Oath. He will be a direct responder to the North end of the City. He will also attend the July 24th Council Meeting. .' General Membership Meeting July 14, 1991 Page 8 HEW BUSIHESS The Fire Report for June was read. There was an announcement of a Wednesday night Relief Association special meeting after dr ilL It was announced that the Lions have presented $16,000 to the City for Police and Fire use. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 2115 hours. A short discussion regarding plans for next year's Duk Duk Daze was planned to be held. Respectfully submitted, ~~dd R~Jj~ Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary SUPPLEMENT TO JULY 14, 1991 MEETING MINUTES PLAHNIHG FOR 1992 DUK DUK DAZE EVENTS There was discussion about changing the demonstrations for next year's Duk Duk Daze participation by the Fire Department. For many years the department has done a car extrication exercise during the celebration. Chief Smith proposed a fire extinguisher demonstration which would show the public how and when to properly use an extinguisher. He also said that it could be arranged that distributors of home fire extinguishers could be present to market (perhaps at a special discount) to the general public. The members were also in favor of having the smoke house present for at least one of the days - they were cautioned that a commitment of at least 10 people would be needed to properly use this display. Mike Bennett brought up the suggestion from the Lions that the fire department could run a concession stand to make extra money. Dan Roby cautioned that a second source of fund raising for the Relief Association might be taxable under state laws. Someone will have to look into this. Chief Smith and Assistant Chief Homstad also gave a brief presentation on the 3-day Safety Camp program given at Eden Prairie. The Park & Recreation Department, Police Department and Fire Department are considering developing such a program in New Hope. The program appears to require a large number of "teacher- volunteers" who can include family members of these personnel. The Eden prairie program included: DARE Water Patrol Demonstrations Poison Control Demonstration Smoke House Celebrities (local) Steve reported that his children really enjoyed this camp. More work will be done on development of such a program over the winter months. NEW HOPE FIRE DEPARTMENT GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AUGUST 4, 1991 The meeting was called to order by Chief Smith at 1939 hours. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and role was taken by the Fire Department Secretary, Marge Runnakko with 16 regular members and 9 probationary members present. It was moved by Assistant Chief Homstad that the minutes of the general membership meeting which were posted on the bulletin board at the station be approved. This was seconded by Firefighter Dan Roby. CORRESPONDENCE: This list of correspondence descriptions were passed out to those members present at the meeting. 1. Draft for proposed change in Policy for Figuring Attendance Percentages for New Hope Fire Department. 2. City newsletter articles from the Fire Department. 3. Return to work authorization for Joe Amos as of 8/5/91. 4. project Bulletin re: closing of 49th Avenue North between bridge at Hwy 169 and winnetka Avenue N. for the dates August 5 - October 25th. 5. New Hope Police Incident report re: Charges on John stephen Klick and Michelle Rae Lutz for obstruction of Fire Fighting on 7/28/91. 6. Note and doctor's excuse from Don Fournier re: extension of LOA time to 9/1/91 due to swelling. 7. Memo from Doug Smith to Colin Kastanos and Larry Watts re: Disconnection of fire alarm for CTS, 9210 Science Center Dr. 8. Hood & Duct Cleaning Schedule update (7/29/91). 9. Approval for Training Expenses for Steve Merwin (EMT Refresher) 12/4, 12/6, and 12/10, 1991. 10. Letter of thanks from Mike Hatfield Chief of the Brimson Area Volunteer Fire Department for the donation of gear and equipment. 11. Notice from Anoka Technical College re: Fire Officer I starting September 10, 1991 to be held at Brooklyn Center Station 2 from 7-10 PM and registration forms. General Membership Meeting August 4, 1991 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 12. Notice from Anoka Technical College re: Hazardous Material Training for MN 1st Responders starting August 15 from 6:30 - 10:30 PM and registration forms. 13. Information re: pricing by Taylor Publishing for publishing a history book of the New Hope Fire Department. 14. Memo from Assistant Chief Homstad to all members re: Mutual Aid Drill in Plymouth on August 21 on "High Rise" fire control. 15. Sign up from steve Merwin (August 26, at 10 AM) for birthday party with 10 children. 16. Sign up from Henry Benton (August 10, at 3 PM) for birthday party with 10 -15 children. 17. Minutes of Officer's Meeting for July 14, 1991- 18. Specifications for Pumpers submitted to Dan Donahue on July 22, 1991 from Doug Smith. 19. Meeting notes from 800 MHz Regional Trunked Radio Task Force dated July 11, 1991 and Notice of Thursday, August 1 meeting at Metropolitan Council Chambers. 20. Entry number for the Crystal Frolics Parade on July 28, 1991. 21- Engineer'S Quarterly Report for April - June, 1991. 22. Letter to Doug Smith from Emergency Resource re: completion of the 2nd half of the course "Surviving the Hazardous Materials Incident, Series II. 23. Repair order for 4189 - strobes and temperature gauge showing hot. 24. Letter to prospective probationary members inviting them to attend August 4th meeting. TRAIHIHG OFFICER Assistant Chief Homstad reported that in August and September the department will be working on more evolutions and performance standards for the members will be established in several areas. General Membership Meeting August 4, 1991 Page 3 TRAIHING If you have any ideas for new evolutions or for OFFICER drill subjects, see steve. (continued) Anoka Technical College will be starting Firefighter I classes on August 19 & 20. Probationary members should see steve Homstad to be enrolled in one of these classes. RESCUE No Report. EVALUATIONS No Report. SCBA The compressor is down in the old station. will be checking next week with Wahlman Optical to get the prescription masks f9r those members needing them. Get your prescriptions to Dan Roby if this applies to you. RECRUITMENT Seven of the new probationary members were present at the general membership meeting their names and addresses are: Cheryl Davis 4080 Gettysburg Duane Granger 4057 Jordan Jake Jacobson 4057 Cavell Glenn Johnston 5650 Zealand Brett Riewe 5816 Gettysburg Circle Allan Schmidt 7611 36th Avenue N. Don Kirchoffner 4220 Winnetka Avenue N. Welcome! HOSE Hose testing times have been established by the Lieutenants and sign up sheets have been posted. The policy for hose testing is in Section 1 of your Policy & Procedures book. If you do not indicate a date for hose testing you will be assigned one. LIBRARY No Report. OPERATIOHS No Report. TRUCK still working on Obtaining the title to Rescue I. Finance Manager may be entering litigation. WAGES No Report. Officer's Meeting March 6, 1991 Page 3 HAZMAT Look for more information on HazMat training to come at a later date. UNIFORMS The T-shirts have been ordered. See Captain Anderson if you want to increase your order. Dark footwear means DARK SHOES AND SOCKS! FIRE MARSHAL'S Work is in progress at the Cinema & Drafthouse REPORT in the Midland Shopping Center. The City is trying to get the remainder of the building sprinklered under this project. If there is a call to this facility - use handlights due to the floor being lowered to accommodate the function of the building space. The Fire Inspector, John Crelly, has apartment inspections in progress. He is checking location of key boxes and labeling of their contents. He has also brought most of the restaurants into compliance with a maintenance schedule on their hood and duct systems. 36th will be closed at Louisiana and extending to Highway 81. 49th will be closed from Winnetka to Highway 169. Several street projects are in progress. The Police Department has been asked that the 1st squad in on a call assist the fire department with directions in areas where there are closed roads. FACILITIES No dates have been established for the move into the new fire station. Most of the furnishings have been received. EHGIHEER'S REPORT An officer should be assigned when Frank can/t make work detail. Carburetor repair is to be done on Engine 9. Officer's Meeting March 6, 1991 Page 5 UNFINISHED Burnsville will be holding a fire muster on BUSIHESS September 6 - 8 and has invited surrounding departments. If you have interest in attending see the posting on the board for details. NEW BUSIHESS When responding to a fire call you are reminded to just respond - don't assume that the call might be canceled or not worth attending by the dispatcher's remarks. Some potentially disastrous things could occur if you base your response on a dispatcher's remarks. Remember - they are not on the scene! Plymouth has set up an exercise on hi-rise fires for August 21st. The Milwaukee strap may be tested at this exercise if enough members attend. This equipment is scheduled to be put in the bed of Engine 9. There will be an open house meeting at 7:00 PM at the old station, August 5. Dance tickets will be sold starting at 6:30 on August 5th. The sexual harassment film was shown to the membership present. The July Fire Report was read. Everyone is invited to sign the going away T- shirts for Dwight and his wife. The Relief Association will bid on a universal weight machine (used) soon. There will be a picnic at French Park on August 12. See Bernie. ADJOtJRHMEHT 2100 HOURS Respectfully submitted, VIJdM'r Of. ~/~J; Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary NEW HOPE FIRE DEPARTMENT GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING September 4, 1991 The meeting was called to order by Chief smith at 1930 hours. Roll call was taken by the Fire Department Secretary, Marge Runnakko with 16 regular members and 10 probationary members present. There was no approval requested for minutes of the previous meeting since Roberts Rules of Order no longer apply to General Membership Meetings. No Pledge of Allegiance was recited. CORRESPONDENCE: l. August 27 memo and sign up sheet from captain Bjorklund re: Friday, September 27 coverage for Golden Valley Station #2 from 2000 - 0001. Be at the station at 1930 hours. 2. September 4, memo from Chief Smith to Dan Roby re: Eye wear purchasing. 3 . Vacation day schedule dated 9/3/91. 4. Medical LOA for Ken Schilling from August 4 - August 27, 1991. 5. Letter re: Fire Prevention Theme "Fire Won't Wait - Plan Your Escape" dated August, 1991. 6. Letter to Prince dated August 29, 1991 from Don Fournier re: request for photo with him for the lobby entrance of the station. 7. Letter dated August 27th from Pastoral Care Department to Area Pastors and Public Safety Personnel re: meeting dates. 8. Memo dated August 30, 1991 to Mayor EriCkson, Council Members Enck, Otten, Williamson, L'Hereault, Chief Smith and Dan Donahue re: Condition of Engines 6 & 9 and notice from several firefighters that they refuse to use these vehicles until repaired and proven reliable or replaced. 9. Letter of introduction for Mr. Roger Solberg dated August 29, 1991. 10. Letter to Call America Transport dated 8/26/91 billing them for a hazmat spill on 8/20/91. 1l. Certificate of training for Frank Datko on Advanced Pumping Skills. Summer quarter 1991. Hennepin Technical College. General Membership Meeting September 4, 1991 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 12. Gear locker assignments. 13. Anoka Technical College Course offerings. 14. Probationary Training Record form. 15. Letter to New Hope Lions dated August 21, 1991 re: Open house at the new fire facility. 16. City Equipment Use Waiver form. 17. Medical Standby schedule for September 1991. 18. Report dated August 7, 1989 re: Biosolve Petroleum Dispersing Agent and its environmental effects of use. 19. Letter to numerous area fire departments dated August 6, 1991 inviting them and their members to the Fire Department Open House from 12-3 pm on September 21, 1991- 20. Report from CIGNA on The Impact of Product Liability on the Fire Chief dated August 25, 1989. 21- Fire Apparatus Survey on Interior Equipment. 22. Notice of Voluntary training class from Dr. Charles L. Strauman - Ridgedale Chiropractic Office. 23. Babysitting clinic booklet order information. 24. Letter from NMMC re: submission of candidates for the 8th annual public safety awards. Due October 1, 1991. 25. Memo dated August 18, 1991 re: Hennepin Technical FFI class starting September 14, 1991 on Saturdays from 0800 - 1200 hours. Roseville Fire. 26. Memo dated August 16, 1991 from Assistant Chief Homstad to Probationary members re: Firefighter I class at Anoka Technical College and use of van at police department. 27. Notice of next meeting and summary of August 1 meeting on Regional Trunked Radio Task Force. Meeting set for Sept. 5, 1991 at 9-11 am. 28. Memo to all members dated August 7, 1991 from Ed Anderson re: Open House preparations. General Membership Meeting September 4, 1991 Page 3 CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 29. Memo dated August 7, 1991 from Ed Anderson re: Survey of Area Fire Department Details for Parades and their policies for payment. 30. Fire Alarm Policy proposal dated July 26, 1991. 3l. Memo from Hennepin County Emergency Preparedness dated August 12, 1991 re: Members trained at the NSP Refresher Radiological Training held on June 26, 1991 and payment from this training. 32. Memo to Kirk McDonald, Management Assistant re: adding out of city firefighter's names to City Newsletter mailing list, dated August 14, 1991. 33. Update of Policy & Procedures Log dated August 12, 1991. 34. Memo dated August 9 to all members re: June 1991 payroll checks and the new mandatory social security coverage requirement in effect from July - December 1991. 35. Letter dated August 9 to Chris Brown of Walman Optical re: Eye wear. 36. Letter to Kenneth Luther of Mercerville, NJ dated August 8 re: his request for a patch. 37. Letter dated August 8, 1991 from Plymouth Fire re: Multi- story fire training experience and procedural directive. 38. Firefighter prayer and Who is a FjF for use at the open house. 39. Minutes of the GM meeting of August 4, 1991. 40. Memo to all members dated August 2, 1991 re: Information Update. 4l. Memo to all members dated August 5, 1991 re: Surviving the Hazardous Material Incident. List of names who have completed all tapes, work assignments etc. and are eligible for the test. 42. Memo to all members dated August 5, 1991 re: Completion of the Hazmat Course on September 11, 25, and October 9 from Asst. Chief Homstad. 43. August 7, 1991 memo to Dan Donahue re: Fire Vehicle Equipment and ad for 95' Platform Apparatus. General Membership Meeting September 4, 1991 Page 4 CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 44. Memo to the Police Chief dated August 6, 1991 re: Open House Invitation to his department. TRAINING There will be a FMO class tentatively starting OFFICER October 22 and running through November 21, 1991. It will be taught by Frank Whitman of Brooklyn Center through Anoka Vo Tech. It will be held at our station. It will take approximately 30 hours and have a practical test at the end. See the training officer if you are interested in attending this training. There will be a vehicle burning at Saturday's drill. RESCUE No Report. EVALUATIONS No Report. SCBA Dan Roby reported that hydro-testing of the SCBA's would begin again soon. He also said that someone would be finding a way to keep the bottles from falling out on Engine 9. If you need the special eyewear (prescription masks) see Dan to get the forms to order them. The compressor is being moved and the air line hooke up in the new station. It must be checked by Texas Air to be sure it is certified prior to its use. Until then use the bottles in the hose tower to refill bottles. HOSE Testing has been completed and Lt. Benton is straightening out the paperwork and doing the report. PLANNING The contractors have agreed to complete their work by Friday. If all goes well things will be moved in from the old station on Saturday after drill. PUBLIC EDUCATION No Report. General Membership Meeting September 4, 1991 Page 5 ENGINEERING The Engineer (Lt. Datko) reported on the current problems with Engine 9 stating that since it still didn't run correctly it would be returned for more work. It was scheduled due back by the 5th of September. Engine 6 will be getting a thorough brake job. The City Manager has been invited to respond to inquiries of the firefighters at tonight's meeting, however has chosen not to attend the meeting. Dan Roby asked if there was any real preventive maintenance program in place for fire vehicles. Chief Smith stated that as part of the package presented to council, a preventive maintenance program a refurbishing schedule was proposed. There is an informal maintenance schedule set up with Public Works at this time, however, the problems seem to be larger than preventive maintenance program can handle at this time. TRUCKS There was discussion regarding the condition of the trucks. Chief smith responded that he would be requesting a special meeting of the Officers and the Council to address the urgency of acquiring a new pumper. UNIFORMS Captain Anderson reported that the sweatshirts and T-shirts were in and that they would be distributed after the meeting. FIRE Don Fournier reported that there was no new news PERSONNEL from the Fire Personnel Board. The City Rules COMMITTEE and Regulations are being reviewed to include the paid-on-call firefighter employee definition and application of the city rules to these employees. OPEN HOUSE Captain Anderson reported on the progress of the plans for the open house. Another meeting was scheduled for Saturday after drill. NEW BUSINESS Don Fournier faxed a letter to Paisley Palace to request a momento from Prince for display in the new fire station. His request was for a picture with the "star", however, it is uncertain if he General Membership Meeting General Membership Meeting September 4, 1991 Page 6 NEW BUSINESS will grant this request. The New Hope Fire (continued) Department worked for several months in 1990 on the set of "Grafitti Bridge" which was shot in a New Hope warehouse. Mr. Fournier stated that the person he spoke with from Prince's staff thought that the fire department might be able to get an autographed picture of Prince but the photo with him was unlikely. There was discussion on the Equipment Waiver form. The August fire report was read. ADJOURNMENT 2050 Hours Respectfully submitted, ----, /1 '-f''r, '. ff- (1' G' ..v 1 tf I l! I' iV~/'J t.LL l !~~./;/vl' /;;1 I.;) <f) 'Ov-" I' \" . ,l_-Jl--r.~c-v Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary NEW HOPE FIRE DEPARTMENT GEHERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING October 6, 1991 The meeting was called to order by Assistant Chief Homstad at 1930 hours. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and roll call was taken by the Fire Department Secretary, Marge Runnakko with 12 regular members and 7 probationary members present. Minutes of the prior meeting had been posted, no objections or corrections were brought forth. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Memo dated september 17, 1991 to the officers from Dan Roby re: SCBA Fill Station Air Quality and planning for improvements to procedures and fill station area. 2. General Membership Meeting minutes from September 4, 1991. 3. Letter from John Flood, Administration Officer at the City of Eagan re: Relief Association Pension Survey. 4. Memo dated September 27, 1991 from Chief smith to Assistant Chief Homstad re: MPCA Open Burning Permit for Fire Training until September 30, 1992, and copy of that permit. 5. North Fitness Plus Invoice (covered by North Contract) - Amounts to $ 2,290 for 10 firefighters. 6. Fire Call Attendance report for september. 7. Drill Percentage report for september. 8. Critical Incident Stress Debriefing memo to Assistant Chief Homstad dated September 10, 1991. 9. Resolution of Change Order No. 36 for the Fire Facility. 10. Medical Standby survey for company 3 asking if they would like to suspend activity now that North is in the station. 11. Quarterly Reports for: Hose, Uniforms, SCBA. 12. Change in drill requirements for November, 1991. TRAINIHG Assistant Chief Homstad reported that training OFFICER would be held at the tower once in October and once in November. General Motors is holding air-bag training at its facility in Golden Valley on October 16th. General Membership Meeting October 6, 1991 Page 2 RESCUE A survey regarding the Medical standby was sent out to all Company 3 members. Rescue Lt. Mike Bennett reported that a new positioning of the trucks would be tried: Rescue I will be placed in front of Door #1. Engine 9 will be by Door # 3 with Engine 8 behind it. Jon Tate completed his EMT training and has joined Company 3 as of September 25, 1991. SCBA'S When filling cylinders the pressure should be bled off of the line first. HOSE No Report. LIBRARY No Report. OPERATIOHS Look forward to some orientation type drills on station operations on future drill dates. TRUCK The Chief was invited to the Seagrave Plant in Wisconsin to see the trucks that they have available. Specs will be written and submitted for bid on a new pumper in the near future. John Seiple commented that whatever pumper the department might end up getting, the members should be careful not to grumble about things that aren't completely to their liking, rather that they just note them so the same mistakes might not be made on the next truck ordered. Anything is going to be a lot better than what is available for the use of the department now. A group from New Hope Fire checked the new crystal pumper recently. They noted things that they would want arranged differently and listened to comments that those operating and using the truck had to make. WAGES No Report. HAZMAT The Hazmat drill on Wednesday October 9 should help certify about 20 members as Hazmat I or higher through Anoka Vo Tech. UNFIHISHED Several people started Radiological Training BUSIHESS with NSP, however only 2 continued to attend. General Membership Meeting October 6, 1991 Page 3 UNFIHISHED Another meeting is scheduled for this activity BUSIHESS on Thursday, October 10. (continued) HEW BUSINESS All firefighters are reminded to respond to incidents broadcast on the radio as quickly and carefully as possible. DO NOT STAY AWAY BASED ON COMMENTS OF THE DISPATCHER. If you are standing by at the station during a call and there is no work to be done until the trucks return, please notify the person manning the Dispatch Office of where you'll be (pool room, day room, outside) so they can notify you when you are needed back on the floor. If no officers are available to fill out reports, the most senior person responding should man the Operations Center, fill out the report and monitor the radios. If you need to be excused early from a drill or alarm you should see Assistant Chief Homstad or one of the Captains or the person in charge of the Operations Center. When entering the station for a call, it would be helpful if the first one in the back door turned on the air circulation switch timer and made sure that the door was really unlocked (key to left) for the next people entering, and turned on the lights. When washing cars, be sure it is only done in the wash bay. Garbage is picked up on Wednesdays. Captain Anderson has donated a stereo for use in the wash bay area. There is not a working on/off switch so this must be done with the plug. The September fire report was read. ADJOURNED 2050 HOURS General Membership Meeting October 6, 1991 Page 4 Respectfully submitted, ,./) yn 1C( 12~~1-dJ~ L~tL-uI ' J' Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary NEW HOPE FIRE DEPARTMENT GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING November 6, 1991 The meeting was called to order by Chief Smith at 1940 hours. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and roll call was taken by the Fire Department Secretary, Marge Runnakko with 14 regular members and 5 probationary members present. There were no additions or corrections to the minutes of the general membership meeting which were posted on the bulletin board at the station. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Repair orders (10 - dated September 7 - October 19, 1991). 2. Posting re: Mike Ackerman Award for 1991 and nomination form (9/27/91). 3. Article re: Objection to merger of CrystallNew Hope Fire Departments from Bill Reimer (in Sun Newspaper). 4. Approval for Training for Doug Anderson (EMT Refresher) 10/6 - 10/22, 1991. 5. Engineer's 3rd Quarter Report. 6. October 5 - November 15 drill schedule. 7. General Membership Meeting Minutes from October 6, 1991. 8. Seniority Listing for New Hope Fire Department as of 10/14/91. 9. Memo from Assistant Chief Homstad dated 10/14/91 re: members to certify through Anoka for Haz Mat Operations. 10. Letter dated 10/16 from Trevor Bowen of Melton Victoria Australia and patch. II. Letter dated 10/16 to the New Hope Auxiliary President re: $500 donation from Don Fournier of the Executive Board for budget operations. 12. Letter of resignation as of November 1, 1991 from Mike Bennett, Rescue Lt. Letter dated 1O/16/9I. 13. Membership Roster dated October 17, 1991. 14. Memo from Officers dated 10/17 191 re: Operations Center Guidelines. General Membership Meeting November 6, 1991 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 15. Letter from Don Fournier re: Copier move to the Executive Committee. 16. Memo to all members from Sherry A. Draper dated October 18, 1991 re Hepatitis B Vaccination #3. 17. Request for Council Action to purchase 2 power blowers - were ordered 10/21/91 after approval at 10/14/91 Council meeting. 18. Memo re: Radiological exercise scheduled for Wednesday November 6, 1991 7 - 9 PM at Osseo. 19. Letter dated October 22 from Hennepin Emergency Services re: those members trained as NSP Reception Center Radiological Monitors. Doug Smith and Don Fournier. 20. 1991 Work Detail posting. 21. Firefighter Course Offering from Anoka Technical College. 22. Specs on 100' Platform from Clarey's Safety Equipment, Inc. 23. Fire Station Layout with room number inserted. 24. Notice of fire arson instructor position available at Hennepin V 0 Tech. 25. Memo from Ed Anderson re: T-Shirts. 26. Request for leave form filled out by Brad Johnson. Leave from November 18, 1991 - February 29, 1992. 27. Medical Standby Schedule for November. 28. Thank you to Mark Berg at Seagrave for the tour of their facility from Chief Smith. 29. Fire Alarm Report for October, 1991. 30. Hockey tournament schedule and sign up. General Membership Meeting November 6, 1991 Page 3 TRAINING The key to the old animal clinic building is available. Assistant Chief OFFICER HOIDStad will be assessing the possibility of using it for rookie training. The last 2 drills of December will be canceled. (December 25th and 27th). A memo is forthcoming. Those who did not complete the entire Hazmat course recently given at the station have been certified for a Hazmat refresher certificate from Anoka V 0 Tech. The November 13th drill will be on station operations and will cover procedures for filling SCBA's. There are a few members who have not viewed the sexual harassment tape yet and they will do so at this drill. Six members are presently taking a FMO class from Frank Whitman at the station. RESCUE Mike Bennett resigned as Rescue Lt. as of November 1, 1991. The Chief will be handling the Medical Standby schedule until further notice. Charles McCulloch requested that the officers review the requirements for Company 3 membership and review wage incentive for belonging to this company. Chief Smith agreed to look into this matter. Chief Smith informed the membership that due to restructuring of the department, the Fire Personnel Committee may be making a change on the process for determining disbursement of the lump sum package. This function may be done by the officers in the coming year. EVALUATIONS No Report. SCBA Three SCBA's are being re-wrapped at present, it is not known when they will be returned. RECRUITMENT No Report. HOSE No Report. LIBRARY No Report. General Membership Meeting November 6, 1991 Page 4 OPERATIONS No Report. TRUCK Specs for a 1250 GPM pumper are being modified at General Safety in North Branch. Input has been received from the city mechanic, staff, and viewing the similar Crystal pumper. Some of the modifications suggested include: powered and heated mirrors, gumball lights on the front bumper, making sure horns and headlamps are not obstructed, type of hose provided, etc. Jon Tate asked that flowmeters (such as discussed at FMO class) be considered. Chief Smith explained that since New Hope had a good water system a 1250 GPM pumper had a better pumping capability than it would have in a rural area so it was not necessary to go to a higher GPM. The specs will go out for bid as soon as approved by city council. It is hope that this will take place by December at the latest. Chief Smith reminded the members that should the need arise for aerial support that a call should be made through dispatch for the nearest available one through mutual aid. This may become more critical due to the condition of the ladder carrying trucks. The talks with Crystal regarding possibility of combining fire departments is still in progress. The city managers, mayors, fire chiefs, and a firefighter, citizen andlor a business owner from each municipality will be involved in the further study of its feasibility. Total time allotted for these talks are 3 - 6 months before any decisions can be made. WAGES No Report. HAZMAT Certifications for the members have been requested from Anoka V 0 Tech for HazMat I and Hazmat refreshers. ENGINEER'S Two filters were picked up for the wet/dry vacuum. The engineer REPORT noted that he is unable to locate the plastic wing nut and piece to hold in the filter. If you have seen it, let him know where it is. The Engineer asked that members be sure to take out these filters when using the vacuum for extracting water because each filter costs General Membership Meeting November 6, 1991 Page 5 ENGINEER'S $16 and they are ruined after one contact with water. REPORT (Continued) Set repairs on the floor, NOT ON THE ENGINEER'S DESK! There were six other miscellaneous work orders on various equipment and trucks. UNIFORMS There is a new sign up sheet for T Shirts and Sweatshirts posted. A reminder was given regarding issuance of jackets per policy. Replacements are member responsibility. Wear the long jackets with your dress uniforms. UNFINISHED The City Rules and Regulations are being reviewed by the Fire BUSINESS Personnel Committee and are addressing their application to paid-on- call firefighters. This is a difficult and time-consuming process, and some of the manual will have to be re-worded. NEW BUSINESS Dave and Tom Bramwell recited their Firefighter Oath and received their firefighter name tags at the meeting. They will also attend the November 12 Council meeting at 7:00 PM. A survey will be taken regarding snow plowing and standbys. ADJOURNMENT 2130 HOURS. Respectfully submitted, 'i'(~~X ~ Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department Secretary NEW HOPE FIRE DEPARTMENT GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING December 8, i99i The meeting was called to order by Chief smith at 1940 hours. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and roll call was taken by the Fire Department Secretary, Marge Runnakko with 17 regular members and 5 probationary members present. There were no corrections made to the minutes of the general membership meeting held on November 6th, which were posted on the bulletin board at the station. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Memo dated November 17, 1991 calling a special membership meeting of the NH Volunteer Fire Department Relief Assn. for December 8, 1991 at 2100 hours. 2. Meeting minutes from the Metropolitan council's Trunked Radio Task Force meeting held November 21, 1991. 3. LOA application dated November 6, 1991 from Brad Johnson for period November 18 - February 18, 1992. 4. Memo from Chief smith to Brett Riewe, Cheryl Davis, Glenn Johnston, Allen Schmidt, Don Kirchoffner, Michael Todd re: Release form for Hepatitis B vaccination. 5. Memo to Chief Smith from Kevin Leuer, Assistant Fire Chief, City of Plymouth re: annual high-rise fire simulation exercise held in August and lessons learned from the experience. 6. Memo from the Minnesota Fire Service certification Board and Application for Certification of Fire Instructor by Review. Also NFPA 104i Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications. 7. Memo dated November 15, 1991 to Chief smith from Assistant Chief Homstad re: Request for switch to 5" large diameter hose on Engine 8. 8. Letter from Linda Athens, an amateur photographer, 2009 Hillsboro Avenue N. Golden Valley (545-3117) requesting permission to photograph firefighters during drills an possibly runs. These photographs may be sold to interested individuals and magazines. 9. Letter to Terry Wehling from Shari French, CLP re: Duk Duk Daze. General Membership Meeting December 8, 1991 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE (continued) 10. Memo from Captains Anderson and Bjorklund re: Gear needed. 11. Memo from Captains Anderson and Bjorklund re: PBI Turnout Gear and replacement schedule for current Nomex gear with PBI gear. 12. Memo from captain Anderson re: taking of ID pictures and issuance of Fire Department ID cards. 13. Memo from Captain Bjorklund re: Accident with utility 7 on 11/30/91. 14. Letter from Frank Dolan re: Hockey tournament schedules and request for medical assistance. 15. City Ordinance 3.342 re: provision and maintenance of plumbing, heating, electrical and ventilating service to all occupied portions of every building. 16. Proposed standardized squad numbering from NH/Golden Valley Communications. VISITOR Chief Smith introduced Linda Athens who will be doing a photo essay during drills and possibly on the fire scene if it occurs. (see correspondence, Item 8). TRAINING Assistant Chief Homstad reported that those not having OFFICER viewed the sexual harassment tape to date will be seeing it at the Wednesday, December 11 drill. Drills in December will concentrate on the use of the demo nozzles provided by vendors for evaluation. Officers will share responsibility for drill assignments and lesson plans. RESCUE A sign up sheet has been posted for Hockey Standbys during December and February, see posting or Chief Smith for details if interested. A 1st Responder class schedule has been posted, see Assistant Chief Homstad if you want to enroll. EVALUATIONS No Report. SCBA's No Report. General Membership Meeting December 8, 1991 Page 3 HOSE 5" hose is being evaluated. Greg Carlson noted that he was not impressed by the 1 3/4" that was tested recently. Ken Schilling concurred. Both felt that the situation would have to be ideal to have this hose be functional. Chief Smith thought maybe this problem was caused by the fact that the hose wasn't being fed to them properly. Further testing will be done on it to determine the overall opinion by the membership. UNFINISHED When washing your cars, you must record this in the book BUSINESS in the cabinet. If this procedure is not used, the privilege may be lost. LIBRARY No Report. OPERATIONS The snow will be shoveled by Park & Rec in front of the fire station. The other areas will have to be done by those around the station. Looking into the purchase of a small snowblower. Chief Smith will be contacting the contractor about his using up most of the back lot. The boiler has been repaired, as has been the hot water heater. Pressure washer parts are on order and the floor contractor has yet to satisfy the problem with the floor sealer. The door will also be repaired. NEW BUSINESS The following people have completed FMO training as of December 1, 1991: Assistant Chief Homstad, Captain Bjorklund, Doug Anderson, Joe Amos, Doug Lilley, Jon Tate, Captain Anderson, Lieutenant Datko, Tom Bramwell and Charles McCulloch. They are certified through December 31, 1994 and will complete 12 hours of specialized training within the next two years to maintain their opportunity to re-certify. The accident involving utility 7 was discussed. The person failed to yield to an emergency vehicle as required by law on 2 occasions during the emergency medical to Lund's Bakery. On the final encounter his back bumper was tapped and now the owner is claiming damage from the city. There is some question as to who was driving the damaged vehicle as well as the condition of this vehicle prior to the claim. There was very little damage as investigated by the New Hope Police. General Membership Meeting December 8, 1991 Page 4 NEW BUSINESS Ken Schilling noted that the damage should have been (CONTINUED) inspected by an outside agency, not the city police. The Officers will be meeting on December 22 to review all of the policies. They will attempt to address these as guidelines which would leave more room for an interpretation that was logical or more fitting to the situation at hand. MEETING The meeting was adjourned at 20:45 Hours ADJOURNED Respectfully submitted, Y/Zvrf~;( ~uJJo Margaret L. Runnakko Fire Department secretary