020618 Planning CommissionCITY OF NEW HOPE 4401 XYLON AVENUE NORTH NEW HOPE, MINNESOTA 55428 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 6, 2018 City Hall, 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER The New Hope Planning Commission met in regular session pursuant to due call and notice thereof; Chair Schmidt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Scott Clark, Jim Brinkman, Matt Mannix, Chris Hanson, Tom Schmidt, Roger Landy, Bill Smith, Michael Redden Absent: Cedrick Frazier Also Present: Jeff Sargent, Director of Community Development; Aaron Chirpich, Community Development Specialist; Stacy Woods, Assistant City Attorney; Alan Brixius, Planning Consultant; Jessi Weber, Recording Secretary CONSENT BUSINESS None PUBLIC HEARING Planning Case 18-01 Item 4.1 Chair Schmidt introduced Item 4.1, building and site plan review for renovation of an existing building and modification of a current drive through service lane to accommodate a second ordering board for the McDonald’s restaurant building located at 4201 Winnetka Ave N; Kevin Shay, petitioner. Mr. Aaron Chirpich, Community Development Specialist, gave background on the planning case. This case involves a complete renovation of the McDonald’s restaurant, which includes replacement of the entire exterior of the building, ADA accessibility updates, parking lot improvements, new signage, and installation of a second drive - through ordering board. The site is part of a larger PUD that established certain design elements and associated agreements that will remain intact as part of this project. Next, Chirpich reviewed the zoning analysis. A map was shown of the location of McDonald’s in relation to the strip mall. The overall building location is not changing, thus setbacks would not be affected. The site requires 61 total parking stalls per code requirements, which makes the site reliant on shared parking. Through a cross access shared parking agreement there are 67 parking stalls, thereby meeting code. The proposed drive-through service lane will introduce one additional ordering station, for a total of two. The new menu boards are compliant with the city’s requirements for signs. Chirpich then showed the drive traffic through the site parking lot and the two ordering stations. The submitted landscaping plan details the plantings that are included with the drive-through re-design. There are three green space areas identified on the plan that do not have specific planting details. The landscaping plan shall be revised to illustrate plantings for these areas. 2 Planning Commission Meeting February 6, 2018 The applicant’s plan for the proposed changes to the building’s exterior meet the Design Guidelines in materials used, placement of windows and entryways, and the trash enclosure materials. The site plan shows two pedestrian connections, one from Winnetka Avenue and the other from 42nd Avenue. Both of these connections will be ADA handicap accessible. There is also a proposed bike rack located on the southern side of the building. A full signage plan was not submitted with the application; any new signage will require a sign permit after staff review. Chirpich concluded that staff recommends that Planning Commission recommend approval of the site plan with the one condition outlined in the report. When Chair Schmidt questioned whether any of the Commissioners had any questions for staff or the applicant, Commissioner Schmidt commented he noticed the land use signs at the location and appreciated that. Commissioner Smith questioned if the purpose for the two ordering boards is to speed up the ordering process. Chirpich confirmed the idea is to increase efficiency and this was their best option since the site does not allow room for a double ordering lane. Chair Schmidt invited the applicant to the podium. Kevin Shay, representing Landform, 105 S 5th Avenue, Minneapolis MN came to the podium. Commissioner Landy said he appreciated the second ADA crossing being included in the plan and wanted to verify the applicant was comfortable with the southwest ADA crossing from a safety perspective. Mr. Shay said they were proposing the two crossings and were comfortable with them. Commissioner Landy wanted to state his concern for the record from a safety standpoint for the southwest ADA handicap accessible crossing. Commissioner Brinkman suggested a speed bump be installed by the southwest ADA crossing to help increase safety. The applicant replied at this time they are not proposing a speed bump; however, they could look into it. Commissioner Brinkman asked if the current ordering location would remain where it is. Mr. Shay replied the location would generally be the same with the two new ordering boards installed. Brinkman then asked if this proposal for two ordering boards would eliminate a staff person standing outside during peak business times taking orders. The applicant was unaware of staff taking orders outside, but the hope of installing two ordering boards is to increase the efficiency. Commissioner Brinkman mentioned the stacking at the drive- through interrupts the flow of traffic through the site and questioned if this proposal would help to correct the issue. Mr. Shay responded the goal is to reduce the amount of stacking occurring. Unfortunately, the property just to the north is not part of McDonald’s and they are unable 3 Planning Commission Meeting February 6, 2018 to utilize that for increasing space to reduce stacking. Commissioner Brinkman asked if the drive-through business is continuing to increase. The applicant stated that regionally, McDonald’s serves roughly 65% to 75% of their customers via the drive-through. Commissioner Hanson stated concerns with the handicap parking spot on the southwest corner of the lot. Typically, the handicap spots are located closest to the front entrance and not across a drive aisle. Mr. Shay responded they did look at locating the third handicap accessible parking spot near the front door. The existing curb line and the closeness of the door makes it very difficult to meet ADA requirements without making significant changes to the layout. Aaron Chirpich asked if it was required to have three handicap accessible parking spots. Shay confirmed it was required based on their overall number of parking stalls. Chair Schmidt inquired if anyone in the audience would like to address the Planning Commission. Being that no one wanted to speak, Chair Schmidt asked for a motion to close the Public Hearing. Motion by Commissioner Landy, seconded by Commissioner Redden, to close the public hearing. All present voted in favor. Motion carried. Motion Item 4.1 Motion by Commissioner Clark, seconded by Commissioner Landy, to approve Planning Case 18-01, building and site plan review for renovation of an existing building and modification of a current drive through service lane to accommodate a second ordering board for the McDonald’s restaurant building located at 4201 Winnetka Ave N; Kevin Shay, petitioner, with the following condition: 1. The landscaping plan shall be updated to show details on how the green space on the south and east of the building will be landscaped with plantings, shrubs, and ground cover. Voting in favor: Clark, Brinkman, Mannix, Hanson, Schmidt, Landy, Smith, Redden Voting against: None Absent: Frazier Motion approved 8-0 Chair Schmidt stated the case will move forward to the February 26, 2018 City Council meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS Design and Review Committee Item 5.1 No meeting scheduled for next week. It is anticipated there will be no March Planning Commission meeting. Sargent clarified if there are no outstanding code issues the meeting would be cancelled. Codes and Standards No meeting scheduled and staff will let the committee know when one is 4 Planning Commission Meeting February 6, 2018 Committee Item 5.2 scheduled. NEW BUSINESS Al Brixius informed the Commission that a Comprehensive Plan meeting is scheduled for February 21, 2018 from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm. OLD BUSINESS Approval of Minutes Item 7.1 Motion by Commissioner Landy, seconded by Commissioner Mannix, to approve the Planning Commission minutes of January 2, 2018, Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS None ADJOURNMENT The Planning Commission meeting was unanimously adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jessi Weber, Recording Secretary